package org.bouncycastle.cms; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encodable; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Primitive; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERNull; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.KEKIdentifier; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.OriginatorInfo; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.kisa.KISAObjectIdentifiers; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.nist.NISTObjectIdentifiers; import; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.PKCSObjectIdentifiers; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.AlgorithmIdentifier; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x9.X9ObjectIdentifiers; import org.bouncycastle.cms.jcajce.JceKEKRecipientInfoGenerator; import org.bouncycastle.cms.jcajce.JceKeyAgreeRecipientInfoGenerator; import org.bouncycastle.cms.jcajce.JceKeyTransRecipientInfoGenerator; import org.bouncycastle.cms.jcajce.JcePasswordRecipientInfoGenerator; /** * General class for generating a CMS enveloped-data message. */ public class CMSEnvelopedGenerator { public static final String DES_EDE3_CBC = PKCSObjectIdentifiers.des_EDE3_CBC.getId(); public static final String RC2_CBC = PKCSObjectIdentifiers.RC2_CBC.getId(); public static final String IDEA_CBC = ""; public static final String CAST5_CBC = "1.2.840.113533.7.66.10"; public static final String AES128_CBC = NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_aes128_CBC.getId(); public static final String AES192_CBC = NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_aes192_CBC.getId(); public static final String AES256_CBC = NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_aes256_CBC.getId(); public static final String CAMELLIA128_CBC = NTTObjectIdentifiers.id_camellia128_cbc.getId(); public static final String CAMELLIA192_CBC = NTTObjectIdentifiers.id_camellia192_cbc.getId(); public static final String CAMELLIA256_CBC = NTTObjectIdentifiers.id_camellia256_cbc.getId(); public static final String SEED_CBC = KISAObjectIdentifiers.id_seedCBC.getId(); public static final String DES_EDE3_WRAP = PKCSObjectIdentifiers.id_alg_CMS3DESwrap.getId(); public static final String AES128_WRAP = NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_aes128_wrap.getId(); public static final String AES192_WRAP = NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_aes192_wrap.getId(); public static final String AES256_WRAP = NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_aes256_wrap.getId(); public static final String CAMELLIA128_WRAP = NTTObjectIdentifiers.id_camellia128_wrap.getId(); public static final String CAMELLIA192_WRAP = NTTObjectIdentifiers.id_camellia192_wrap.getId(); public static final String CAMELLIA256_WRAP = NTTObjectIdentifiers.id_camellia256_wrap.getId(); public static final String SEED_WRAP = KISAObjectIdentifiers.id_npki_app_cmsSeed_wrap.getId(); public static final String ECDH_SHA1KDF = X9ObjectIdentifiers.dhSinglePass_stdDH_sha1kdf_scheme.getId(); public static final String ECMQV_SHA1KDF = X9ObjectIdentifiers.mqvSinglePass_sha1kdf_scheme.getId(); List oldRecipientInfoGenerators = new ArrayList(); List recipientInfoGenerators = new ArrayList(); protected CMSAttributeTableGenerator unprotectedAttributeGenerator = null; SecureRandom rand; protected OriginatorInfo originatorInfo; /** * base constructor */ public CMSEnvelopedGenerator() { this(new SecureRandom()); } /** * constructor allowing specific source of randomness * @param rand instance of SecureRandom to use */ public CMSEnvelopedGenerator( SecureRandom rand) { this.rand = rand; } public void setUnprotectedAttributeGenerator(CMSAttributeTableGenerator unprotectedAttributeGenerator) { this.unprotectedAttributeGenerator = unprotectedAttributeGenerator; } public void setOriginatorInfo(OriginatorInformation originatorInfo) { this.originatorInfo = originatorInfo.toASN1Structure(); } /** * add a recipient. * * @deprecated use the addRecipientGenerator and JceKeyTransRecipientInfoGenerator * @param cert recipient's public key certificate * @exception IllegalArgumentException if there is a problem with the certificate */ public void addKeyTransRecipient( X509Certificate cert) throws IllegalArgumentException { try { oldRecipientInfoGenerators.add(new JceKeyTransRecipientInfoGenerator(cert)); } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to encode certificate: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * add a recipient * * @deprecated use the addRecipientGenerator and JceKeyTransRecipientInfoGenerator * @param key the public key used by the recipient * @param subKeyId the identifier for the recipient's public key * @exception IllegalArgumentException if there is a problem with the key */ public void addKeyTransRecipient( PublicKey key, byte[] subKeyId) throws IllegalArgumentException { oldRecipientInfoGenerators.add(new JceKeyTransRecipientInfoGenerator(subKeyId, key)); } /** * add a KEK recipient. * * @deprecated use the addRecipientGenerator and JceKEKRecipientInfoGenerator * @param key the secret key to use for wrapping * @param keyIdentifier the byte string that identifies the key */ public void addKEKRecipient( SecretKey key, byte[] keyIdentifier) { addKEKRecipient(key, new KEKIdentifier(keyIdentifier, null, null)); } /** * add a KEK recipient. * * @deprecated use the addRecipientGenerator and JceKEKRecipientInfoGenerator * @param key the secret key to use for wrapping * @param kekIdentifier a KEKIdentifier structure (identifies the key) */ public void addKEKRecipient( SecretKey key, KEKIdentifier kekIdentifier) { oldRecipientInfoGenerators.add(new JceKEKRecipientInfoGenerator(kekIdentifier, key)); } /** * @deprecated use addRecipientGenerator and JcePasswordRecipientInfoGenerator * @param pbeKey PBE key * @param kekAlgorithmOid key encryption algorithm to use. */ public void addPasswordRecipient( CMSPBEKey pbeKey, String kekAlgorithmOid) { oldRecipientInfoGenerators.add(new JcePasswordRecipientInfoGenerator(new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(kekAlgorithmOid), pbeKey.getPassword()) .setSaltAndIterationCount(pbeKey.getSalt(), pbeKey.getIterationCount()) .setPasswordConversionScheme((pbeKey instanceof PKCS5Scheme2UTF8PBEKey) ? PasswordRecipient.PKCS5_SCHEME2_UTF8 : PasswordRecipient.PKCS5_SCHEME2)); } /** * Add a key agreement based recipient. * * @deprecated use the addRecipientGenerator and JceKeyAgreeRecipientInfoGenerator * @param agreementAlgorithm key agreement algorithm to use. * @param senderPrivateKey private key to initialise sender side of agreement with. * @param senderPublicKey sender public key to include with message. * @param recipientCert recipient's public key certificate. * @param cekWrapAlgorithm OID for key wrapping algorithm to use. * @param provider provider to use for the agreement calculation. * @exception NoSuchProviderException if the specified provider cannot be found * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException if the algorithm requested cannot be found * @exception InvalidKeyException if the keys are inappropriate for the algorithm specified */ public void addKeyAgreementRecipient( String agreementAlgorithm, PrivateKey senderPrivateKey, PublicKey senderPublicKey, X509Certificate recipientCert, String cekWrapAlgorithm, String provider) throws NoSuchProviderException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException { addKeyAgreementRecipient(agreementAlgorithm, senderPrivateKey, senderPublicKey, recipientCert, cekWrapAlgorithm, CMSUtils.getProvider(provider)); } /** * Add a key agreement based recipient. * * @deprecated use the addRecipientGenerator and JceKeyAgreeRecipientInfoGenerator * @param agreementAlgorithm key agreement algorithm to use. * @param senderPrivateKey private key to initialise sender side of agreement with. * @param senderPublicKey sender public key to include with message. * @param recipientCert recipient's public key certificate. * @param cekWrapAlgorithm OID for key wrapping algorithm to use. * @param provider provider to use for the agreement calculation. * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException if the algorithm requested cannot be found * @exception InvalidKeyException if the keys are inappropriate for the algorithm specified */ public void addKeyAgreementRecipient( String agreementAlgorithm, PrivateKey senderPrivateKey, PublicKey senderPublicKey, X509Certificate recipientCert, String cekWrapAlgorithm, Provider provider) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException { List recipients = new ArrayList(); recipients.add(recipientCert); addKeyAgreementRecipients(agreementAlgorithm, senderPrivateKey, senderPublicKey, recipients, cekWrapAlgorithm, provider); } /** * Add multiple key agreement based recipients (sharing a single KeyAgreeRecipientInfo structure). * * @deprecated use the addRecipientGenerator and JceKeyAgreeRecipientInfoGenerator * @param agreementAlgorithm key agreement algorithm to use. * @param senderPrivateKey private key to initialise sender side of agreement with. * @param senderPublicKey sender public key to include with message. * @param recipientCerts recipients' public key certificates. * @param cekWrapAlgorithm OID for key wrapping algorithm to use. * @param provider provider to use for the agreement calculation. * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException if the algorithm requested cannot be found * @exception InvalidKeyException if the keys are inappropriate for the algorithm specified */ public void addKeyAgreementRecipients( String agreementAlgorithm, PrivateKey senderPrivateKey, PublicKey senderPublicKey, Collection recipientCerts, String cekWrapAlgorithm, String provider) throws NoSuchProviderException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException { addKeyAgreementRecipients(agreementAlgorithm, senderPrivateKey, senderPublicKey, recipientCerts, cekWrapAlgorithm, CMSUtils.getProvider(provider)); } /** * Add multiple key agreement based recipients (sharing a single KeyAgreeRecipientInfo structure). * * @deprecated use the addRecipientGenerator and JceKeyAgreeRecipientInfoGenerator * @param agreementAlgorithm key agreement algorithm to use. * @param senderPrivateKey private key to initialise sender side of agreement with. * @param senderPublicKey sender public key to include with message. * @param recipientCerts recipients' public key certificates. * @param cekWrapAlgorithm OID for key wrapping algorithm to use. * @param provider provider to use for the agreement calculation. * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException if the algorithm requested cannot be found * @exception InvalidKeyException if the keys are inappropriate for the algorithm specified */ public void addKeyAgreementRecipients( String agreementAlgorithm, PrivateKey senderPrivateKey, PublicKey senderPublicKey, Collection recipientCerts, String cekWrapAlgorithm, Provider provider) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException { JceKeyAgreeRecipientInfoGenerator recipientInfoGenerator = new JceKeyAgreeRecipientInfoGenerator(new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(agreementAlgorithm), senderPrivateKey, senderPublicKey, new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(cekWrapAlgorithm)).setProvider(provider); for (Iterator it = recipientCerts.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { try { recipientInfoGenerator.addRecipient((X509Certificate); } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to encode certificate: " + e.getMessage()); } } oldRecipientInfoGenerators.add(recipientInfoGenerator); } /** * Add a generator to produce the recipient info required. * * @param recipientGenerator a generator of a recipient info object. */ public void addRecipientInfoGenerator(RecipientInfoGenerator recipientGenerator) { recipientInfoGenerators.add(recipientGenerator); } protected AlgorithmIdentifier getAlgorithmIdentifier(String encryptionOID, AlgorithmParameters params) throws IOException { ASN1Encodable asn1Params; if (params != null) { asn1Params = ASN1Primitive.fromByteArray(params.getEncoded("ASN.1")); } else { asn1Params = DERNull.INSTANCE; } return new AlgorithmIdentifier( new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(encryptionOID), asn1Params); } protected void convertOldRecipients(SecureRandom rand, Provider provider) { for (Iterator it = oldRecipientInfoGenerators.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Object recipient =; if (recipient instanceof JceKeyTransRecipientInfoGenerator) { JceKeyTransRecipientInfoGenerator recip = (JceKeyTransRecipientInfoGenerator)recipient; if (provider != null) { recip.setProvider(provider); } recipientInfoGenerators.add(recip); } else if (recipient instanceof KEKRecipientInfoGenerator) { JceKEKRecipientInfoGenerator recip = (JceKEKRecipientInfoGenerator)recipient; if (provider != null) { recip.setProvider(provider); } recip.setSecureRandom(rand); recipientInfoGenerators.add(recip); } else if (recipient instanceof JcePasswordRecipientInfoGenerator) { JcePasswordRecipientInfoGenerator recip = (JcePasswordRecipientInfoGenerator)recipient; if (provider != null) { recip.setProvider(provider); } recip.setSecureRandom(rand); recipientInfoGenerators.add(recip); } else if (recipient instanceof JceKeyAgreeRecipientInfoGenerator) { JceKeyAgreeRecipientInfoGenerator recip = (JceKeyAgreeRecipientInfoGenerator)recipient; if (provider != null) { recip.setProvider(provider); } recip.setSecureRandom(rand); recipientInfoGenerators.add(recip); } } oldRecipientInfoGenerators.clear(); } }