package org.bouncycastle.cms; import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays; public class KEKRecipientId extends RecipientId { private byte[] keyIdentifier; /** * Construct a recipient ID with the key identifier of a KEK recipient. * * @param keyIdentifier a subjectKeyId */ public KEKRecipientId(byte[] keyIdentifier) { super(kek); this.keyIdentifier = keyIdentifier; } public int hashCode() { return Arrays.hashCode(keyIdentifier); } public boolean equals( Object o) { if (!(o instanceof KEKRecipientId)) { return false; } KEKRecipientId id = (KEKRecipientId)o; return Arrays.areEqual(keyIdentifier, id.keyIdentifier); } public byte[] getKeyIdentifier() { return Arrays.clone(keyIdentifier); } public Object clone() { return new KEKRecipientId(keyIdentifier); } public boolean match(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof byte[]) { return Arrays.areEqual(keyIdentifier, (byte[])obj); } else if (obj instanceof KEKRecipientInformation) { return ((KEKRecipientInformation)obj).getRID().equals(this); } return false; } }