package; import java.util.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.geotools.gpx2.gpxentities.BasicTrackSegment; import org.geotools.gpx2.gpxentities.BasicWaypoint; import org.geotools.gpx2.gpxentities.SimpleWaypoint; import org.junit.Test; public class BasicTrackSegmentTest { /** * This method tests the BasicTrackSegment constructor and the * getTrackPoints method. Failure in either of these methods will * cause the test to fail. */ @Test public void testBasicTrackSegmentConstructor() { LinkedList<SimpleWaypoint> waypoints = new LinkedList<SimpleWaypoint>(); BasicWaypoint waypoint1 = BasicWaypoint .getBasicWaypoint(52.326, -120.522); waypoints.add(waypoint1); BasicWaypoint waypoint2 = BasicWaypoint .getBasicWaypoint(54.856, -120.876); waypoints.add(waypoint2); BasicWaypoint waypoint3 = BasicWaypoint .getBasicWaypoint(49.325, -120.874); waypoints.add(waypoint3); BasicWaypoint waypoint4 = BasicWaypoint .getBasicWaypoint(49.218, -121.253); waypoints.add(waypoint4); BasicTrackSegment segment = new BasicTrackSegment(waypoints); List<SimpleWaypoint> returnedWaypoints = segment.getTrackPoints(); SimpleWaypoint returnedWaypoint1 = returnedWaypoints.get(0); double firstLat = returnedWaypoint1.getLatitude(); if(firstLat != 52.326) { fail("The BasicTrackSegment constructor failed: " + "The latitude of the first track point returned from the " + "BasicTrackSegment did not have the correct value."); } SimpleWaypoint returnedWaypoint3 = returnedWaypoints.get(2); double thirdLat = returnedWaypoint3.getLatitude(); if(thirdLat != 49.325) { fail("The BasicTrackSegment constructor failed: " + "The latitude of the third track point returned from the " + "BasicTrackSegment did not have the correct value."); } } @Test public void testGetNumberOfTrackPoints() { LinkedList<SimpleWaypoint> waypoints = new LinkedList<SimpleWaypoint>(); BasicWaypoint waypoint1 = BasicWaypoint .getBasicWaypoint(52.326, -120.522); waypoints.add(waypoint1); BasicWaypoint waypoint2 = BasicWaypoint .getBasicWaypoint(54.856, -120.876); waypoints.add(waypoint2); BasicWaypoint waypoint3 = BasicWaypoint .getBasicWaypoint(49.325, -120.874); waypoints.add(waypoint3); BasicWaypoint waypoint4 = BasicWaypoint .getBasicWaypoint(49.218, -121.253); waypoints.add(waypoint4); BasicTrackSegment segment = new BasicTrackSegment(waypoints); if(segment.getNumberOfTrackPoints() != 4) { fail("getNumberOfTrackPoints method failed: The method did not" + "return the correct number of track points that were" + "contained in the BasicTrackSegment."); } } }