package org.bouncycastle.crypto.tls; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encoding; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1InputStream; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Primitive; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.nist.NISTObjectIdentifiers; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.PKCSObjectIdentifiers; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Extensions; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.KeyUsage; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.SubjectPublicKeyInfo; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.X509ObjectIdentifiers; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Digest; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.MD5Digest; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.SHA1Digest; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.SHA224Digest; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.SHA256Digest; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.SHA384Digest; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.SHA512Digest; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.macs.HMac; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.AsymmetricKeyParameter; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.DSAPublicKeyParameters; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ECPublicKeyParameters; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.RSAKeyParameters; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.util.PublicKeyFactory; import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays; import org.bouncycastle.util.Integers; import org.bouncycastle.util.Strings; import; /** * Some helper functions for MicroTLS. */ public class TlsUtils { public static byte[] EMPTY_BYTES = new byte[0]; public static final Integer EXT_signature_algorithms = Integers.valueOf(ExtensionType.signature_algorithms); public static final Integer EXT_server_name_indication = Integers.valueOf(ExtensionType.server_name); public static void checkUint8(short i) throws IOException { if (!isValidUint8(i)) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.internal_error); } } public static void checkUint8(int i) throws IOException { if (!isValidUint8(i)) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.internal_error); } } public static void checkUint16(int i) throws IOException { if (!isValidUint16(i)) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.internal_error); } } public static void checkUint24(int i) throws IOException { if (!isValidUint24(i)) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.internal_error); } } public static void checkUint32(long i) throws IOException { if (!isValidUint32(i)) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.internal_error); } } public static void checkUint48(long i) throws IOException { if (!isValidUint48(i)) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.internal_error); } } public static void checkUint64(long i) throws IOException { if (!isValidUint64(i)) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.internal_error); } } public static boolean isValidUint8(short i) { return (i & 0xFF) == i; } public static boolean isValidUint8(int i) { return (i & 0xFF) == i; } public static boolean isValidUint16(int i) { return (i & 0xFFFF) == i; } public static boolean isValidUint24(int i) { return (i & 0xFFFFFF) == i; } public static boolean isValidUint32(long i) { return (i & 0xFFFFFFFFL) == i; } public static boolean isValidUint48(long i) { return (i & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFL) == i; } public static boolean isValidUint64(long i) { return true; } public static boolean isSSL(TlsContext context) { return context.getServerVersion().isSSL(); } public static boolean isTLSv11(TlsContext context) { return ProtocolVersion.TLSv11.isEqualOrEarlierVersionOf(context.getServerVersion().getEquivalentTLSVersion()); } public static boolean isTLSv12(TlsContext context) { return ProtocolVersion.TLSv12.isEqualOrEarlierVersionOf(context.getServerVersion().getEquivalentTLSVersion()); } public static void writeUint8(short i, OutputStream output) throws IOException { output.write(i); } public static void writeUint8(int i, OutputStream output) throws IOException { output.write(i); } public static void writeUint8(short i, byte[] buf, int offset) { buf[offset] = (byte)i; } public static void writeUint8(int i, byte[] buf, int offset) { buf[offset] = (byte)i; } public static void writeUint16(int i, OutputStream output) throws IOException { output.write(i >> 8); output.write(i); } public static void writeUint16(int i, byte[] buf, int offset) { buf[offset] = (byte)(i >> 8); buf[offset + 1] = (byte)i; } public static void writeUint24(int i, OutputStream output) throws IOException { output.write(i >> 16); output.write(i >> 8); output.write(i); } public static void writeUint24(int i, byte[] buf, int offset) { buf[offset] = (byte)(i >> 16); buf[offset + 1] = (byte)(i >> 8); buf[offset + 2] = (byte)(i); } public static void writeUint32(long i, OutputStream output) throws IOException { output.write((int)(i >> 24)); output.write((int)(i >> 16)); output.write((int)(i >> 8)); output.write((int)(i)); } public static void writeUint32(long i, byte[] buf, int offset) { buf[offset] = (byte)(i >> 24); buf[offset + 1] = (byte)(i >> 16); buf[offset + 2] = (byte)(i >> 8); buf[offset + 3] = (byte)(i); } public static void writeUint48(long i, OutputStream output) throws IOException { output.write((byte)(i >> 40)); output.write((byte)(i >> 32)); output.write((byte)(i >> 24)); output.write((byte)(i >> 16)); output.write((byte)(i >> 8)); output.write((byte)(i)); } public static void writeUint48(long i, byte[] buf, int offset) { buf[offset] = (byte)(i >> 40); buf[offset + 1] = (byte)(i >> 32); buf[offset + 2] = (byte)(i >> 24); buf[offset + 3] = (byte)(i >> 16); buf[offset + 4] = (byte)(i >> 8); buf[offset + 5] = (byte)(i); } public static void writeUint64(long i, OutputStream output) throws IOException { output.write((byte)(i >> 56)); output.write((byte)(i >> 48)); output.write((byte)(i >> 40)); output.write((byte)(i >> 32)); output.write((byte)(i >> 24)); output.write((byte)(i >> 16)); output.write((byte)(i >> 8)); output.write((byte)(i)); } public static void writeUint64(long i, byte[] buf, int offset) { buf[offset] = (byte)(i >> 56); buf[offset + 1] = (byte)(i >> 48); buf[offset + 2] = (byte)(i >> 40); buf[offset + 3] = (byte)(i >> 32); buf[offset + 4] = (byte)(i >> 24); buf[offset + 5] = (byte)(i >> 16); buf[offset + 6] = (byte)(i >> 8); buf[offset + 7] = (byte)(i); } public static void writeOpaque8(byte[] buf, OutputStream output) throws IOException { checkUint8(buf.length); writeUint8(buf.length, output); output.write(buf); } public static void writeOpaque16(byte[] buf, OutputStream output) throws IOException { checkUint16(buf.length); writeUint16(buf.length, output); output.write(buf); } public static void writeOpaque24(byte[] buf, OutputStream output) throws IOException { checkUint24(buf.length); writeUint24(buf.length, output); output.write(buf); } public static void writeUint8Array(short[] uints, OutputStream output) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < uints.length; ++i) { writeUint8(uints[i], output); } } public static void writeUint8Array(short[] uints, byte[] buf, int offset) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < uints.length; ++i) { writeUint8(uints[i], buf, offset); ++offset; } } public static void writeUint8ArrayWithUint8Length(short[] uints, OutputStream output) throws IOException { checkUint8(uints.length); writeUint8(uints.length, output); writeUint8Array(uints, output); } public static void writeUint8ArrayWithUint8Length(short[] uints, byte[] buf, int offset) throws IOException { checkUint8(uints.length); writeUint8(uints.length, buf, offset); writeUint8Array(uints, buf, offset + 1); } public static void writeUint16Array(int[] uints, OutputStream output) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < uints.length; ++i) { writeUint16(uints[i], output); } } public static void writeUint16Array(int[] uints, byte[] buf, int offset) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < uints.length; ++i) { writeUint16(uints[i], buf, offset); offset += 2; } } public static void writeUint16ArrayWithUint16Length(int[] uints, OutputStream output) throws IOException { int length = 2 * uints.length; checkUint16(length); writeUint16(length, output); writeUint16Array(uints, output); } public static void writeUint16ArrayWithUint16Length(int[] uints, byte[] buf, int offset) throws IOException { int length = 2 * uints.length; checkUint16(length); writeUint16(length, buf, offset); writeUint16Array(uints, buf, offset + 2); } public static byte[] encodeOpaque8(byte[] buf) throws IOException { checkUint8(buf.length); return Arrays.prepend(buf, (byte)buf.length); } public static byte[] encodeUint8ArrayWithUint8Length(short[] uints) throws IOException { byte[] result = new byte[1 + uints.length]; writeUint8ArrayWithUint8Length(uints, result, 0); return result; } public static byte[] encodeUint16ArrayWithUint16Length(int[] uints) throws IOException { int length = 2 * uints.length; byte[] result = new byte[2 + length]; writeUint16ArrayWithUint16Length(uints, result, 0); return result; } public static short readUint8(InputStream input) throws IOException { int i =; if (i < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } return (short)i; } public static short readUint8(byte[] buf, int offset) { return (short)buf[offset]; } public static int readUint16(InputStream input) throws IOException { int i1 =; int i2 =; if (i2 < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } return i1 << 8 | i2; } public static int readUint16(byte[] buf, int offset) { int n = (buf[offset] & 0xff) << 8; n |= (buf[++offset] & 0xff); return n; } public static int readUint24(InputStream input) throws IOException { int i1 =; int i2 =; int i3 =; if (i3 < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } return (i1 << 16) | (i2 << 8) | i3; } public static int readUint24(byte[] buf, int offset) { int n = (buf[offset] & 0xff) << 16; n |= (buf[++offset] & 0xff) << 8; n |= (buf[++offset] & 0xff); return n; } public static long readUint32(InputStream input) throws IOException { int i1 =; int i2 =; int i3 =; int i4 =; if (i4 < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } return (((long)i1) << 24) | (((long)i2) << 16) | (((long)i3) << 8) | ((long)i4); } public static long readUint48(InputStream input) throws IOException { int i1 =; int i2 =; int i3 =; int i4 =; int i5 =; int i6 =; if (i6 < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } return (((long)i1) << 40) | (((long)i2) << 32) | (((long)i3) << 24) | (((long)i4) << 16) | (((long)i5) << 8) | ((long)i6); } public static long readUint48(byte[] buf, int offset) { int hi = readUint24(buf, offset); int lo = readUint24(buf, offset + 3); return ((long)(hi & 0xffffffffL) << 24) | (long)(lo & 0xffffffffL); } public static byte[] readAllOrNothing(int length, InputStream input) throws IOException { if (length < 1) { return EMPTY_BYTES; } byte[] buf = new byte[length]; int read = Streams.readFully(input, buf); if (read == 0) { return null; } if (read != length) { throw new EOFException(); } return buf; } public static byte[] readFully(int length, InputStream input) throws IOException { if (length < 1) { return EMPTY_BYTES; } byte[] buf = new byte[length]; if (length != Streams.readFully(input, buf)) { throw new EOFException(); } return buf; } public static void readFully(byte[] buf, InputStream input) throws IOException { int length = buf.length; if (length > 0 && length != Streams.readFully(input, buf)) { throw new EOFException(); } } public static byte[] readOpaque8(InputStream input) throws IOException { short length = readUint8(input); return readFully(length, input); } public static byte[] readOpaque16(InputStream input) throws IOException { int length = readUint16(input); return readFully(length, input); } public static byte[] readOpaque24(InputStream input) throws IOException { int length = readUint24(input); return readFully(length, input); } public static short[] readUint8Array(int count, InputStream input) throws IOException { short[] uints = new short[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { uints[i] = readUint8(input); } return uints; } public static int[] readUint16Array(int count, InputStream input) throws IOException { int[] uints = new int[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { uints[i] = readUint16(input); } return uints; } public static ProtocolVersion readVersion(byte[] buf, int offset) throws IOException { return ProtocolVersion.get(buf[offset] & 0xFF, buf[offset + 1] & 0xFF); } public static ProtocolVersion readVersion(InputStream input) throws IOException { int i1 =; int i2 =; if (i2 < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } return ProtocolVersion.get(i1, i2); } public static int readVersionRaw(byte[] buf, int offset) throws IOException { return (buf[offset] << 8) | buf[offset + 1]; } public static int readVersionRaw(InputStream input) throws IOException { int i1 =; int i2 =; if (i2 < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } return (i1 << 8) | i2; } public static ASN1Primitive readASN1Object(byte[] encoding) throws IOException { ASN1InputStream asn1 = new ASN1InputStream(encoding); ASN1Primitive result = asn1.readObject(); if (null == result) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.decode_error); } if (null != asn1.readObject()) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.decode_error); } return result; } public static ASN1Primitive readDERObject(byte[] encoding) throws IOException { /* * NOTE: The current ASN.1 parsing code can't enforce DER-only parsing, but since DER is * canonical, we can check it by re-encoding the result and comparing to the original. */ ASN1Primitive result = readASN1Object(encoding); byte[] check = result.getEncoded(ASN1Encoding.DER); if (!Arrays.areEqual(check, encoding)) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.decode_error); } return result; } public static void writeGMTUnixTime(byte[] buf, int offset) { int t = (int)(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L); buf[offset] = (byte)(t >> 24); buf[offset + 1] = (byte)(t >> 16); buf[offset + 2] = (byte)(t >> 8); buf[offset + 3] = (byte)t; } public static void writeVersion(ProtocolVersion version, OutputStream output) throws IOException { output.write(version.getMajorVersion()); output.write(version.getMinorVersion()); } public static void writeVersion(ProtocolVersion version, byte[] buf, int offset) { buf[offset] = (byte)version.getMajorVersion(); buf[offset + 1] = (byte)version.getMinorVersion(); } public static Vector getDefaultDSSSignatureAlgorithms() { return vectorOfOne(new SignatureAndHashAlgorithm(HashAlgorithm.sha1, SignatureAlgorithm.dsa)); } public static Vector getDefaultECDSASignatureAlgorithms() { return vectorOfOne(new SignatureAndHashAlgorithm(HashAlgorithm.sha1, SignatureAlgorithm.ecdsa)); } public static Vector getDefaultRSASignatureAlgorithms() { return vectorOfOne(new SignatureAndHashAlgorithm(HashAlgorithm.sha1, SignatureAlgorithm.rsa)); } public static byte[] getExtensionData(Hashtable extensions, Integer extensionType) { return extensions == null ? null : (byte[])extensions.get(extensionType); } public static boolean hasExpectedEmptyExtensionData(Hashtable extensions, Integer extensionType, short alertDescription) throws IOException { byte[] extension_data = getExtensionData(extensions, extensionType); if (extension_data == null) { return false; } if (extension_data.length != 0) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(alertDescription); } return true; } public static TlsSession importSession(byte[] sessionID, SessionParameters sessionParameters) { return new TlsSessionImpl(sessionID, sessionParameters); } public static boolean isSignatureAlgorithmsExtensionAllowed(ProtocolVersion clientVersion) { return ProtocolVersion.TLSv12.isEqualOrEarlierVersionOf(clientVersion.getEquivalentTLSVersion()); } /** * Add a 'signature_algorithms' extension to existing extensions. * * @param extensions A {@link Hashtable} to add the extension to. * @param supportedSignatureAlgorithms {@link Vector} containing at least 1 {@link SignatureAndHashAlgorithm}. * @throws IOException */ public static void addSignatureAlgorithmsExtension(Hashtable extensions, Vector supportedSignatureAlgorithms) throws IOException { extensions.put(EXT_signature_algorithms, createSignatureAlgorithmsExtension(supportedSignatureAlgorithms)); } /** * Add a 'server_name_indication' extension to existing extensions. * * @param extensions A {@link Hashtable} to add the extension to. * @param server names {@link Vector} containing at least 1 server name. * @throws IOException */ public static void addServerNameIndicationExtension(Hashtable extensions, Vector serverNames) throws IOException { extensions.put(EXT_server_name_indication, createServerNameIndicationExtension(serverNames)); } /** * Get a 'signature_algorithms' extension from extensions. * * @param extensions A {@link Hashtable} to get the extension from, if it is present. * @return A {@link Vector} containing at least 1 {@link SignatureAndHashAlgorithm}, or null. * @throws IOException */ public static Vector getSignatureAlgorithmsExtension(Hashtable extensions) throws IOException { byte[] extensionData = getExtensionData(extensions, EXT_signature_algorithms); return extensionData == null ? null : readSignatureAlgorithmsExtension(extensionData); } /** * Create a 'signature_algorithms' extension value. * * @param supportedSignatureAlgorithms A {@link Vector} containing at least 1 {@link SignatureAndHashAlgorithm}. * @return A byte array suitable for use as an extension value. * @throws IOException */ public static byte[] createSignatureAlgorithmsExtension(Vector supportedSignatureAlgorithms) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // supported_signature_algorithms encodeSupportedSignatureAlgorithms(supportedSignatureAlgorithms, false, buf); return buf.toByteArray(); } /** * Read 'signature_algorithms' extension data. * * @param extensionData The extension data. * @return A {@link Vector} containing at least 1 {@link SignatureAndHashAlgorithm}. * @throws IOException */ public static Vector readSignatureAlgorithmsExtension(byte[] extensionData) throws IOException { if (extensionData == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'extensionData' cannot be null"); } ByteArrayInputStream buf = new ByteArrayInputStream(extensionData); // supported_signature_algorithms Vector supported_signature_algorithms = parseSupportedSignatureAlgorithms(false, buf); TlsProtocol.assertEmpty(buf); return supported_signature_algorithms; } public static void encodeSupportedSignatureAlgorithms(Vector supportedSignatureAlgorithms, boolean allowAnonymous, OutputStream output) throws IOException { if (supportedSignatureAlgorithms == null || supportedSignatureAlgorithms.size() < 1 || supportedSignatureAlgorithms.size() >= (1 << 15)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "'supportedSignatureAlgorithms' must have length from 1 to (2^15 - 1)"); } // supported_signature_algorithms int length = 2 * supportedSignatureAlgorithms.size(); TlsUtils.checkUint16(length); TlsUtils.writeUint16(length, output); for (int i = 0; i < supportedSignatureAlgorithms.size(); ++i) { SignatureAndHashAlgorithm entry = (SignatureAndHashAlgorithm)supportedSignatureAlgorithms.elementAt(i); if (!allowAnonymous && entry.getSignature() == SignatureAlgorithm.anonymous) { /* * RFC 5246 The "anonymous" value is meaningless in this context but used * in Section 7.4.3. It MUST NOT appear in this extension. */ throw new IllegalArgumentException( "SignatureAlgorithm.anonymous MUST NOT appear in the signature_algorithms extension"); } entry.encode(output); } } public static Vector parseSupportedSignatureAlgorithms(boolean allowAnonymous, InputStream input) throws IOException { // supported_signature_algorithms int length = TlsUtils.readUint16(input); if (length < 2 || (length & 1) != 0) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.decode_error); } int count = length / 2; Vector supportedSignatureAlgorithms = new Vector(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { SignatureAndHashAlgorithm entry = SignatureAndHashAlgorithm.parse(input); if (!allowAnonymous && entry.getSignature() == SignatureAlgorithm.anonymous) { /* * RFC 5246 The "anonymous" value is meaningless in this context but used * in Section 7.4.3. It MUST NOT appear in this extension. */ throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.illegal_parameter); } supportedSignatureAlgorithms.addElement(entry); } return supportedSignatureAlgorithms; } /** * Create a 'server_name_indication' extension value. * * @param serverNames A {@link Vector} containing at least 1 server name. * @return A byte array suitable for use as an extension value. * @throws IOException */ public static byte[] createServerNameIndicationExtension(Vector serverNames) throws IOException { if (serverNames == null || serverNames.size() < 1 || serverNames.size() >= (1 << 15)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "'serverNames' must have length from 1 to (2^15 - 1)"); } ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteArrayOutputStream serverList = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // add each (not empty) server name to the server name list for (int i = 0; i < serverNames.size(); ++i) { String serverName = (String)serverNames.elementAt(i); if (!serverName.isEmpty()) { serverList.write(0x00); // server name type host_name writeOpaque16(serverName.getBytes(), serverList); } } writeOpaque16(serverList.toByteArray(), buf); return buf.toByteArray(); } public static byte[] PRF(TlsContext context, byte[] secret, String asciiLabel, byte[] seed, int size) { ProtocolVersion version = context.getServerVersion(); if (version.isSSL()) { throw new IllegalStateException("No PRF available for SSLv3 session"); } byte[] label = Strings.toByteArray(asciiLabel); byte[] labelSeed = concat(label, seed); int prfAlgorithm = context.getSecurityParameters().getPrfAlgorithm(); if (prfAlgorithm == PRFAlgorithm.tls_prf_legacy) { return PRF_legacy(secret, label, labelSeed, size); } Digest prfDigest = createPRFHash(prfAlgorithm); byte[] buf = new byte[size]; hmac_hash(prfDigest, secret, labelSeed, buf); return buf; } static byte[] PRF_legacy(byte[] secret, byte[] label, byte[] labelSeed, int size) { int s_half = (secret.length + 1) / 2; byte[] s1 = new byte[s_half]; byte[] s2 = new byte[s_half]; System.arraycopy(secret, 0, s1, 0, s_half); System.arraycopy(secret, secret.length - s_half, s2, 0, s_half); byte[] b1 = new byte[size]; byte[] b2 = new byte[size]; hmac_hash(new MD5Digest(), s1, labelSeed, b1); hmac_hash(new SHA1Digest(), s2, labelSeed, b2); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { b1[i] ^= b2[i]; } return b1; } static byte[] concat(byte[] a, byte[] b) { byte[] c = new byte[a.length + b.length]; System.arraycopy(a, 0, c, 0, a.length); System.arraycopy(b, 0, c, a.length, b.length); return c; } static void hmac_hash(Digest digest, byte[] secret, byte[] seed, byte[] out) { HMac mac = new HMac(digest); KeyParameter param = new KeyParameter(secret); byte[] a = seed; int size = digest.getDigestSize(); int iterations = (out.length + size - 1) / size; byte[] buf = new byte[mac.getMacSize()]; byte[] buf2 = new byte[mac.getMacSize()]; for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { mac.init(param); mac.update(a, 0, a.length); mac.doFinal(buf, 0); a = buf; mac.init(param); mac.update(a, 0, a.length); mac.update(seed, 0, seed.length); mac.doFinal(buf2, 0); System.arraycopy(buf2, 0, out, (size * i), Math.min(size, out.length - (size * i))); } } static void validateKeyUsage(org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Certificate c, int keyUsageBits) throws IOException { Extensions exts = c.getTBSCertificate().getExtensions(); if (exts != null) { KeyUsage ku = KeyUsage.fromExtensions(exts); if (ku != null) { int bits = ku.getBytes()[0] & 0xff; if ((bits & keyUsageBits) != keyUsageBits) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.certificate_unknown); } } } } static byte[] calculateKeyBlock(TlsContext context, int size) { SecurityParameters securityParameters = context.getSecurityParameters(); byte[] master_secret = securityParameters.getMasterSecret(); byte[] seed = concat(securityParameters.getServerRandom(), securityParameters.getClientRandom()); if (isSSL(context)) { return calculateKeyBlock_SSL(master_secret, seed, size); } return PRF(context, master_secret, ExporterLabel.key_expansion, seed, size); } static byte[] calculateKeyBlock_SSL(byte[] master_secret, byte[] random, int size) { Digest md5 = new MD5Digest(); Digest sha1 = new SHA1Digest(); int md5Size = md5.getDigestSize(); byte[] shatmp = new byte[sha1.getDigestSize()]; byte[] tmp = new byte[size + md5Size]; int i = 0, pos = 0; while (pos < size) { byte[] ssl3Const = SSL3_CONST[i]; sha1.update(ssl3Const, 0, ssl3Const.length); sha1.update(master_secret, 0, master_secret.length); sha1.update(random, 0, random.length); sha1.doFinal(shatmp, 0); md5.update(master_secret, 0, master_secret.length); md5.update(shatmp, 0, shatmp.length); md5.doFinal(tmp, pos); pos += md5Size; ++i; } byte rval[] = new byte[size]; System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, rval, 0, size); return rval; } static byte[] calculateMasterSecret(TlsContext context, byte[] pre_master_secret) { SecurityParameters securityParameters = context.getSecurityParameters(); byte[] seed = concat(securityParameters.getClientRandom(), securityParameters.getServerRandom()); if (isSSL(context)) { return calculateMasterSecret_SSL(pre_master_secret, seed); } return PRF(context, pre_master_secret, ExporterLabel.master_secret, seed, 48); } static byte[] calculateMasterSecret_SSL(byte[] pre_master_secret, byte[] random) { Digest md5 = new MD5Digest(); Digest sha1 = new SHA1Digest(); int md5Size = md5.getDigestSize(); byte[] shatmp = new byte[sha1.getDigestSize()]; byte[] rval = new byte[md5Size * 3]; int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { byte[] ssl3Const = SSL3_CONST[i]; sha1.update(ssl3Const, 0, ssl3Const.length); sha1.update(pre_master_secret, 0, pre_master_secret.length); sha1.update(random, 0, random.length); sha1.doFinal(shatmp, 0); md5.update(pre_master_secret, 0, pre_master_secret.length); md5.update(shatmp, 0, shatmp.length); md5.doFinal(rval, pos); pos += md5Size; } return rval; } static byte[] calculateVerifyData(TlsContext context, String asciiLabel, byte[] handshakeHash) { if (isSSL(context)) { return handshakeHash; } SecurityParameters securityParameters = context.getSecurityParameters(); byte[] master_secret = securityParameters.getMasterSecret(); int verify_data_length = securityParameters.getVerifyDataLength(); return PRF(context, master_secret, asciiLabel, handshakeHash, verify_data_length); } public static final Digest createHash(int hashAlgorithm) { switch (hashAlgorithm) { case HashAlgorithm.md5: return new MD5Digest(); case HashAlgorithm.sha1: return new SHA1Digest(); case HashAlgorithm.sha224: return new SHA224Digest(); case HashAlgorithm.sha256: return new SHA256Digest(); case HashAlgorithm.sha384: return new SHA384Digest(); case HashAlgorithm.sha512: return new SHA512Digest(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown HashAlgorithm"); } } public static final Digest cloneHash(int hashAlgorithm, Digest hash) { switch (hashAlgorithm) { case HashAlgorithm.md5: return new MD5Digest((MD5Digest)hash); case HashAlgorithm.sha1: return new SHA1Digest((SHA1Digest)hash); case HashAlgorithm.sha224: return new SHA224Digest((SHA224Digest)hash); case HashAlgorithm.sha256: return new SHA256Digest((SHA256Digest)hash); case HashAlgorithm.sha384: return new SHA384Digest((SHA384Digest)hash); case HashAlgorithm.sha512: return new SHA512Digest((SHA512Digest)hash); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown HashAlgorithm"); } } public static final Digest createPRFHash(int prfAlgorithm) { switch (prfAlgorithm) { case PRFAlgorithm.tls_prf_legacy: return new CombinedHash(); default: return createHash(getHashAlgorithmForPRFAlgorithm(prfAlgorithm)); } } public static final Digest clonePRFHash(int prfAlgorithm, Digest hash) { switch (prfAlgorithm) { case PRFAlgorithm.tls_prf_legacy: return new CombinedHash((CombinedHash)hash); default: return cloneHash(getHashAlgorithmForPRFAlgorithm(prfAlgorithm), hash); } } public static final short getHashAlgorithmForPRFAlgorithm(int prfAlgorithm) { switch (prfAlgorithm) { case PRFAlgorithm.tls_prf_legacy: throw new IllegalArgumentException("legacy PRF not a valid algorithm"); case PRFAlgorithm.tls_prf_sha256: return HashAlgorithm.sha256; case PRFAlgorithm.tls_prf_sha384: return HashAlgorithm.sha384; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown PRFAlgorithm"); } } public static ASN1ObjectIdentifier getOIDForHashAlgorithm(int hashAlgorithm) { switch (hashAlgorithm) { case HashAlgorithm.md5: return PKCSObjectIdentifiers.md5; case HashAlgorithm.sha1: return X509ObjectIdentifiers.id_SHA1; case HashAlgorithm.sha224: return NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_sha224; case HashAlgorithm.sha256: return NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_sha256; case HashAlgorithm.sha384: return NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_sha384; case HashAlgorithm.sha512: return NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_sha512; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown HashAlgorithm"); } } static short getClientCertificateType(Certificate clientCertificate, Certificate serverCertificate) throws IOException { if (clientCertificate.isEmpty()) { return -1; } org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Certificate x509Cert = clientCertificate.getCertificateAt(0); SubjectPublicKeyInfo keyInfo = x509Cert.getSubjectPublicKeyInfo(); try { AsymmetricKeyParameter publicKey = PublicKeyFactory.createKey(keyInfo); if (publicKey.isPrivate()) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.internal_error); } /* * TODO RFC 5246 7.4.6. The certificates MUST be signed using an acceptable hash/ * signature algorithm pair, as described in Section 7.4.4. Note that this relaxes the * constraints on certificate-signing algorithms found in prior versions of TLS. */ /* * RFC 5246 7.4.6. Client Certificate */ /* * RSA public key; the certificate MUST allow the key to be used for signing with the * signature scheme and hash algorithm that will be employed in the certificate verify * message. */ if (publicKey instanceof RSAKeyParameters) { validateKeyUsage(x509Cert, KeyUsage.digitalSignature); return ClientCertificateType.rsa_sign; } /* * DSA public key; the certificate MUST allow the key to be used for signing with the * hash algorithm that will be employed in the certificate verify message. */ if (publicKey instanceof DSAPublicKeyParameters) { validateKeyUsage(x509Cert, KeyUsage.digitalSignature); return ClientCertificateType.dss_sign; } /* * ECDSA-capable public key; the certificate MUST allow the key to be used for signing * with the hash algorithm that will be employed in the certificate verify message; the * public key MUST use a curve and point format supported by the server. */ if (publicKey instanceof ECPublicKeyParameters) { validateKeyUsage(x509Cert, KeyUsage.digitalSignature); // TODO Check the curve and point format return ClientCertificateType.ecdsa_sign; } // TODO Add support for ClientCertificateType.*_fixed_* } catch (Exception e) { } throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.unsupported_certificate); } public static boolean hasSigningCapability(short clientCertificateType) { switch (clientCertificateType) { case ClientCertificateType.dss_sign: case ClientCertificateType.ecdsa_sign: case ClientCertificateType.rsa_sign: return true; default: return false; } } public static TlsSigner createTlsSigner(short clientCertificateType) { switch (clientCertificateType) { case ClientCertificateType.dss_sign: return new TlsDSSSigner(); case ClientCertificateType.ecdsa_sign: return new TlsECDSASigner(); case ClientCertificateType.rsa_sign: return new TlsRSASigner(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("'clientCertificateType' is not a type with signing capability"); } } static final byte[] SSL_CLIENT = {0x43, 0x4C, 0x4E, 0x54}; static final byte[] SSL_SERVER = {0x53, 0x52, 0x56, 0x52}; // SSL3 magic mix constants ("A", "BB", "CCC", ...) static final byte[][] SSL3_CONST = genConst(); private static byte[][] genConst() { int n = 10; byte[][] arr = new byte[n][]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { byte[] b = new byte[i + 1]; Arrays.fill(b, (byte)('A' + i)); arr[i] = b; } return arr; } private static Vector vectorOfOne(Object obj) { Vector v = new Vector(1); v.addElement(obj); return v; } }