package org.ggp.base.util.gdl.transforms; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.ggp.base.util.concurrency.ConcurrencyUtils; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.GdlUtils; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.GdlVisitor; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.GdlVisitors; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.Gdl; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlConstant; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlDistinct; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlFunction; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlLiteral; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlNot; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlOr; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlPool; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlRule; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlSentence; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlTerm; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlVariable; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.model.ImmutableSentenceFormModel; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.model.SentenceForm; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.model.SentenceFormModel; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.model.SentenceFormModelFactory; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.model.SimpleSentenceForm; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class VariableConstrainer { private VariableConstrainer() { } /** * Modifies a GDL description by replacing all rules in which variables could be bound to * functions, so that the new rules will only bind constants to variables. Also automatically * removes GdlOrs from the rules using the DeORer. * * Not guaranteed to work if the GDL is written strangely, such as when they include rules * in which certain conjuncts are never or always true. Not guaranteed to work when rules * are unsafe, i.e., they contain variables only appearing in the head, a negated literal, * and/or a distinct literal. (In fact, this can be a good way to test for GDL errors, which * often result in exceptions.) * * Not guaranteed to finish in a reasonable amount of time in pathological cases, where the * number of possible functional structures is prohibitively large. * * @param description A GDL game description. * @return A modified version of the same game. */ public static List<Gdl> replaceFunctionValuedVariables(List<Gdl> description) throws InterruptedException { description =; description =; SentenceFormModel model = SentenceFormModelFactory.create(description); // Find "ambiguities" between sentence rules: "If we have sentence form X // with variables in slots [...], it could be aliased to sentence form Y instead" ListMultimap<SentenceForm, Ambiguity> ambiguitiesByOriginalForm = getAmbiguitiesByOriginalForm(model); if (ambiguitiesByOriginalForm.isEmpty()) { return description; } List<Gdl> expandedRules = applyAmbiguitiesToRules(description, ambiguitiesByOriginalForm, model); return removeDuplicates(cleanUpIrrelevantRules(expandedRules)); } private static List<Gdl> removeDuplicates(List<Gdl> rules) { Set<Gdl> alreadyInRules = Sets.newHashSet(); List<Gdl> newRules = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Gdl rule : rules) { if (alreadyInRules.contains(rule)) { continue; } newRules.add(rule); alreadyInRules.add(rule); } return newRules; } /** * An ambiguity represents a particular relationship between two * sentence forms. It says that if sentence form "original" appears * in a rule and has GdlVariables in particular slots, it could be * equivalent to the sentence form "replacement" if functions are * assigned to its variables. * * The goal of this transformation is to make it possible for users * of the game description to treat it as if functions could not be * assigned to variables. This requires adding or modifying rules to * account for the extra cases. */ private static class Ambiguity { private final SentenceForm original; private final ImmutableMap<Integer, GdlFunction> replacementsByOriginalTupleIndex; private final SentenceForm replacement; private Ambiguity(SentenceForm original, ImmutableMap<Integer, GdlFunction> replacementsByOriginalTupleIndex, SentenceForm replacement) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(original); Preconditions.checkNotNull(replacementsByOriginalTupleIndex); Preconditions.checkArgument(!replacementsByOriginalTupleIndex.isEmpty()); Preconditions.checkNotNull(replacement); for (int varIndex : replacementsByOriginalTupleIndex.keySet()) { Preconditions.checkElementIndex(varIndex, original.getTupleSize()); } this.original = original; this.replacementsByOriginalTupleIndex = replacementsByOriginalTupleIndex; this.replacement = replacement; } public static Ambiguity create(SentenceForm original, Map<Integer, GdlFunction> replacementsByOriginalTupleIndex, SentenceForm replacement) { return new Ambiguity(original, ImmutableMap.copyOf(replacementsByOriginalTupleIndex), replacement); } public SentenceForm getOriginal() { return original; } public SentenceForm getReplacement() { return replacement; } @Override public String toString() { return "Ambiguity [original=" + original + ", replacementsByOriginalTupleIndex=" + replacementsByOriginalTupleIndex + ", replacement=" + replacement + "]"; } /** * Returns true iff the given sentence could correspond to a * sentence of the replacement form, for some variable assignment. */ public boolean applies(GdlSentence sentence) { if (!original.matches(sentence)) { return false; } List<GdlTerm> tuple = GdlUtils.getTupleFromSentence(sentence); for (int varIndex : replacementsByOriginalTupleIndex.keySet()) { if (!(tuple.get(varIndex) instanceof GdlVariable)) { return false; } } return true; } public Map<GdlVariable, GdlTerm> getReplacementAssignment(GdlSentence sentence, UnusedVariableGenerator varGen) { Preconditions.checkArgument(applies(sentence)); Map<GdlVariable, GdlTerm> assignment = Maps.newHashMap(); List<GdlTerm> tuple = GdlUtils.getTupleFromSentence(sentence); for (int varIndex : replacementsByOriginalTupleIndex.keySet()) { GdlFunction function = replacementsByOriginalTupleIndex.get(varIndex); GdlFunction replacementFunction = varGen.replaceVariablesAndConstants(function); assignment.put((GdlVariable) tuple.get(varIndex), replacementFunction); } return assignment; } } private static ListMultimap<SentenceForm, Ambiguity> getAmbiguitiesByOriginalForm( SentenceFormModel model) throws InterruptedException { ListMultimap<SentenceForm, Ambiguity> result = ArrayListMultimap.create(); ListMultimap<GdlConstant, SentenceForm> formsByName = getFormsByName(model); for (GdlConstant name : formsByName.keySet()) { List<SentenceForm> forms = formsByName.get(name); for (SentenceForm form : forms) { result.putAll(form, getAmbiguities(form, forms)); } } Set<SentenceForm> allForms = ImmutableSet.copyOf(formsByName.values()); for (Ambiguity ambiguity : result.values()) { Preconditions.checkState(allForms.contains(ambiguity.getOriginal())); Preconditions.checkState(allForms.contains(ambiguity.getReplacement())); } return result; } private static ListMultimap<GdlConstant, SentenceForm> getFormsByName( SentenceFormModel model) { return Multimaps.index(getAllSentenceForms(model), new Function<SentenceForm, GdlConstant>() { @Override public GdlConstant apply(SentenceForm input) { return input.getName(); } }); } private static Set<SentenceForm> getAllSentenceForms(SentenceFormModel model) { //The model may only have sentence forms for sentences that can actually be //true. It may be missing sentence forms that are used in the rules only, //with no actual corresponding sentences. We want to make sure these are //included. final Set<SentenceForm> forms = Sets.newHashSet(model.getSentenceForms()); GdlVisitors.visitAll(model.getDescription(), new GdlVisitor() { @Override public void visitSentence(GdlSentence sentence) { forms.add(SimpleSentenceForm.create(sentence)); } }); return forms; } private static List<Ambiguity> getAmbiguities( SentenceForm original, List<SentenceForm> forms) throws InterruptedException { List<Ambiguity> result = Lists.newArrayList(); for (SentenceForm form : forms) { if (form == original) { continue; } Optional<Ambiguity> ambiguity = findAmbiguity(original, form); if (ambiguity.isPresent()) { result.add(ambiguity.get()); } } return result; } private static Optional<Ambiguity> findAmbiguity(SentenceForm original, SentenceForm replacement) throws InterruptedException { Preconditions.checkArgument(original.getName() == replacement.getName()); Preconditions.checkArgument(!original.equals(replacement)); ConcurrencyUtils.checkForInterruption(); Map<Integer, GdlFunction> replacementsByOriginalTupleIndex = Maps.newHashMap(); //Make the arguments ?v0, ?v1, ?v2, ... so we can find the tuple indices easily GdlSentence originalSentence = original.getSentenceFromTuple(getNumberedTuple(original.getTupleSize())); GdlSentence replacementSentence = replacement.getSentenceFromTuple(getNumberedTuple(replacement.getTupleSize())); boolean success = findAmbiguity(originalSentence.getBody(), replacementSentence.getBody(), replacementsByOriginalTupleIndex); if (success) { return Optional.of(Ambiguity.create(original, replacementsByOriginalTupleIndex, replacement)); } else { return Optional.absent(); } } private static boolean findAmbiguity(List<GdlTerm> originalBody, List<GdlTerm> replacementBody, Map<Integer, GdlFunction> replacementsByOriginalTupleIndex) throws InterruptedException { if (originalBody.size() != replacementBody.size()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < originalBody.size(); i++) { ConcurrencyUtils.checkForInterruption(); GdlTerm originalTerm = originalBody.get(i); GdlTerm replacementTerm = replacementBody.get(i); if (replacementTerm instanceof GdlVariable) { if (!(originalTerm instanceof GdlVariable)) { return false; } } else if (replacementTerm instanceof GdlFunction) { if (originalTerm instanceof GdlVariable) { int varIndex = Integer.valueOf(originalTerm.toString().replace("?v", "")); replacementsByOriginalTupleIndex.put(varIndex, (GdlFunction) replacementTerm); } else if (originalTerm instanceof GdlFunction) { GdlFunction originalFunction = (GdlFunction) originalTerm; GdlFunction replacementFunction = (GdlFunction) replacementTerm; if (originalFunction.getName() != replacementFunction.getName()) { return false; } boolean successSoFar = findAmbiguity(originalFunction.getBody(), replacementFunction.getBody(), replacementsByOriginalTupleIndex); if (!successSoFar) { return false; } } else { throw new RuntimeException(); } } else { throw new RuntimeException(); } } return true; } private static List<GdlVariable> getNumberedTuple(int tupleSize) { List<GdlVariable> result = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < tupleSize; i++) { result.add(GdlPool.getVariable("?v" + Integer.toString(i))); } return result; } private static List<Gdl> applyAmbiguitiesToRules(List<Gdl> description, ListMultimap<SentenceForm, Ambiguity> ambiguitiesByOriginalForm, SentenceFormModel model) throws InterruptedException { ImmutableList.Builder<Gdl> result = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Gdl gdl : description) { if (gdl instanceof GdlRule) { result.addAll(applyAmbiguities((GdlRule) gdl, ambiguitiesByOriginalForm, model)); } else { result.add(gdl); } } return; } private static List<GdlRule> applyAmbiguities(GdlRule originalRule, ListMultimap<SentenceForm, Ambiguity> ambiguitiesByOriginalForm, SentenceFormModel model) throws InterruptedException { List<GdlRule> rules = Lists.newArrayList(originalRule); //Each literal can potentially multiply the number of rules we have, so //we apply each literal separately to the entire list of rules so far. for (GdlLiteral literal : Iterables.concat(ImmutableSet.of(originalRule.getHead()), originalRule.getBody())) { List<GdlRule> newRules = Lists.newArrayList(); for (GdlRule rule : rules) { Preconditions.checkArgument(originalRule.arity() == rule.arity()); newRules.addAll(applyAmbiguitiesForLiteral(literal, rule, ambiguitiesByOriginalForm, model)); } rules = newRules; } return rules; } private static List<GdlRule> applyAmbiguitiesForLiteral( GdlLiteral literal, GdlRule rule, ListMultimap<SentenceForm, Ambiguity> ambiguitiesByOriginalForm, SentenceFormModel model) throws InterruptedException { ConcurrencyUtils.checkForInterruption(); List<GdlRule> results = Lists.newArrayList(rule); UnusedVariableGenerator varGen = getVariableGenerator(rule); if (literal instanceof GdlSentence) { GdlSentence sentence = (GdlSentence) literal; SentenceForm form = model.getSentenceForm(sentence); for (Ambiguity ambiguity : ambiguitiesByOriginalForm.get(form)) { ConcurrencyUtils.checkForInterruption(); if (ambiguity.applies(sentence)) { Map<GdlVariable, GdlTerm> replacementAssignment = ambiguity.getReplacementAssignment(sentence, varGen); GdlRule newRule = CommonTransforms.replaceVariables(rule, replacementAssignment); results.add(newRule); } } } else if (literal instanceof GdlNot) { // Do nothing. Variables must appear in a positive literal in the // rule, and will be handled there. } else if (literal instanceof GdlOr) { throw new RuntimeException("ORs should have been removed"); } else if (literal instanceof GdlDistinct) { // Do nothing } return results; } private abstract static class UnusedVariableGenerator { public GdlFunction replaceVariablesAndConstants(GdlFunction function) { Map<GdlVariable, GdlVariable> assignment = Maps.newHashMap(); final Set<GdlTerm> termsToReplace = Sets.newHashSet(); GdlVisitors.visitAll(function, new GdlVisitor() { @Override public void visitConstant(GdlConstant constant) { termsToReplace.add(constant); } @Override public void visitVariable(GdlVariable variable) { termsToReplace.add(variable); } }); for (GdlVariable var : GdlUtils.getVariables(function)) { assignment.put(var, getUnusedVariable()); } return (GdlFunction) CommonTransforms.replaceVariables(function, assignment); } protected abstract GdlVariable getUnusedVariable(); } private static UnusedVariableGenerator getVariableGenerator(final GdlRule rule) { //Not thread-safe return new UnusedVariableGenerator() { private int count = 1; private final Set<GdlVariable> originalVarsFromRule = ImmutableSet.copyOf(GdlUtils.getVariables(rule)); @Override public GdlVariable getUnusedVariable() { GdlVariable curVar = GdlPool.getVariable("?a" + count); count++; while (originalVarsFromRule.contains(curVar)) { curVar = GdlPool.getVariable("?a" + count); count++; } return curVar; } }; } /** * Removes rules with sentences with empty domains. These simply won't have * sentence forms in the generated sentence model, so this is fairly easy. * @throws InterruptedException */ private static List<Gdl> cleanUpIrrelevantRules(List<Gdl> expandedRules) throws InterruptedException { final ImmutableSentenceFormModel model = SentenceFormModelFactory.create(expandedRules); return ImmutableList.copyOf(Collections2.filter(expandedRules, new Predicate<Gdl>() { @Override public boolean apply(Gdl input) { if (!(input instanceof GdlRule)) { // If it's not a rule, leave it in return true; } GdlRule rule = (GdlRule) input; // Used just as a boolean we can change from the inner class final AtomicBoolean shouldRemove = new AtomicBoolean(false); GdlVisitors.visitAll(rule, new GdlVisitor() { @Override public void visitSentence(GdlSentence sentence) { SentenceForm form = model.getSentenceForm(sentence); if (!model.getSentenceForms().contains(form)) { shouldRemove.set(true); } } }); return !shouldRemove.get(); } })); } }