package org.bouncycastle.pqc.crypto.rainbow; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.CipherParameters; public class RainbowParameters implements CipherParameters { /** * DEFAULT PARAMS */ /* * Vi = vinegars per layer whereas n is vu (vu = 33 = n) such that * * v1 = 6; o1 = 12-6 = 6 * * v2 = 12; o2 = 17-12 = 5 * * v3 = 17; o3 = 22-17 = 5 * * v4 = 22; o4 = 33-22 = 11 * * v5 = 33; (o5 = 0) */ private final int[] DEFAULT_VI = {6, 12, 17, 22, 33}; private int[] vi;// set of vinegar vars per layer. /** * Default Constructor The elements of the array containing the number of * Vinegar variables in each layer are set to the default values here. */ public RainbowParameters() { = this.DEFAULT_VI; } /** * Constructor with parameters * * @param vi The elements of the array containing the number of Vinegar * variables per layer are set to the values of the input array. */ public RainbowParameters(int[] vi) { = vi; try { checkParams(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void checkParams() throws Exception { if (vi == null) { throw new Exception("no layers defined."); } if (vi.length > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < vi.length - 1; i++) { if (vi[i] >= vi[i + 1]) { throw new Exception( "v[i] has to be smaller than v[i+1]"); } } } else { throw new Exception( "Rainbow needs at least 1 layer, such that v1 < v2."); } } /** * Getter for the number of layers * * @return the number of layers */ public int getNumOfLayers() { return - 1; } /** * Getter for the number of all the polynomials in Rainbow * * @return the number of the polynomials */ public int getDocLength() { return vi[vi.length - 1] - vi[0]; } /** * Getter for the array containing the number of Vinegar-variables per layer * * @return the numbers of vinegars per layer */ public int[] getVi() { return; } }