/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2011, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * (C) 2008, Open Geospatial Consortium Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. http://www.opengis.org/legal/ */ package org.opengis.style; import org.opengis.filter.expression.ExpressionVisitor; import org.opengis.metadata.citation.OnLineResource; /** * An interface for classes that want to perform operations on a Style * hierarchy. It forms part of a GoF Visitor Pattern implementation. * <p> * A call to style.accept(StyleVisitor) will result in a call to one of the * methods in this interface. The responsibility for traversing sub filters is * intended to lie with the visitor (this is unusual, but permitted under the * Visitor pattern). * <p> * A typical use would be to transcribe a style into a specific format, e.g. XML or SQL. * Alternatively it may be to extract specific information from the Style structure, for example a list of all fills. * Finally a a style visitor is often used (in conjunction with a factory) in the production of a * copy; or slightly modified copy of the original style. * <p> * It is common practice for a StyleVisitor to also implement an ExpressionVisitor in * order to traverse both data structures. * * @see ExpressionVisitor * @see StyleFactory * @author Open Geospatial Consortium * @author James Macgill * @author Ian Turton * @author Johann Sorel (Geomatys) * @since GeoAPI 2.2 * * @source $URL: http://svn.osgeo.org/geotools/branches/2.7.x/modules/library/opengis/src/main/java/org/opengis/style/StyleVisitor.java $ */ public interface StyleVisitor { /** * Called when accept is called on a Style. * * @param style The style to visit */ Object visit(Style style, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a FetaureTypeStyle * * @param fts the feature type styler to visit */ Object visit(FeatureTypeStyle featureTypeStyle, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a rule * * @param rule the rule to visit */ Object visit(Rule rule, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a pointsymbolizer * * @param ps the point symbolizer to visit */ Object visit(PointSymbolizer pointSymbolizer, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a linesymbolizer * * @param line the line symbolizer to visit */ Object visit(LineSymbolizer lineSymbolizer, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a polygon symbolizer * * @param poly the polygon symbolizer to visit */ Object visit(PolygonSymbolizer polygonSymbolizer, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a textsymbolizer * * @param text the text symbolizer to visit */ Object visit(TextSymbolizer textSymbolizer, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a rastersymbolizer * * @param raster the raster symbolizer to visit */ Object visit(RasterSymbolizer rasterSymbolizer, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a extension symbolizer * * @param extension the extension symbolizer to visit */ Object visit(ExtensionSymbolizer extension, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a description * * @param colorMap the description to visit */ Object visit(Description description, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a displacement * * @param disp the displacement to visit */ Object visit(Displacement displacement, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a fill * * @param fill the fill to be visited */ Object visit(Fill fill, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a font * * @param font the font to be visited */ Object visit(Font font, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a stroke * * @param stroke the stroke to visit */ Object visit(Stroke stroke, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a graphic * * @param gr the graphic to visit */ Object visit(Graphic graphic, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a graphic fill * * @param gr the graphic fill to visit */ Object visit(GraphicFill graphicFill, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a graphic stroke * * @param gr the graphic stroke to visit */ Object visit(GraphicStroke graphicStroke, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a mark * * @param mark the mark to visit */ Object visit(Mark mark, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a external mark * * @param exmk the external mark to visit */ Object visit(ExternalMark externalMark, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a external graphic * * @param exgr the external graphic to visit */ Object visit(ExternalGraphic externalGraphic, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a Point Placement * * @param pp the point placement to visit */ Object visit(PointPlacement pointPlacement, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a anchor point * * @param ap the anchor point to visit */ Object visit(AnchorPoint anchorPoint, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a Line Placement * * @param lp the line placement to visit */ Object visit(LinePlacement linePlacement, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a legend graphic * * @param lp the legend graphic to visit */ Object visit(GraphicLegend graphicLegend, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a halo * * @param halo the halo to visit */ Object visit(Halo halo, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a raster color map * * @param colorMap the color map to visit */ Object visit(ColorMap colorMap, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a color replacement * * @param colorMap the color replacement to visit */ Object visit(ColorReplacement colorReplacement, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a raster ContrastEnhancement element * @param contrastEnhancement the {@link ContrastEnhancement} to visit. */ Object visit(ContrastEnhancement contrastEnhancement, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a raster {@link ChannelSelection} element * @param cs the {@link ChannelSelection} to visit. */ Object visit(ChannelSelection channelSelection, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a raster {@link SelectedChannelType} element * @param cs the {@link SelectedChannelType} to visit. */ Object visit(SelectedChannelType selectChannelType, Object data ); /** * Called when accept is called on a raster {@link ShadedRelief} element * @param cs the {@link ShadedRelief} to visit. */ Object visit(ShadedRelief shadedRelief, Object data ); }