package org.bouncycastle.operator.bc; import; import; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.AlgorithmIdentifier; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.SubjectPublicKeyInfo; import org.bouncycastle.cert.X509CertificateHolder; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Signer; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.AsymmetricKeyParameter; import org.bouncycastle.operator.ContentVerifier; import org.bouncycastle.operator.ContentVerifierProvider; import org.bouncycastle.operator.OperatorCreationException; public abstract class BcContentVerifierProviderBuilder { protected BcDigestProvider digestProvider; public BcContentVerifierProviderBuilder() { this.digestProvider = BcDefaultDigestProvider.INSTANCE; } public ContentVerifierProvider build(final X509CertificateHolder certHolder) throws OperatorCreationException { return new ContentVerifierProvider() { public boolean hasAssociatedCertificate() { return true; } public X509CertificateHolder getAssociatedCertificate() { return certHolder; } public ContentVerifier get(AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm) throws OperatorCreationException { try { AsymmetricKeyParameter publicKey = extractKeyParameters(certHolder.getSubjectPublicKeyInfo()); BcSignerOutputStream stream = createSignatureStream(algorithm, publicKey); return new SigVerifier(algorithm, stream); } catch (IOException e) { throw new OperatorCreationException("exception on setup: " + e, e); } } }; } public ContentVerifierProvider build(final AsymmetricKeyParameter publicKey) throws OperatorCreationException { return new ContentVerifierProvider() { public boolean hasAssociatedCertificate() { return false; } public X509CertificateHolder getAssociatedCertificate() { return null; } public ContentVerifier get(AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm) throws OperatorCreationException { BcSignerOutputStream stream = createSignatureStream(algorithm, publicKey); return new SigVerifier(algorithm, stream); } }; } private BcSignerOutputStream createSignatureStream(AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm, AsymmetricKeyParameter publicKey) throws OperatorCreationException { Signer sig = createSigner(algorithm); sig.init(false, publicKey); return new BcSignerOutputStream(sig); } /** * Extract an AsymmetricKeyParameter from the passed in SubjectPublicKeyInfo structure. * * @param publicKeyInfo a publicKeyInfo structure describing the public key required. * @return an AsymmetricKeyParameter object containing the appropriate public key. * @throws IOException if the publicKeyInfo data cannot be parsed, */ protected abstract AsymmetricKeyParameter extractKeyParameters(SubjectPublicKeyInfo publicKeyInfo) throws IOException; /** * Create the correct signer for the algorithm identifier sigAlgId. * * @param sigAlgId the algorithm details for the signature we want to verify. * @return a Signer object. * @throws OperatorCreationException if the Signer cannot be constructed. */ protected abstract Signer createSigner(AlgorithmIdentifier sigAlgId) throws OperatorCreationException; private class SigVerifier implements ContentVerifier { private BcSignerOutputStream stream; private AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm; SigVerifier(AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm, BcSignerOutputStream stream) { this.algorithm = algorithm; = stream; } public AlgorithmIdentifier getAlgorithmIdentifier() { return algorithm; } public OutputStream getOutputStream() { if (stream == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("verifier not initialised"); } return stream; } public boolean verify(byte[] expected) { return stream.verify(expected); } } }