/* * OSGeom -- Geometry Collab * * (C) 2009, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.osgeo.geometry; import java.util.List; import org.osgeo.commons.crs.CRS; import org.osgeo.commons.uom.Angle; import org.osgeo.commons.uom.Length; import org.osgeo.geometry.composite.CompositeCurve; import org.osgeo.geometry.composite.CompositeGeometry; import org.osgeo.geometry.composite.CompositeSolid; import org.osgeo.geometry.composite.CompositeSurface; import org.osgeo.geometry.multi.MultiCurve; import org.osgeo.geometry.multi.MultiSolid; import org.osgeo.geometry.multi.MultiSurface; import org.osgeo.geometry.points.Points; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.Curve; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.GeometricPrimitive; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.LinearRing; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.OrientableCurve; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.OrientableSurface; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.Point; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.PolyhedralSurface; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.Ring; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.Solid; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.Surface; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.Tin; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.TriangulatedSurface; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.patches.Cone; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.patches.Cylinder; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.patches.PolygonPatch; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.patches.Rectangle; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.patches.Sphere; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.patches.SurfacePatch; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.patches.Triangle; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.segments.AffinePlacement; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.segments.Arc; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.segments.ArcByBulge; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.segments.ArcByCenterPoint; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.segments.ArcString; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.segments.ArcStringByBulge; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.segments.BSpline; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.segments.Bezier; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.segments.Circle; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.segments.CircleByCenterPoint; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.segments.Clothoid; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.segments.CubicSpline; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.segments.CurveSegment; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.segments.Geodesic; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.segments.GeodesicString; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.segments.Knot; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.segments.LineStringSegment; import org.osgeo.geometry.primitive.segments.OffsetCurve; /** * Factory used to plug a Geometry implementation into a builder. * <p> * This api is not intended to be used directly; client code should use one of the Builders; or * WKTReader. * <p> * The first cut is method compatible with * * @author Jody Garnett */ public interface GeometryFactory { /** * Creates a segmented {@link Curve} from one or more {@link CurveSegment}s. The last * {@link Point} of segment <code>i</code> must equal the first {@link Point} of segment * <code>i+1</code>. * * @param id * identifier of the new geometry instance * @param segments * segments a curve shall be created from * @param crs * coordinate reference system * @return created {@link Curve} */ Curve curve(String id, CurveSegment[] segments, CRS crs); /** * Creates a {@link LineStringSegment} curve segment. * * @param points * points to create the {@link LineStringSegment} from * @return created {@link CurveSegment} */ LineStringSegment lineStringSegment(Points points); /** * Creates an {@link Arc} curve segment. * * @param p1 * first control point * @param p2 * second control point * @param p3 * third control point * * @return created {@link Arc} */ Arc createArc(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3); /** * Creates an {@link ArcByBulge} curve segment. * * @param p1 * first control point * @param p2 * second control point * @param bulge * height of the arc (multiplier for the normals) * @param normal * normal vector, in 2D only one coordinate is necessary * @return created {@link ArcStringByBulge} */ ArcByBulge createArcByBulge(Point p1, Point p2, double bulge, Point normal); /** * Creates an {@link ArcByCenterPoint} curve segment. * * @param midPoint * @param radius * @param startAngle * @param endAngle * @return created {@link ArcByCenterPoint} */ public ArcByCenterPoint arcByCenterPoint(Point midPoint, Length radius, Angle startAngle, Angle endAngle); /** * Creates an {@link ArcString} curve segment. * * @param points * control points, must contain <code>2 * k + 1</code> points * @return created {@link ArcString} */ public ArcString arcString(Points points); /** * Creates an {@link ArcStringByBulge} curve segment. * <p> * This variant of the arc computes the mid points of the arcs instead of storing the * coordinates directly. The control point sequence consists of the start and end points of each * arc plus the bulge. * * @param points * list of control points, must contain at least two points * @param bulges * heights of the arcs (multipliers for the normals) * @param normals * normal vectors * @return created {@link ArcStringByBulge} */ public ArcStringByBulge arcStringByBulge(Points points, double[] bulges, Points normals); /** * Creates a {@link Bezier} curve segment. * * @param points * list of control points * @param degree * polynomial degree of the spline * @param knot1 * first of the two knots that define the spline basis functions * @param knot2 * second of the two knots that define the spline basis functions * @return created {@link Bezier} */ public Bezier bezier(Points points, int degree, Knot knot1, Knot knot2); /** * Creates a {@link BSpline} curve segment. * * @param points * list of control points * @param degree * polynomial degree of the spline * @param knots * sequence of distinct knots that define the spline basis functions * @param isPolynomial * set to true if this is a polynomial spline, otherwise it's a rational spline * @return created {@link BSpline} */ public BSpline bSpline(Points points, int degree, List<Knot> knots, boolean isPolynomial); /** * Creates a {@link Circle} curve segment. * * @param p1 * first control point * @param p2 * second control point * @param p3 * third control point * * @return created {@link Arc} */ public Circle circle(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3); /** * Creates an {@link CircleByCenterPoint} curve segment. * * @param midPoint * @param radius * @param startAngle * @return created {@link CircleByCenterPoint} */ public CircleByCenterPoint circleByCenterPoint(Point midPoint, Length radius, Angle startAngle); /** * Creates a {@link Geodesic} curve segment. * * @param p1 * first control point * @param p2 * second control point * @return created {@link Geodesic} */ public Geodesic geodesic(Point p1, Point p2); /** * Creates a {@link GeodesicString} curve segment. * * @param points * control points, at least two * @return created {@link GeodesicString} */ public GeodesicString feodesicString(Points points); /** * Creates an {@link OffsetCurve} curve segment. * * @param baseCurve * the base geometry * @param direction * the direction of the offset * @param distance * the distance from the base curve * @return created {@link GeodesicString} */ public OffsetCurve offsetCurve(Curve baseCurve, Point direction, Length distance); /** * Creates a {@link Surface} that consists of a number of {@link SurfacePatch} instances. The * passed patches must touch in a topological sense to form a valid {@link Surface}. * * @param id * identifier of the new geometry instance * @param patches * patches to create a surface * @param crs * coordinate reference system, may be null * @return created {@link Surface} */ public Surface surface(String id, List<SurfacePatch> patches, CRS crs); /** * Creates a {@link PolygonPatch} surface patch. * * @param exteriorRing * ring that defines the outer boundary, this may be null (see section of GML * spec) * @param interiorRings * list of rings that define the inner boundaries, may be empty or null * @return created {@link PolygonPatch} */ public PolygonPatch polygonPatch(Ring exteriorRing, List<Ring> interiorRings); /** * Creates a {@link Ring} from a list of passed {@link Curve}s. * * @param id * identifier, may be null * @param crs * coordinate reference system, may be null * @param members * the <code>Curve</code>s that compose the <code>Ring</code> * @return created {@link Ring} */ public Ring ring(String id, CRS crs, List<Curve> members); /** * Creates a simple {@link LinearRing} from a list of passed {@link Point}s. * * @param id * identifier, may be null * @param crs * coordinate reference system, may be null * @param points * control points * @return created {@link Ring} */ public LinearRing linearRing(String id, CRS crs, Points points); /** * Creates an {@link OrientableCurve}. * * @param id * identifier, may be null * @param crs * coordinate reference system, may be null * @param baseCurve * base curve * @param isReversed * set to true, if the orientation of the base curve shall be reversed in the created * geometry * @return created {@link OrientableCurve} */ public OrientableCurve orientableCurve(String id, CRS crs, Curve baseCurve, boolean isReversed); /** * Creates a {@link Triangle} surface patch. * * @param exterior * ring that contains exactly four planar points, the first and last point must be * coincident * @return created {@link Triangle} */ public Triangle triangle(LinearRing exterior); /** * Creates a {@link Rectangle} surface patch. * * @param exterior * ring that contains exactly five planar points, the first and last point must match * @return created {@link Rectangle} */ public Rectangle rectangle(LinearRing exterior); /** * Creates an {@link OrientableSurface}. * * @param id * identifier, may be null * @param crs * coordinate reference system, may be null * @param baseSurface * base surface * @param isReversed * set to true, if the orientation of the base surface shall be reversed * @return created {@link OrientableCurve} */ public OrientableSurface orientableSurface(String id, CRS crs, Surface baseSurface, boolean isReversed); /** * Creates a {@link PolyhedralSurface}. * * @param id * identifier, may be null * @param crs * coordinate reference system, may be null * @param memberPatches * patches that constitute the surface * @return created {@link PolyhedralSurface} */ public PolyhedralSurface polyhedralSurface(String id, CRS crs, List<PolygonPatch> memberPatches); /** * Creates a {@link TriangulatedSurface}. * * @param id * identifier, may be null * @param crs * coordinate reference system, may be null * @param memberPatches * patches that constitute the surface * @return created {@link TriangulatedSurface} */ public TriangulatedSurface triangulatedSurface(String id, CRS crs, List<Triangle> memberPatches); /** * Creates a {@link Tin}. * * @param id * identifier, may be null * @param crs * coordinate reference system, may be null * @param stopLines * @param breakLines * @param maxLength * @param controlPoints * @param patches * @return created {@link Tin} */ public Tin tin(String id, CRS crs, List<List<LineStringSegment>> stopLines, List<List<LineStringSegment>> breakLines, Length maxLength, Points controlPoints, List<Triangle> patches); /** * Creates a {@link Clothoid} curve segment. * * @param referenceLocation * the affine mapping that places the curve defined by the Fresnel Integrals into the * coordinate reference system of this object * @param scaleFactor * the value for the constant in the Fresnel's integrals * @param startParameter * the arc length distance from the inflection point that will be the start point for * this curve segment * @param endParameter * the arc length distance from the inflection point that will be the end point for * this curve segment * @return created {@link Clothoid} */ public Clothoid clothoid(AffinePlacement referenceLocation, double scaleFactor, double startParameter, double endParameter); /** * Creates a {@link Cone} surface patch. * * @param grid * the grid of control points that defines the Cone * @return created {@link Cone} */ public Cone cone(List<Points> grid); /** * Creates a {@link Cylinder} surface patch. * * @param grid * the grid of control points that defines the Cylinder * @return created {@link Cylinder} */ public Cylinder cylinder(List<Points> grid); /** * Creates a {@link Sphere} surface patch. * * @param grid * the grid of control points that defines the Sphere * @return created {@link Sphere} */ public Sphere sphere(List<Points> grid); /** * Creates a {@link Clothoid} curve segment. * * @param points * control points, at least two * @param vectorAtStart * the unit tangent vector at the start point of the spline * @param vectorAtEnd * the unit tangent vector at the end point of the spline * @return created {@link Clothoid} */ public CubicSpline cubicSpline(Points points, Point vectorAtStart, Point vectorAtEnd); /** * Creates a {@link Solid}. * * @param id * identifier, may be null * @param crs * coordinate reference system, may be null * @param exteriorSurface * the exterior surface (shell) of the solid, may be null * @param interiorSurfaces * the interior surfaces of the solid, may be null or empty * @return created {@link Solid} */ public Solid solid(String id, CRS crs, Surface exteriorSurface, List<Surface> interiorSurfaces); /** * Creates a {@link MultiCurve} from a list of passed {@link Curve}s. * * @param id * identifier, may be null * @param crs * coordinate reference system, may be null * @param members * curves that constitute the collection * @return created {@link MultiCurve} */ public MultiCurve multiCurve(String id, CRS crs, List<Curve> members); /** * Creates a {@link MultiSurface} from a list of passed {@link Surface}s. * * @param id * identifier, may be null * @param crs * coordinate reference system, may be null * @param members * surfaces that constitute the collection * @return created {@link MultiSurface} */ public MultiSurface multiSurface(String id, CRS crs, List<Surface> members); /** * Creates a {@link MultiSolid} from a list of passed {@link Solid}s. * * @param id * identifier, may be null * @param crs * coordinate reference system, may be null * @param members * solids that constitute the collection * @return created {@link MultiSolid} */ public MultiSolid multiSolid(String id, CRS crs, List<Solid> members); /** * Creates a {@link CompositeCurve} from a list of passed {@link Curve}s. * * @param id * identifier, may be null * @param crs * coordinate reference system, may be null * @param members * curves that constitute the composited curve, each curve must end at the start * point of the subsequent curve in the list * @return created {@link CompositeCurve} */ public CompositeCurve compositeCurve(String id, CRS crs, List<Curve> members); /** * Creates a {@link CompositeSurface} from a list of passed {@link Surface}s. * * @param id * identifier, may be null * @param crs * coordinate reference system, may be null * @param memberSurfaces * surfaces that constitute the composited surface, the surfaces must join in pairs * on common boundary curves and must, when considered as a whole, form a single * surface * @return created {@link CompositeSurface} */ public CompositeSurface createCompositeSurface(String id, CRS crs, List<Surface> memberSurfaces); /** * Creates a {@link CompositeSolid} from a list of passed {@link Solid}s. * * @param id * identifier, may be null * @param crs * coordinate reference system, may be null * @param memberSolids * solids that constitute the composited solid, the solids must join in pairs on * common boundary surfaces and which, when considered as a whole, form a single * solid * @return created {@link CompositeSolid} */ public CompositeSolid compositeSolid(String id, CRS crs, List<Solid> memberSolids); /** * Creates a general {@link CompositeGeometry} from a list of primitive geometries. * * @param id * identifier, may be null * @param crs * coordinate reference system, may be null * @param memberPrimitives * @return created {@link CompositeGeometry} */ public CompositeGeometry<GeometricPrimitive> compositeGeometry(String id, CRS crs, List<GeometricPrimitive> memberPrimitives); }