package; import; import; import; import; public abstract class BasicMesh { private final static int INVALIDATE_COUNT = -1; public final static int DEFAULT_VERTEX_COUNT = 4; public final static int MIN_VERTEX_COUNT = 2; public final static int MAX_VERTEX_COUNT = 5000; public final static int DEFAULT_INDEX_COUNT = 0; public final static int MIN_INDEX_COUNT = 0; public final static int MAX_INDEX_COUNT = 7500; private int vertexCount = INVALIDATE_COUNT; private int indexCount = INVALIDATE_COUNT; VertexAttributes attributes; private boolean mHasTexcoordsAttr = false; private boolean mHasColorAttr = false; /** * {@link GL20#GL_LINES} * {@link GL20#GL_LINE_LOOP} * {@link GL20#GL_LINE_STRIP} * {@link GL20#GL_TRIANGLES} * {@link GL20#GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP} * {@link GL20#GL_TRIANGLE_FAN} */ int drawMode = GL20.GL_TRIANGLES; protected BasicMesh() { } public BasicMesh(VertexAttribute... attributes) { this(GL20.GL_TRIANGLES, attributes); } public BasicMesh(int drawMode, VertexAttribute... attributes) { setVertexAttributes(attributes); this.drawMode = drawMode; } public void setVertexAttributes(VertexAttribute[] attributes) { for (VertexAttribute a : attributes) { if (a.usage == Usage.TextureCoordinates) { mHasTexcoordsAttr = true; } if (a.usage == Usage.Color || a.usage == Usage.ColorPacked) { mHasColorAttr = true; } } this.attributes = new VertexAttributes(attributes); } public final int getVertexCount() { if (this.vertexCount == INVALIDATE_COUNT) { throw new IllegalStateException("vertexCount is invalidate"); } return this.vertexCount; } public final void setVertexCount(int vertexCount) { if (this.vertexCount == INVALIDATE_COUNT) { if (vertexCount > MAX_VERTEX_COUNT) { throw new IllegalStateException("vertexCount larger than " + MAX_VERTEX_COUNT); } if (vertexCount < MIN_VERTEX_COUNT) { throw new IllegalStateException("vertexCount less than " + MIN_VERTEX_COUNT); } this.vertexCount = vertexCount; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Can not change the constant value vertexCount"); } } public final int getIndexCount() { return indexCount; } public final void setIndexCount(int indexCount) { if (this.indexCount == INVALIDATE_COUNT) { if (indexCount > MAX_INDEX_COUNT) { throw new IllegalStateException("indexCount larger than " + MAX_INDEX_COUNT); } if (indexCount < MIN_INDEX_COUNT) { throw new IllegalStateException("indexCount less than " + MIN_INDEX_COUNT); } this.indexCount = indexCount; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Can not change the constant value indexCount"); } } public VertexAttributes getVertexAttributes() { return attributes; } public final int getDrawMode() { return drawMode; } public final float[] getVertices() { float[] vertices = generateVertices(); if (vertices.length * 4 > getVertexCount() * attributes.vertexSize) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("vertices too large!"); } return vertices; } public final short[] getIndices() { short[] indices = generateIndices(); if (indices.length > getIndexCount()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("indices too large!"); } return indices; } public float[] generateVertices() { return new float[]{}; } public short[] generateIndices() { return new short[]{}; } public final Object getKey() { return generateKey(); } Object generateKey() { return this; } public final boolean hasTexCoordsAttr() { return mHasTexcoordsAttr; } public final boolean hasColorAttr() { return mHasColorAttr; } public boolean needReload() { return true; } }