package org.geotools.caching.util; import org.geotools.caching.spatialindex.Region; import org.geotools.filter.spatial.BBOXImpl; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope; public class CacheUtil { /** * Extracts an envelope from a bbox filter. * * @param filter * @return */ public static Envelope extractEnvelope(BBOXImpl filter) { return new Envelope(filter.getMinX(), filter.getMaxX(), filter.getMinY(), filter.getMaxY()); } /** * Converts and envelope to a region. * * @param e * @return null if e is null; otherwise a region */ public static Region convert(Envelope e) { if (e == null) return null; return new Region(new double[] { e.getMinX(), e.getMinY() }, new double[] { e.getMaxX(), e.getMaxY() }); } /** * Converts a region to an envelope. * * @param r * @return */ public static Envelope convert(Region r) { return new Envelope(r.getLow(0), r.getHigh(0), r.getLow(1), r.getHigh(1)); } }