package org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.test; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Random; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Encoder; public abstract class AbstractCoderTest extends TestCase { private static final int[] SIZES_TO_CHECK = {64, 128, 1024, 1025, 1026, 2048, 2049, 2050, 4096, 4097, 4098, 8192, 8193, 8194}; protected Encoder enc; private Random r; AbstractCoderTest( String name) { super(name); } protected void setUp() { r = new Random(); } private void checkArrayOfSize(int size) throws IOException { byte[] original = new byte[size]; r.nextBytes(original); ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); enc.encode(original, 0, original.length, bOut); byte[] encoded = bOut.toByteArray(); assertTrue(encoded.length > original.length); assertTrue(encoded.length <= (original.length * 2)); checkEncoding(encoded); checkSimpleDecode(original, encoded); checkStringDecode(original, encoded); checkOutputStreamDecode(original, encoded); int offset = r.nextInt(20); byte[] offsetEncoded = new byte[offset + encoded.length]; System.arraycopy(encoded, 0, offsetEncoded, offset, encoded.length); checkOffsetDecode(original, offsetEncoded, offset, encoded.length); offset = r.nextInt(20); byte[] offsetOriginal = new byte[offset + original.length]; System.arraycopy(original, 0, offsetOriginal, offset, original.length); checkOffsetEncode(original, offsetOriginal, offset, original.length); byte[] encodedWithSpace = addWhitespace(encoded); checkSimpleDecode(original, encodedWithSpace); checkStringDecode(original, encodedWithSpace); checkOutputStreamDecode(original, encodedWithSpace); } public void testEncode() throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < SIZES_TO_CHECK.length; i++) { checkArrayOfSize(SIZES_TO_CHECK[i]); } } private void checkEncoding(byte[] encoded) { String encString = convertBytesToString(encoded); for (int i = 0; i < encString.length(); i++) { char c = encString.charAt(i); if (c == paddingChar()) { // should only be padding at end of string assertTrue(i > encString.length() - 3); continue; } else if (isEncodedChar(c)) { continue; } fail("Unexpected encoded character " + c); } } private void checkOutputStreamDecode(byte[] original, byte[] encoded) { String encString = convertBytesToString(encoded); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { assertEquals(original.length, enc.decode(encString, out)); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(original, out.toByteArray())); } catch (IOException e) { fail("This shouldn't happen"); } } private void checkSimpleDecode(byte[] original, byte[] encoded) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); enc.decode(encoded, 0, encoded.length, bOut); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(original, bOut.toByteArray())); } private void checkOffsetEncode(byte[] original, byte[] offsetOriginal, int off, int length) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); enc.encode(offsetOriginal, off, length, bOut); byte[] encoded = bOut.toByteArray(); bOut.reset(); enc.decode(encoded, 0, encoded.length, bOut); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(original, bOut.toByteArray())); } private void checkOffsetDecode(byte[] original, byte[] encoded, int off, int length) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); enc.decode(encoded, off, length, bOut); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(original, bOut.toByteArray())); } private void checkStringDecode(byte[] original, byte[] encoded) throws IOException { String encString = convertBytesToString(encoded); ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); enc.decode(encString, bOut); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(original, bOut.toByteArray())); } private byte[] addWhitespace(byte[] encoded) { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); addSpace(out); for (int i = 0; i < encoded.length - 5; i++) { out.write(encoded, i, 1); if (r.nextInt(100) < 5) { addSpace(out); } } for (int i = encoded.length - 5; i < encoded.length; i++) { out.write(encoded, i, 1); } addSpace(out); return out.toByteArray(); } private void addSpace(ByteArrayOutputStream out) { do { switch (r.nextInt(3)) { case 0 : out.write((int) '\n'); break; case 1 : out.write((int) '\r'); break; case 2 : out.write((int) '\t'); break; case 3 : out.write((int) ' '); break; } } while (r.nextBoolean()); } private String convertBytesToString(byte[] encoded) { StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i != encoded.length; i++) { b.append((char)(encoded[i] & 0xff)); } return b.toString(); } abstract protected char paddingChar(); abstract protected boolean isEncodedChar(char c); }