package org.ggp.base.util.gdl.model; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.ggp.base.util.concurrency.ConcurrencyUtils; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.GdlUtils; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.GdlVisitor; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.GdlVisitors; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.Gdl; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlConstant; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlDistinct; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlLiteral; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlNot; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlOr; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlPool; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlRule; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlSentence; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlTerm; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlVariable; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.model.SentenceDomainModels.VarDomainOpts; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.transforms.VariableConstrainer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SentenceDomainModelOptimizer { private SentenceDomainModelOptimizer() { } /** * Given a SentenceDomainModel, returns an ImmutableSentenceDomainModel * with Cartesian domains that tries to minimize the domains of sentence * forms without impacting the game rules. In particular, when sentences * are restricted to these domains, the answers to queries about terminal, * legal, goal, next, and init sentences will not change. * * Note that if a sentence form is not used in a meaningful way by the * game, it may end up with an empty domain. * * The description for the game must have had the {@link VariableConstrainer} * applied to it. */ public static ImmutableSentenceDomainModel restrictDomainsToUsefulValues(SentenceDomainModel oldModel) throws InterruptedException { // Start with everything from the current domain model. Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> neededAndPossibleConstantsByForm = Maps.newHashMap(); for (SentenceForm form : oldModel.getSentenceForms()) { neededAndPossibleConstantsByForm.put(form, HashMultimap.<Integer, GdlConstant>create()); addDomain(neededAndPossibleConstantsByForm.get(form), oldModel.getDomain(form), form); } /* * To minimize the contents of the domains, we repeatedly go through two processes to reduce * the domain: * * 1) We remove unneeded constants from the domain. These are constants which (in their * position) do not contribute to any sentences with a GDL keyword as its name; that * is, it never matters whether a sentence with that constant in that position is * true or false. * 2) We remove impossible constants from the domain. These are constants which cannot * end up in their position via any rule or sentence in the game description, given * the current domain. * * Constants removed because of one type of pass or the other may cause other constants * in other sentence forms to become unneeded or impossible, so we make multiple passes * until everything is stable. */ boolean somethingChanged = true; while (somethingChanged) { somethingChanged = removeUnneededConstants(neededAndPossibleConstantsByForm, oldModel); somethingChanged |= removeImpossibleConstants(neededAndPossibleConstantsByForm, oldModel); } return toSentenceDomainModel(neededAndPossibleConstantsByForm, oldModel); } private static void addDomain( SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant> setMultimap, SentenceFormDomain domain, SentenceForm form) { for (int i = 0; i < form.getTupleSize(); i++) { setMultimap.putAll(i, domain.getDomainForSlot(i)); } } private static boolean removeImpossibleConstants( Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> curDomains, SentenceFormModel model) throws InterruptedException { Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> newPossibleConstantsByForm = Maps.newHashMap(); for (SentenceForm form : curDomains.keySet()) { newPossibleConstantsByForm.put(form, HashMultimap.<Integer, GdlConstant>create()); } populateInitialPossibleConstants(newPossibleConstantsByForm, curDomains, model); boolean somethingChanged = true; while (somethingChanged) { somethingChanged = propagatePossibleConstants(newPossibleConstantsByForm, curDomains, model); } return retainNewDomains(curDomains, newPossibleConstantsByForm); } private static void populateInitialPossibleConstants( Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> newPossibleConstantsByForm, Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> curDomains, SentenceFormModel model) throws InterruptedException { //Add anything in the head of a rule... for (GdlRule rule : getRules(model.getDescription())) { GdlSentence head = rule.getHead(); addConstantsFromSentenceIfInOldDomain(newPossibleConstantsByForm, curDomains, model, head); } //... and any true sentences for (SentenceForm form : model.getSentenceForms()) { for (GdlSentence sentence : model.getSentencesListedAsTrue(form)) { addConstantsFromSentenceIfInOldDomain(newPossibleConstantsByForm, curDomains, model, sentence); } } } private static boolean propagatePossibleConstants( Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> newPossibleConstantsByForm, Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> curDomain, SentenceFormModel model) throws InterruptedException { //Injection: Go from the intersections of variable values in rules to the //values in their heads boolean somethingChanged = false; for (GdlRule rule : getRules(model.getDescription())) { GdlSentence head = rule.getHead(); Map<GdlVariable, Set<GdlConstant>> domainsOfHeadVars = Maps.newHashMap(); for (GdlVariable varInHead : ImmutableSet.copyOf(GdlUtils.getVariables(rule.getHead()))) { Set<GdlConstant> domain = getVarDomainInRuleBody(varInHead, rule, newPossibleConstantsByForm, curDomain, model); domainsOfHeadVars.put(varInHead, domain); somethingChanged |= addPossibleValuesToSentence(domain, head, varInHead, newPossibleConstantsByForm, model); } } //Language-based injections somethingChanged |= applyLanguageBasedInjections(GdlPool.INIT, GdlPool.TRUE, newPossibleConstantsByForm); somethingChanged |= applyLanguageBasedInjections(GdlPool.NEXT, GdlPool.TRUE, newPossibleConstantsByForm); somethingChanged |= applyLanguageBasedInjections(GdlPool.LEGAL, GdlPool.DOES, newPossibleConstantsByForm); return somethingChanged; } private static boolean applyLanguageBasedInjections( GdlConstant curName, GdlConstant resultingName, Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> newPossibleConstantsByForm) throws InterruptedException { boolean somethingChanged = false; for (SentenceForm form : newPossibleConstantsByForm.keySet()) { ConcurrencyUtils.checkForInterruption(); if (form.getName() == curName) { SentenceForm resultingForm = form.withName(resultingName); SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant> curFormDomain = newPossibleConstantsByForm.get(form); SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant> resultingFormDomain = newPossibleConstantsByForm.get(resultingForm); somethingChanged |= resultingFormDomain.putAll(curFormDomain); } } return somethingChanged; } private static Set<GdlConstant> getVarDomainInRuleBody( GdlVariable varInHead, GdlRule rule, Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> newPossibleConstantsByForm, Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> curDomain, SentenceFormModel model) { try { List<Set<GdlConstant>> domains = Lists.newArrayList(); for (GdlSentence conjunct : getPositiveConjuncts(rule.getBody())) { if (GdlUtils.getVariables(conjunct).contains(varInHead)) { domains.add(getVarDomainInSentence(varInHead, conjunct, newPossibleConstantsByForm, curDomain, model)); } } return getIntersection(domains); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error in rule " + rule + " for variable " + varInHead, e); } } private static Set<GdlConstant> getVarDomainInSentence( GdlVariable var, GdlSentence conjunct, Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> newPossibleConstantsByForm, Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> curDomain, SentenceFormModel model) { SentenceForm form = model.getSentenceForm(conjunct); List<GdlTerm> tuple = GdlUtils.getTupleFromSentence(conjunct); List<Set<GdlConstant>> domains = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < tuple.size(); i++) { if (tuple.get(i) == var) { domains.add(newPossibleConstantsByForm.get(form).get(i)); domains.add(curDomain.get(form).get(i)); } } return getIntersection(domains); } private static Set<GdlConstant> getIntersection( List<Set<GdlConstant>> domains) { if (domains.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsafe rule has no positive conjuncts"); } Set<GdlConstant> intersection = Sets.newHashSet(domains.get(0)); for (int i = 1; i < domains.size(); i++) { Set<GdlConstant> curDomain = domains.get(i); intersection.retainAll(curDomain); } return intersection; } private static boolean removeUnneededConstants( Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> curDomains, SentenceFormModel model) throws InterruptedException { Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> newNeededConstantsByForm = Maps.newHashMap(); for (SentenceForm form : curDomains.keySet()) { newNeededConstantsByForm.put(form, HashMultimap.<Integer, GdlConstant>create()); } populateInitialNeededConstants(newNeededConstantsByForm, curDomains, model); boolean somethingChanged = true; while (somethingChanged) { somethingChanged = propagateNeededConstants(newNeededConstantsByForm, curDomains, model); } return retainNewDomains(curDomains, newNeededConstantsByForm); } private static boolean retainNewDomains( Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> curDomains, Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> newDomains) { boolean somethingChanged = false; for (SentenceForm form : curDomains.keySet()) { SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant> newDomain = newDomains.get(form); somethingChanged |= curDomains.get(form).entries().retainAll(newDomain.entries()); } return somethingChanged; } private static boolean propagateNeededConstants( Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> neededConstantsByForm, Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> curDomains, SentenceFormModel model) throws InterruptedException { boolean somethingChanged = false; somethingChanged |= applyRuleHeadPropagation(neededConstantsByForm, curDomains, model); somethingChanged |= applyRuleBodyOnlyPropagation(neededConstantsByForm, curDomains, model); return somethingChanged; } private static boolean applyRuleBodyOnlyPropagation( Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> neededConstantsByForm, Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> curDomains, SentenceFormModel model) throws InterruptedException { boolean somethingChanged = false; //If a variable does not appear in the head of a variable, //then all the values that are in the intersections of all the //domains from the positive conjuncts containing the variable //become needed. for (GdlRule rule : getRules(model.getDescription())) { GdlSentence head = rule.getHead(); Set<GdlVariable> varsInHead = ImmutableSet.copyOf(GdlUtils.getVariables(head)); Map<GdlVariable, Set<GdlConstant>> varDomains = getVarDomains(rule, curDomains, model); for (GdlVariable var : ImmutableSet.copyOf(GdlUtils.getVariables(rule))) { if (!varsInHead.contains(var)) { Set<GdlConstant> neededConstants = varDomains.get(var); if (neededConstants == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("var is " + var + ";\nvarDomains key set is " + varDomains.keySet() + ";\nvarsInHead is " + varsInHead + ";\nrule is " + rule); } for (GdlLiteral conjunct : rule.getBody()) { somethingChanged |= addPossibleValuesToConjunct(neededConstants, conjunct, var, neededConstantsByForm, model); } } } } return somethingChanged; } private static Map<GdlVariable, Set<GdlConstant>> getVarDomains( GdlRule rule, final Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> curDomains, final SentenceFormModel model) { return SentenceDomainModels.getVarDomains(rule, new AbstractSentenceDomainModel(model) { @Override public SentenceFormDomain getDomain(final SentenceForm form) { return new SentenceFormDomain() { @Override public SentenceForm getForm() { return form; } @Override public Iterator<GdlSentence> iterator() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Set<GdlConstant> getDomainForSlot(int slotIndex) { if (!curDomains.containsKey(form)) { return ImmutableSet.of(); } return curDomains.get(form).get(slotIndex); } }; }}, VarDomainOpts.INCLUDE_HEAD); } private static boolean applyRuleHeadPropagation( Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> neededConstantsByForm, Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> curDomains, SentenceFormModel model) throws InterruptedException { boolean somethingChanged = false; //If a term that is a variable in the head of a rule needs a //particular value, AND that variable is possible (i.e. in the //current domain) in every appearance of the variable in //positive conjuncts in the rule's body, then the value is //needed in every appearance of the variable in the rule //(positive or negative). for (GdlRule rule : getRules(model.getDescription())) { GdlSentence head = rule.getHead(); SentenceForm headForm = model.getSentenceForm(head); List<GdlTerm> headTuple = GdlUtils.getTupleFromSentence(head); Map<GdlVariable, Set<GdlConstant>> varDomains = getVarDomains(rule, curDomains, model); for (int i = 0; i < headTuple.size(); i++) { ConcurrencyUtils.checkForInterruption(); if (headTuple.get(i) instanceof GdlVariable) { GdlVariable curVar = (GdlVariable) headTuple.get(i); Set<GdlConstant> neededConstants = neededConstantsByForm.get(headForm).get(i); //Whittle these down based on what's possible throughout the rule Set<GdlConstant> neededAndPossibleConstants = Sets.newHashSet(neededConstants); neededAndPossibleConstants.retainAll(varDomains.get(curVar)); //Relay those values back to the conjuncts in the rule body for (GdlLiteral conjunct : rule.getBody()) { somethingChanged |= addPossibleValuesToConjunct(neededAndPossibleConstants, conjunct, curVar, neededConstantsByForm, model); } } } } return somethingChanged; } private static boolean addPossibleValuesToConjunct( Set<GdlConstant> neededAndPossibleConstants, GdlLiteral conjunct, GdlVariable curVar, Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> neededConstantsByForm, SentenceFormModel model) throws InterruptedException { if (conjunct instanceof GdlSentence) { return addPossibleValuesToSentence(neededAndPossibleConstants, (GdlSentence) conjunct, curVar, neededConstantsByForm, model); } else if (conjunct instanceof GdlNot) { GdlSentence innerSentence = (GdlSentence) ((GdlNot) conjunct).getBody(); return addPossibleValuesToSentence(neededAndPossibleConstants, innerSentence, curVar, neededConstantsByForm, model); } else if (conjunct instanceof GdlOr) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The SentenceDomainModelOptimizer is not designed for game descriptions with OR. Use the DeORer."); } else if (conjunct instanceof GdlDistinct) { return false; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected literal type " + conjunct.getClass() + " for literal " + conjunct); } } private static boolean addPossibleValuesToSentence( Set<GdlConstant> neededAndPossibleConstants, GdlSentence sentence, GdlVariable curVar, Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> neededConstantsByForm, SentenceFormModel model) throws InterruptedException { ConcurrencyUtils.checkForInterruption(); boolean somethingChanged = false; SentenceForm form = model.getSentenceForm(sentence); List<GdlTerm> tuple = GdlUtils.getTupleFromSentence(sentence); Preconditions.checkArgument(form.getTupleSize() == tuple.size()); for (int i = 0; i < tuple.size(); i++) { if (tuple.get(i) == curVar) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(neededConstantsByForm.get(form)); Preconditions.checkNotNull(neededAndPossibleConstants); somethingChanged |= neededConstantsByForm.get(form).putAll(i, neededAndPossibleConstants); } } return somethingChanged; } private static Iterable<GdlSentence> getPositiveConjuncts(List<GdlLiteral> body) { return Iterables.transform(Iterables.filter(body, new Predicate<GdlLiteral>() { @Override public boolean apply(GdlLiteral input) { return input instanceof GdlSentence; } }), new Function<GdlLiteral, GdlSentence>() { @Override public GdlSentence apply(GdlLiteral input) { return (GdlSentence) input; } }); } // Unlike getPositiveConjuncts, this also returns sentences inside NOT literals. private static List<GdlSentence> getAllSentencesInBody(List<GdlLiteral> body) { final List<GdlSentence> sentences = Lists.newArrayList(); GdlVisitors.visitAll(body, new GdlVisitor() { @Override public void visitSentence(GdlSentence sentence) { sentences.add(sentence); } }); return sentences; } private static Iterable<GdlRule> getRules(List<Gdl> description) { return Iterables.transform(Iterables.filter(description, new Predicate<Gdl>() { @Override public boolean apply(Gdl input) { return input instanceof GdlRule; } }), new Function<Gdl, GdlRule>() { @Override public GdlRule apply(Gdl input) { return (GdlRule) input; } }); } private static final ImmutableSet<GdlConstant> ALWAYS_NEEDED_SENTENCE_NAMES = ImmutableSet.of( GdlPool.NEXT, GdlPool.GOAL, GdlPool.LEGAL, GdlPool.INIT, GdlPool.ROLE, GdlPool.BASE, GdlPool.INPUT, GdlPool.TRUE, GdlPool.DOES); private static void populateInitialNeededConstants( Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> newNeededConstantsByForm, Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> curDomains, SentenceFormModel model) throws InterruptedException { // If the term model is part of a keyword-named sentence, // then it is needed. This includes base and init. for (SentenceForm form : model.getSentenceForms()) { ConcurrencyUtils.checkForInterruption(); GdlConstant name = form.getName(); if (ALWAYS_NEEDED_SENTENCE_NAMES.contains(name)) { newNeededConstantsByForm.get(form).putAll(curDomains.get(form)); } } // If the term has a constant value in some sentence in the // BODY of a rule, then it is needed. for (GdlRule rule : getRules(model.getDescription())) { for (GdlSentence sentence : getAllSentencesInBody(rule.getBody())) { addConstantsFromSentenceIfInOldDomain(newNeededConstantsByForm, curDomains, model, sentence); } } } private static void addConstantsFromSentenceIfInOldDomain( Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> newConstantsByForm, Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> oldDomain, SentenceFormModel model, GdlSentence sentence) throws InterruptedException { SentenceForm form = model.getSentenceForm(sentence); List<GdlTerm> tuple = GdlUtils.getTupleFromSentence(sentence); if (tuple.size() != form.getTupleSize()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } for (int i = 0; i < form.getTupleSize(); i++) { ConcurrencyUtils.checkForInterruption(); GdlTerm term = tuple.get(i); if (term instanceof GdlConstant) { Set<GdlConstant> oldDomainForTerm = oldDomain.get(form).get(i); if (oldDomainForTerm.contains(term)) { newConstantsByForm.get(form).put(i, (GdlConstant) term); } } } } private static ImmutableSentenceDomainModel toSentenceDomainModel( Map<SentenceForm, SetMultimap<Integer, GdlConstant>> neededAndPossibleConstantsByForm, SentenceFormModel formModel) throws InterruptedException { Map<SentenceForm, SentenceFormDomain> domains = Maps.newHashMap(); for (SentenceForm form : formModel.getSentenceForms()) { ConcurrencyUtils.checkForInterruption(); domains.put(form, CartesianSentenceFormDomain.create(form, neededAndPossibleConstantsByForm.get(form))); } return ImmutableSentenceDomainModel.create(formModel, domains); } }