package org.bouncycastle.crypto.test.speedy; import; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.CipherParameters; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.KeyGenerationParameters; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Mac; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.SHA1Digest; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines.AESFastEngine; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines.NullEngine; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.generators.Poly1305KeyGenerator; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.macs.CMac; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.macs.GMac; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.macs.HMac; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.macs.Poly1305; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.macs.SipHash; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.macs.SkeinMac; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.modes.GCMBlockCipher; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ParametersWithIV; /** * Microbenchmark of MACs on short, medium, long messages, with optional object creation cost. */ public class MacThroughputTest { private static final long CLOCK_SPEED = 2400000000L; private static final SecureRandom RANDOM = new SecureRandom(); private static Poly1305KeyGenerator kg = new Poly1305KeyGenerator();; private static final byte[] SHORT_MESSAGE = new byte[16]; private static final byte[] MEDIUM_MESSAGE = new byte[256]; private static final byte[] LONG_MESSAGE = new byte[8192]; static { RANDOM.nextBytes(SHORT_MESSAGE); RANDOM.nextBytes(MEDIUM_MESSAGE); RANDOM.nextBytes(LONG_MESSAGE); } private static final int SHORT_MESSAGE_COUNT = 20000000; private static final int MEDIUM_MESSAGE_COUNT = 2200000; private static final int LONG_MESSAGE_COUNT = 80000; static { kg.init(new KeyGenerationParameters(RANDOM, 256)); } private static KeyParameter generatePoly1305Key() { return new KeyParameter(kg.generateKey()); } public static void main(String[] args) { testMac(new HMac(new SHA1Digest()), new KeyParameter(generateNonce(20)), 3); testMac(new SkeinMac(SkeinMac.SKEIN_512, 128), new KeyParameter(generateNonce(64)), 2); testMac(new SipHash(), new KeyParameter(generateNonce(16)), 1); testMac(new CMac(new AESFastEngine()), new KeyParameter(generateNonce(16)), 3); testMac(new GMac(new GCMBlockCipher(new AESFastEngine())), new ParametersWithIV(new KeyParameter( generateNonce(16)), generateNonce(16)), 5); testMac(new Poly1305(new NullEngine(16)), new ParametersWithIV(generatePoly1305Key(), generateNonce(16)), 1); testMac(new Poly1305(new AESFastEngine()), new ParametersWithIV(generatePoly1305Key(), generateNonce(16)), 1); testMac(new Poly1305Reference(new NullEngine(16)), new ParametersWithIV(generatePoly1305Key(), generateNonce(16)), 1); } private static byte[] generateNonce(int sizeBytes) { byte[] nonce = new byte[16]; RANDOM.nextBytes(nonce); return nonce; } private static void testMac(Mac mac, CipherParameters params, int rateFactor) { System.out.println("========================="); long total = testRun(mac, params, false, MEDIUM_MESSAGE, adjust(MEDIUM_MESSAGE_COUNT, rateFactor)); System.out.printf("%s Warmup 1 run time: %,d ms\n", mac.getAlgorithmName(), total / 1000000); total = testRun(mac, params, false, MEDIUM_MESSAGE, adjust(MEDIUM_MESSAGE_COUNT, rateFactor)); System.out.printf("%s Warmup 2 run time: %,d ms\n", mac.getAlgorithmName(), total / 1000000); System.gc(); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } test("Short", mac, params, false, SHORT_MESSAGE, adjust(SHORT_MESSAGE_COUNT, rateFactor)); // test("Short", mac, params, true, SHORT_MESSAGE, adjust(SHORT_MESSAGE_COUNT, rateFactor)); test("Medium", mac, params, false, MEDIUM_MESSAGE, adjust(MEDIUM_MESSAGE_COUNT, rateFactor)); // test("Medium", mac, params, true, MEDIUM_MESSAGE, adjust(MEDIUM_MESSAGE_COUNT, // rateFactor)); test("Long", mac, params, false, LONG_MESSAGE, adjust(LONG_MESSAGE_COUNT, rateFactor)); // test("Long", mac, params, true, LONG_MESSAGE, adjust(LONG_MESSAGE_COUNT, rateFactor)); } private static int adjust(int iterationCount, int rateFactor) { return (int)(iterationCount * (1.0f / rateFactor)); } private static void test(String name, Mac mac, CipherParameters params, boolean initPerMessage, byte[] message, int adjustedCount) { System.out.println("========================="); long total = testRun(mac, params, initPerMessage, message, adjustedCount); long averageRuntime = total / adjustedCount; System.out.printf("%s %-7s%s Total run time: %,d ms\n", mac.getAlgorithmName(), name, initPerMessage ? "*" : " ", total / 1000000); System.out.printf("%s %-7s%s Average run time: %,d ns\n", mac.getAlgorithmName(), name, initPerMessage ? "*" : " ", averageRuntime); final long mbPerSecond = (long)((double)message.length / averageRuntime * 1000000000 / (1024 * 1024)); System.out.printf("%s %-7s%s Average speed: %,d MB/s\n", mac.getAlgorithmName(), name, initPerMessage ? "*" : " ", mbPerSecond); System.out.printf("%s %-7s%s Average speed: %,f c/b\n", mac.getAlgorithmName(), name, initPerMessage ? "*" : " ", CLOCK_SPEED / (double)(mbPerSecond * (1024 * 1024))); } private static long testRun(Mac mac, CipherParameters params, boolean initPerMessage, byte[] message, int adjustedCount) { byte[] out = new byte[mac.getMacSize()]; if (!initPerMessage) { mac.init(params); } long start = System.nanoTime(); for (int i = 0; i < adjustedCount; i++) { if (initPerMessage) { mac.init(params); } mac.update(message, 0, message.length); mac.doFinal(out, 0); } long total = System.nanoTime() - start; return total; } }