package org.ggp.base.util.gdl.model; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.ggp.base.util.concurrency.ConcurrencyUtils; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.GdlUtils; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.Gdl; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlConstant; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlFunction; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlLiteral; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlPool; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlRelation; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlRule; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlSentence; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlTerm; import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlVariable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SentenceFormsFinder { private final ImmutableList<Gdl> description; private final Map<NameAndArity, List<TermModel>> sentencesModel = Maps.newHashMap(); private boolean haveCreatedModel = false; public SentenceFormsFinder(ImmutableList<Gdl> description) { this.description = description; } public ImmutableSet<SentenceForm> findSentenceForms() throws InterruptedException { createModel(); return ImmutableSet.copyOf(getSentenceFormsFromModel()); } public Map<SentenceForm, SentenceFormDomain> findCartesianDomains() throws InterruptedException { createModel(); return getCartesianDomainsFromModel(); } private void createModel() throws InterruptedException { synchronized (this) { if (!haveCreatedModel) { addTrueSentencesToModel(); applyRulesToModel(); haveCreatedModel = true; } } } private Map<SentenceForm, SentenceFormDomain> getCartesianDomainsFromModel() throws InterruptedException { Map<SentenceForm, SentenceFormDomain> results = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Entry<NameAndArity, List<TermModel>> sentenceEntry : sentencesModel.entrySet()) { ConcurrencyUtils.checkForInterruption(); NameAndArity nameAndArity = sentenceEntry.getKey(); GdlConstant name = nameAndArity.getName(); List<TermModel> bodyModels = sentenceEntry.getValue(); // We'll end up taking the Cartesian product of the different // types of terms we have available if (nameAndArity.getArity() == 0) { GdlSentence sentence = GdlPool.getProposition(name); SimpleSentenceForm form = SimpleSentenceForm.create(sentence); results.put(form, CartesianSentenceFormDomain.create(form, ImmutableList.<Set<GdlConstant>>of())); } else { List<Set<GdlTerm>> sampleTerms = toSampleTerms(bodyModels); for (List<GdlTerm> terms : Sets.cartesianProduct(sampleTerms)) { ConcurrencyUtils.checkForInterruption(); GdlRelation sentence = GdlPool.getRelation(name, terms); SimpleSentenceForm form = SimpleSentenceForm.create(sentence); SentenceFormDomain domain = getDomain(form, sentence); results.put(form, domain); } } } return results; } private SentenceFormDomain getDomain(SentenceForm form, GdlRelation sentence) { List<Set<GdlConstant>> domainContents = Lists.newArrayList(); getDomainInternal(sentence.getBody(), sentencesModel.get(new NameAndArity(sentence)), domainContents); return CartesianSentenceFormDomain.create(form, domainContents); } //Appends to domainContents private void getDomainInternal(List<GdlTerm> body, List<TermModel> bodyModel, List<Set<GdlConstant>> domainContents) { if (body.size() != bodyModel.size()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Should have same arity in example as in model"); } for (int i = 0; i < body.size(); i++) { GdlTerm term = body.get(i); TermModel termModel = bodyModel.get(i); if (term instanceof GdlConstant) { domainContents.add(termModel.getPossibleConstants()); } else if (term instanceof GdlFunction) { GdlFunction function = (GdlFunction) term; List<TermModel> functionBodyModel = termModel.getFunctionBodyModel(function); getDomainInternal(function.getBody(), functionBodyModel, domainContents); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } } private Set<SentenceForm> getSentenceFormsFromModel() { Set<SentenceForm> results = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Entry<NameAndArity, List<TermModel>> sentenceEntry : sentencesModel.entrySet()) { NameAndArity nameAndArity = sentenceEntry.getKey(); GdlConstant name = nameAndArity.getName(); List<TermModel> bodyModels = sentenceEntry.getValue(); // We'll end up taking the Cartesian product of the different // types of terms we have available if (nameAndArity.getArity() == 0) { GdlSentence sentence = GdlPool.getProposition(name); results.add(SimpleSentenceForm.create(sentence)); } else { List<Set<GdlTerm>> sampleTerms = toSampleTerms(bodyModels); for (List<GdlTerm> terms : Sets.cartesianProduct(sampleTerms)) { GdlSentence sentence = GdlPool.getRelation(name, terms); results.add(SimpleSentenceForm.create(sentence)); } } } return results; } private List<Set<GdlTerm>> toSampleTerms(List<TermModel> bodyModels) { List<Set<GdlTerm>> results = Lists.newArrayList(); for (TermModel termModel : bodyModels) { results.add(toSampleTerms(termModel)); } return results; } private Set<GdlTerm> toSampleTerms(TermModel termModel) { Set<GdlTerm> results = Sets.newHashSet(); if (!termModel.getPossibleConstants().isEmpty()) { results.add(termModel.getPossibleConstants().iterator().next()); } for (NameAndArity nameAndArity : termModel.getPossibleFunctions().keySet()) { List<TermModel> bodyModel = termModel.getPossibleFunctions().get(nameAndArity); List<Set<GdlTerm>> functionSampleTerms = toSampleTerms(bodyModel); Set<List<GdlTerm>> functionBodies = Sets.cartesianProduct(functionSampleTerms); for (List<GdlTerm> functionBody : functionBodies) { GdlFunction function = GdlPool.getFunction(nameAndArity.getName(), functionBody); results.add(function); } } return results; } private void applyRulesToModel() throws InterruptedException { //Apply injections boolean changeMade = true; while (changeMade) { changeMade = false; for (Gdl gdl : description) { if (gdl instanceof GdlRule) { changeMade |= addRule((GdlRule) gdl); } } changeMade |= applyLanguageRules(); } } private boolean applyLanguageRules() throws InterruptedException { boolean changesMade = false; changesMade |= applyInjection(new NameAndArity(GdlPool.INIT, 1), new NameAndArity(GdlPool.TRUE, 1)); changesMade |= applyInjection(new NameAndArity(GdlPool.NEXT, 1), new NameAndArity(GdlPool.TRUE, 1)); changesMade |= applyInjection(new NameAndArity(GdlPool.LEGAL, 2), new NameAndArity(GdlPool.DOES, 2)); return changesMade; } private boolean applyInjection(NameAndArity oldName, NameAndArity newName) throws InterruptedException { ConcurrencyUtils.checkForInterruption(); Preconditions.checkArgument(oldName.getArity() == newName.getArity()); boolean changesMade = false; if (sentencesModel.containsKey(oldName)) { List<TermModel> oldModel = sentencesModel.get(oldName); if (!sentencesModel.containsKey(newName)) { changesMade = true; sentencesModel.put(newName, getNTermModels(newName.arity)); } List<TermModel> newModel = sentencesModel.get(newName); if (oldModel.size() != newModel.size()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } for (int i = 0; i < oldModel.size(); i++) { ConcurrencyUtils.checkForInterruption(); changesMade |= newModel.get(i).mergeIn(oldModel.get(i)); } } return changesMade; } private boolean addRule(GdlRule rule) throws InterruptedException { // Stuff can make it into the head sentence form either as part of // the head of the rule as presented or due to a variable connected // to the positive literals in the rule. (In the latter case, it // should be in the intersection of the models of all such positive // literals.) For each slot in the body, we want to set up everything // that will be injected into it. GdlSentence headSentence = rule.getHead(); // We need to get the possible contents of variables beforehand, to // deal with the case of variables being inside functions. Map<GdlVariable, TermModel> varsToModelsMap = getVarsToModelsMap(rule); return addSentenceToModel(headSentence, varsToModelsMap); } private Map<GdlVariable, TermModel> getVarsToModelsMap(GdlRule rule) { Set<GdlVariable> varsToUse = Sets.newHashSet(GdlUtils.getVariables(rule.getHead())); Map<GdlVariable, TermModel> varsToModelsMap = Maps.newHashMap(); for (GdlVariable var : varsToUse) { varsToModelsMap.put(var, new TermModel()); } for (GdlLiteral literal : rule.getBody()) { if (literal instanceof GdlRelation) { List<GdlTerm> literalBody = ((GdlRelation) literal).getBody(); NameAndArity nameAndArity = new NameAndArity((GdlSentence) literal); if (!sentencesModel.containsKey(nameAndArity)) { sentencesModel.put(nameAndArity, getNTermModels(nameAndArity.getArity())); } List<TermModel> literalModel = sentencesModel.get(nameAndArity); addVariablesToMap(literalBody, literalModel, varsToModelsMap); } } return varsToModelsMap; } private void addVariablesToMap(List<GdlTerm> body, List<TermModel> model, Map<GdlVariable, TermModel> varsToModelsMap) { if (body.size() != model.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The term model and body sizes don't match: model is " + model + ", body is: " + body); } for (int i = 0; i < body.size(); i++) { GdlTerm term = body.get(i); TermModel termModel = model.get(i); if (term instanceof GdlVariable) { GdlVariable var = (GdlVariable) term; if (varsToModelsMap.containsKey(var)) { varsToModelsMap.get(var).mergeIn(termModel); } } else if (term instanceof GdlFunction) { GdlFunction function = (GdlFunction) term; List<TermModel> functionBodyModel = termModel.getFunctionBodyModel(function); if (functionBodyModel != null) { addVariablesToMap(function.getBody(), functionBodyModel, varsToModelsMap); } } } } private void addTrueSentencesToModel() throws InterruptedException { for (Gdl gdl : description) { ConcurrencyUtils.checkForInterruption(); if (gdl instanceof GdlSentence) { addSentenceToModel((GdlSentence) gdl, ImmutableMap.<GdlVariable, TermModel>of()); } } } private boolean addSentenceToModel(GdlSentence sentence, Map<GdlVariable, TermModel> varsToModelsMap) throws InterruptedException { ConcurrencyUtils.checkForInterruption(); boolean changesMade = false; NameAndArity sentenceName = new NameAndArity(sentence); if (!sentencesModel.containsKey(sentenceName)) { changesMade = true; sentencesModel.put(sentenceName, getNTermModels(sentence.arity())); } changesMade |= addBodyToModel(sentencesModel.get(sentenceName), sentence.getBody(), varsToModelsMap); return changesMade; } private static List<TermModel> getNTermModels(int arity) { List<TermModel> result = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(arity); for (int i = 0; i < arity; i++) { result.add(new TermModel()); } return result; } private static boolean addBodyToModel(List<TermModel> model, List<GdlTerm> body, Map<GdlVariable, TermModel> varsToModelsMap) { boolean changesMade = false; if (model.size() != body.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The term model and body sizes don't match: model is " + model + ", body is: " + body); } for (int i = 0; i < model.size(); i++) { TermModel termModel = model.get(i); GdlTerm term = body.get(i); changesMade |= termModel.addTerm(term, varsToModelsMap); } return changesMade; } private static class TermModel { private final Set<GdlConstant> possibleConstants = Sets.newHashSet(); private final Map<NameAndArity, List<TermModel>> possibleFunctions = Maps.newHashMap(); public List<TermModel> getFunctionBodyModel(GdlFunction function) { return possibleFunctions.get(new NameAndArity(function)); } public Set<GdlConstant> getPossibleConstants() { return possibleConstants; } public Map<NameAndArity, List<TermModel>> getPossibleFunctions() { return possibleFunctions; } public boolean mergeIn(TermModel other) { boolean changesMade = false; changesMade |= possibleConstants.addAll(other.possibleConstants); for (NameAndArity key : other.possibleFunctions.keySet()) { List<TermModel> theirFunctionBodies = other.possibleFunctions.get(key); if (!possibleFunctions.containsKey(key)) { possibleFunctions.put(key, deepCopyOf(theirFunctionBodies)); changesMade = true; } else { List<TermModel> ourFunctionBodies = possibleFunctions.get(key); if (ourFunctionBodies.size() != theirFunctionBodies.size()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } for (int i = 0; i < ourFunctionBodies.size(); i++) { changesMade |= ourFunctionBodies.get(i).mergeIn(theirFunctionBodies.get(i)); } } } return changesMade; } public TermModel() { } public boolean addTerm(GdlTerm term, Map<GdlVariable, TermModel> varsToModelsMap) { boolean changesMade = false; if (term instanceof GdlConstant) { changesMade = possibleConstants.add((GdlConstant) term); } else if (term instanceof GdlFunction) { GdlFunction function = (GdlFunction) term; NameAndArity sentenceName = new NameAndArity(function); if (!possibleFunctions.containsKey(sentenceName)) { changesMade = true; possibleFunctions.put(sentenceName, getNTermModels(function.arity())); } changesMade |= addBodyToModel(possibleFunctions.get(sentenceName), function.getBody(), varsToModelsMap); } else if (term instanceof GdlVariable) { changesMade = mergeIn(varsToModelsMap.get(term)); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized term type " + term.getClass() + " for term " + term); } return changesMade; } @Override public String toString() { return "NewTermModel [possibleConstants=" + possibleConstants + ", possibleFunctions=" + possibleFunctions + "]"; } public static TermModel copyOf(TermModel originalTermModel) { TermModel termModel = new TermModel(); termModel.mergeIn(originalTermModel); return termModel; } } private static class NameAndArity { private final GdlConstant name; private final int arity; public NameAndArity(GdlSentence sentence) { = sentence.getName(); this.arity = sentence.arity(); } public NameAndArity(GdlFunction function) { = function.getName(); this.arity = function.arity(); } public NameAndArity(GdlConstant name, int arity) { = name; this.arity = arity; } public GdlConstant getName() { return name; } public int getArity() { return arity; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + arity; result = prime * result + ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; NameAndArity other = (NameAndArity) obj; if (arity != other.arity) return false; if (name == null) { if ( != null) return false; } else if (!name.equals( return false; return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "NameAndArity [name=" + name + ", arity=" + arity + "]"; } } public static List<TermModel> deepCopyOf(List<TermModel> original) { List<TermModel> copy = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(original.size()); for (TermModel originalTermModel : original) { copy.add(TermModel.copyOf(originalTermModel)); } return copy; } }