package; import htsjdk.samtools.util.BlockCompressedInputStream; import htsjdk.samtools.util.CloserUtil; import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.writer.VariantContextWriter; import htsjdk.variant.vcf.AbstractVCFCodec; import htsjdk.variant.vcf.VCFHeader; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; import; import com.github.lindenb.jvarkit.util.jcommander.Launcher; import com.github.lindenb.jvarkit.util.jcommander.Program; import com.github.lindenb.jvarkit.util.log.Logger; import com.github.lindenb.jvarkit.util.vcf.VCFUtils; @Program(name="vcfgetvariantbyIndex",description="Access a Plain or BGZF-compressed VCF file by index" ) public class VcfGetVariantByIndex extends Launcher { private static Logger; @Parameter(names="-o",description=" (out) output file. default stdout") private File outputFile=null; @Parameter(names="-i",description=" (file) list of 1-based indexes") private File fileListOfIndexes=null; private static final String STANDARD_EXTENSION=".ith"; private static abstract class IndexFile implements Closeable { protected File vcfFile; protected File indexFile; protected VCFUtils.CodecAndHeader cah; private RandomAccessFile rafile; private long count=0L; public IndexFile(File vcfFile) throws IOException { this.vcfFile=vcfFile; this.indexFile = new File( vcfFile.getParentFile(), vcfFile.getName()+STANDARD_EXTENSION ); } public VCFHeader getHeader() { return cah.header; } public AbstractVCFCodec getCodec() { return cah.codec; } public abstract int read() throws IOException; protected String readLine() throws IOException { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); int c; while ((c = >= 0 && c != '\n') buf.append((char) c); if (c < 0) return null; return buf.toString(); } public void open() throws IOException { if(this.indexFile.exists()) {"Index exists reading "+this.indexFile); openForReading(); } else {"Writing index for "+this.indexFile); openForBuilding(); } } protected abstract void openVcfFile() throws IOException; protected abstract long getFilePointer() throws IOException; private void openForBuilding() throws IOException { try { this.rafile=new RandomAccessFile(this.indexFile,"rw"); openVcfFile(); String line=null; List<String> headerLines=new ArrayList<>(); while((line=readLine())!=null) { headerLines.add(line); if(line.startsWith("#CHROM")) break; } VCFUtils.CodecAndHeader cah = VCFUtils.parseHeader(headerLines); this.cah=cah; this.count=0L; long virtualPtr=this.getFilePointer(); while((line=readLine())!=null) { this.rafile.writeLong(virtualPtr); this.count++; virtualPtr=this.getFilePointer(); } } catch(Exception err) { throw new IOException(err); } } private void openForReading() throws IOException { try { this.rafile=new RandomAccessFile(this.indexFile,"r"); openVcfFile(); String line=null; List<String> headerLines=new ArrayList<>(); while((line=readLine())!=null) { headerLines.add(line); if(line.startsWith("#CHROM")) break; } VCFUtils.CodecAndHeader cah = VCFUtils.parseHeader(headerLines); this.cah=cah; this.count = (this.indexFile.length()/8L); } catch(Exception err) { throw new IOException(err); } } public long getVirtualPtr(long index) throws IOException { if(index<0 || index>=this.count) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();*8);//8 =sizeof(long) return this.rafile.readLong(); } public abstract String getLine(long index) throws IOException; public long size() { return count; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { CloserUtil.close(this.rafile); this.rafile=null; this.cah=null; this.count=0; } } private static class BGZIndexFile extends IndexFile { private BlockCompressedInputStream bgzin=null; BGZIndexFile(File f) throws IOException { super(f); } @Override protected void openVcfFile() throws IOException { this.bgzin = new BlockCompressedInputStream(this.vcfFile); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { super.close(); CloserUtil.close(this.bgzin); this.bgzin=null; } @Override public int read() throws IOException { return; } @Override public String getLine(long index) throws IOException { long offset = getVirtualPtr(index);; return readLine(); } @Override protected long getFilePointer() throws IOException { return this.bgzin.getFilePointer(); } } private static class RandomAccessIndexFile extends IndexFile { RandomAccessFile vcfraf=null; RandomAccessIndexFile(File f) throws IOException { super(f); } @Override protected void openVcfFile() throws IOException { this.vcfraf=new RandomAccessFile(this.vcfFile, "r"); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { super.close(); CloserUtil.close(this.vcfraf); this.vcfraf=null; } @Override public int read() throws IOException { return; } @Override public String getLine(long index) throws IOException { long offset = getVirtualPtr(index);; return readLine(); } @Override protected long getFilePointer() throws IOException { return this.vcfraf.getFilePointer(); } } public int doWork(List<String> args) { if(this.fileListOfIndexes==null) { LOG.error("undefined list of indexes"); return -1; } if(args.size()!=1) { LOG.error("Expected only one vcf file on input"); return -1; } File vcfFile=new File(args.get(0)); VariantContextWriter w=null; IndexFile indexFile=null; BufferedReader r=null; String line; try {"Opening "+vcfFile); if(vcfFile.getName().endsWith(".vcf.gz")) { indexFile = new BGZIndexFile(vcfFile); } else if(vcfFile.getName().endsWith(".vcf")) { indexFile = new RandomAccessIndexFile(vcfFile); } else { LOG.error("Not a .vcf or .vcf.gz file: "+vcfFile); return -1; }; w = super.openVariantContextWriter(outputFile); w.writeHeader(indexFile.getHeader()); r=IOUtils.openFileForBufferedReading(fileListOfIndexes); while((line=r.readLine())!=null) { if(line.isEmpty() || line.startsWith("#")) continue; long ith; try { ith=Long.parseLong(line); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Bad index in "+line+" ignoring"); continue; } ith--;//0-based index if(ith<0 || ith>=indexFile.size()) { LOG.error("Index out of bound in "+line+" ignoring"); continue; } String varStr = indexFile.getLine(ith); w.add(indexFile.getCodec().decode(varStr)); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); return -1; } finally { CloserUtil.close(indexFile); CloserUtil.close(w); CloserUtil.close(r); } return 0; } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { new VcfGetVariantByIndex().instanceMain(args); } }