package org.ggp.base.util.prover.aima; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.GdlUtils; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.Gdl; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlConstant; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlDistinct; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlLiteral; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlNot; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlOr; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlPool; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlRule; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlSentence; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlVariable; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.transforms.DistinctAndNotMover; import org.ggp.base.util.prover.Prover; import org.ggp.base.util.prover.aima.cache.ProverCache; import org.ggp.base.util.prover.aima.knowledge.KnowledgeBase; import org.ggp.base.util.prover.aima.renamer.VariableRenamer; import org.ggp.base.util.prover.aima.substituter.Substituter; import org.ggp.base.util.prover.aima.substitution.Substitution; import org.ggp.base.util.prover.aima.unifier.Unifier; import; import; import; import; public final class AimaProver implements Prover { private final KnowledgeBase knowledgeBase; private final ProverCache fixedAnswerCache = ProverCache.createMultiThreadedCache(); public AimaProver(List<Gdl> description) { description =; knowledgeBase = new KnowledgeBase(Sets.newHashSet(description)); } private Set<GdlSentence> ask(GdlSentence query, Set<GdlSentence> context, boolean askOne) { LinkedList<GdlLiteral> goals = new LinkedList<GdlLiteral>(); goals.add(query); Set<Substitution> answers = new HashSet<Substitution>(); ask(goals, new KnowledgeBase(context), new Substitution(), ProverCache.createSingleThreadedCache(), new VariableRenamer(), askOne, answers, new RecursionHandler(), new IsConstant()); Set<GdlSentence> results = new HashSet<GdlSentence>(); for (Substitution theta : answers) { results.add(Substituter.substitute(query, theta)); } return results; } private void ask(LinkedList<GdlLiteral> goals, KnowledgeBase context, Substitution theta, ProverCache cache, VariableRenamer renamer, boolean askOne, Set<Substitution> results, RecursionHandler recursionHandler, IsConstant isConstant) { if (goals.isEmpty()) { results.add(theta); isConstant.value = true; return; } else { GdlLiteral literal = goals.removeFirst(); GdlLiteral qPrime = Substituter.substitute(literal, theta); if (qPrime instanceof GdlDistinct) { GdlDistinct distinct = (GdlDistinct) qPrime; askDistinct(distinct, goals, context, theta, cache, renamer, askOne, results, recursionHandler, isConstant); } else if (qPrime instanceof GdlNot) { GdlNot not = (GdlNot) qPrime; askNot(not, goals, context, theta, cache, renamer, askOne, results, recursionHandler, isConstant); } else if (qPrime instanceof GdlOr) { GdlOr or = (GdlOr) qPrime; askOr(or, goals, context, theta, cache, renamer, askOne, results, recursionHandler, isConstant); } else { GdlSentence sentence = (GdlSentence) qPrime; askSentence(sentence, goals, context, theta, cache, renamer, askOne, results, recursionHandler, isConstant); } goals.addFirst(literal); } } @Override public Set<GdlSentence> askAll(GdlSentence query, Set<GdlSentence> context) { return ask(query, context, false); } private void askDistinct(GdlDistinct distinct, LinkedList<GdlLiteral> goals, KnowledgeBase context, Substitution theta, ProverCache cache, VariableRenamer renamer, boolean askOne, Set<Substitution> results, RecursionHandler recursionHandler, IsConstant isConstant) { if (!distinct.getArg1().equals(distinct.getArg2())) { ask(goals, context, theta, cache, renamer, askOne, results, recursionHandler, isConstant); } else { isConstant.value = true; } } private void askNot(GdlNot not, LinkedList<GdlLiteral> goals, KnowledgeBase context, Substitution theta, ProverCache cache, VariableRenamer renamer, boolean askOne, Set<Substitution> results, RecursionHandler recursionHandler, IsConstant isConstantRet) { LinkedList<GdlLiteral> notGoals = new LinkedList<GdlLiteral>(); notGoals.add(not.getBody()); Set<Substitution> notResults = new HashSet<Substitution>(); boolean isConstant = true; ask(notGoals, context, theta, cache, renamer, true, notResults, recursionHandler, isConstantRet); isConstant &= isConstantRet.value; if (notResults.isEmpty()) { ask(goals, context, theta, cache, renamer, askOne, results, recursionHandler, isConstantRet); isConstant &= isConstantRet.value; } isConstantRet.value = isConstant; } @Override public GdlSentence askOne(GdlSentence query, Set<GdlSentence> context) { Set<GdlSentence> results = ask(query, context, true); return (!results.isEmpty()) ? results.iterator().next() : null; } private void askOr(GdlOr or, LinkedList<GdlLiteral> goals, KnowledgeBase context, Substitution theta, ProverCache cache, VariableRenamer renamer, boolean askOne, Set<Substitution> results, RecursionHandler recursionHandler, IsConstant isConstantRet) { boolean isConstant = true; for (int i = 0; i < or.arity(); i++) { goals.addFirst(or.get(i)); ask(goals, context, theta, cache, renamer, askOne, results, recursionHandler, isConstantRet); isConstant &= isConstantRet.value; goals.removeFirst(); if (askOne && (!results.isEmpty())) { break; } } isConstantRet.value = isConstant; } private void askSentence(GdlSentence sentence, LinkedList<GdlLiteral> goals, KnowledgeBase context, Substitution theta, ProverCache cache, VariableRenamer renamer, boolean askOne, Set<Substitution> results, RecursionHandler recursionHandler, IsConstant isConstantRet) { Collection<Substitution> sentenceResults = findSentenceResults(sentence, context, theta, cache, renamer, recursionHandler, isConstantRet); boolean isConstant = isConstantRet.value; for (Substitution thetaPrime : sentenceResults) { ask(goals, context, theta.compose(thetaPrime), cache, renamer, askOne, results, recursionHandler, isConstantRet); isConstant &= isConstantRet.value; if (askOne && (!results.isEmpty())) { break; } } isConstantRet.value = isConstant; } private Collection<Substitution> findSentenceResults(GdlSentence sentence, KnowledgeBase context, Substitution theta, ProverCache cache, VariableRenamer renamer, RecursionHandler recursionHandler, IsConstant isConstantRet) { GdlSentence varRenamedSentence = new VariableRenamer().rename(sentence); if (!fixedAnswerCache.contains(varRenamedSentence) && !cache.contains(varRenamedSentence)) { if (recursionHandler.alreadyAsking.contains(varRenamedSentence)) { //Mark that we're in recursive mode and shouldn't cache results recursionHandler.calledRecursively.add(varRenamedSentence); //Return stuff that we've seen as an answer for this before Collection<GdlSentence> previousResults = recursionHandler.previousResults.get(varRenamedSentence); List<Substitution> results = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(previousResults.size()); for (GdlSentence knownResult : previousResults) { results.add(Unifier.unify(sentence, knownResult)); } return results; } recursionHandler.alreadyAsking.add(varRenamedSentence); List<GdlRule> candidates = new ArrayList<GdlRule>(); candidates.addAll(knowledgeBase.fetch(sentence)); candidates.addAll(context.fetch(sentence)); boolean isConstant = !isTrueOrDoesSentence(sentence); Set<Substitution> sentenceResults = new HashSet<Substitution>(); for (GdlRule rule : candidates) { GdlRule r = renamer.rename(rule); Substitution thetaPrime = Unifier.unify(r.getHead(), sentence); if (thetaPrime != null) { LinkedList<GdlLiteral> sentenceGoals = new LinkedList<GdlLiteral>(); for (int i = 0; i < r.arity(); i++) { sentenceGoals.add(r.get(i)); } ask(sentenceGoals, context, theta.compose(thetaPrime), cache, renamer, false, sentenceResults, recursionHandler, isConstantRet); isConstant &= isConstantRet.value; } } if (recursionHandler.calledRecursively.contains(varRenamedSentence)) { Set<GdlSentence> sentencesFromResults = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Substitution result : sentenceResults) { sentencesFromResults.add(Substituter.substitute(sentence, result)); } while (sentencesFromResults.size() > recursionHandler.previousResults.get(varRenamedSentence).size()) { recursionHandler.calledRecursively.remove(varRenamedSentence); recursionHandler.previousResults.putAll(varRenamedSentence, sentencesFromResults); sentenceResults = Sets.newHashSet(); for (GdlRule rule : candidates) { GdlRule r = renamer.rename(rule); Substitution thetaPrime = Unifier.unify(r.getHead(), sentence); if (thetaPrime != null) { LinkedList<GdlLiteral> sentenceGoals = new LinkedList<GdlLiteral>(); for (int i = 0; i < r.arity(); i++) { sentenceGoals.add(r.get(i)); } ask(sentenceGoals, context, theta.compose(thetaPrime), cache, renamer, false, sentenceResults, recursionHandler, isConstantRet); isConstant &= isConstantRet.value; } } sentencesFromResults = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Substitution result : sentenceResults) { sentencesFromResults.add(Substituter.substitute(sentence, result)); } } recursionHandler.calledRecursively.remove(varRenamedSentence); } recursionHandler.alreadyAsking.remove(varRenamedSentence); recursionHandler.previousResults.removeAll(varRenamedSentence); isConstantRet.value = isConstant; if (recursionHandler.calledRecursively.isEmpty()) { if (isConstant) { fixedAnswerCache.put(sentence, varRenamedSentence, sentenceResults); } else { cache.put(sentence, varRenamedSentence, sentenceResults); } } /* * We filter results because they normally contain entries for all the variables * encountered in subqueries, not just the sentence we're interested in. For some * games (e.g. ruleDepthExponential) this is very expensive. */ return filterSentenceResults(sentence, sentenceResults); } List<Substitution> cachedResults = fixedAnswerCache.get(sentence, varRenamedSentence); isConstantRet.value = (cachedResults != null); if (cachedResults == null) { cachedResults = cache.get(sentence, varRenamedSentence); } return cachedResults; } private Collection<Substitution> filterSentenceResults( GdlSentence sentence, Set<Substitution> sentenceResults) { Set<GdlVariable> varsInSentence = GdlUtils.getVariablesSet(sentence); List<Substitution> results = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(sentenceResults.size()); for (Substitution result : sentenceResults) { Substitution fixedResult = new Substitution(); for (GdlVariable var : varsInSentence) { fixedResult.put(var, result.get(var)); } results.add(fixedResult); } return results; } private boolean isTrueOrDoesSentence(GdlSentence sentence) { GdlConstant name = sentence.getName(); return name == GdlPool.TRUE || name == GdlPool.DOES; } @Override public boolean prove(GdlSentence query, Set<GdlSentence> context) { return askOne(query, context) != null; } /* * Mutable value holder; gets modified by methods it's passed to, as a kind of * additional return value. Tracks whether queries involve "true" or "does" sentences; * if not, their answers can be added to the fixedAnswerCache and reused across queries. */ private static class IsConstant { public boolean value = true; } /* * Contains some mutable values used by the recursion implementation, to reduce * the number of arguments being passed around. * * The general approach to handle recursion is to check for cases where we're * querying a sentence we're already in the middle of querying. In that case, we * return all the sentences we've found so far in the recursive query (initially * the empty set), and we re-run the outer query until the number of sentences * returned stops growing. (GDL restricts recursion in such a way that for a valid * game description, no sentences will stop being true because we added a new sentence.) * We also stop the caching of intermediate results while running a recursive query. * * This is not necessarily the most efficient approach, but it gives correct results. */ private static class RecursionHandler { public Set<GdlSentence> alreadyAsking = Sets.newHashSet(); public Set<GdlSentence> calledRecursively = Sets.newHashSet(); public Multimap<GdlSentence, GdlSentence> previousResults = HashMultimap.create(); } }