/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2006-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.geometry.iso.coordinate; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.geotools.geometry.iso.primitive.SurfaceBoundaryImpl; import org.opengis.geometry.primitive.SurfacePatch; /** * @author Jackson Roehrig & Sanjay Jena * * A GM_Tin (Figure 21) is a GM_TriangulatedSurface that uses the Delaunay * algorithm or a similar algorithm complemented with consideration for * breaklines, stoplines and maximum length of triangle sides (Figure 22). These * networks satisfy the Delaunay criterion away from the modifications: For each * triangle in the network, the circle passing through its vertexes does not * contain, in its interior, the vertex of any other triangle. * * * @source $URL$ */ public class TinImpl extends TriangulatedSurfaceImpl { /** * Stoplines are lines where the local continuity or regularity of the * surface is questionable. In the area of these pathologies, triangles * intersecting a stopline shall be removed from the TIN surface, leaving * holes in the surface. If coincidence occurs on surface boundary * triangles, the result shall be a change of the surface boundary. The * attribute "stopLines" contains all these pathological segments as a set * of line strings. * * GM_Tin::stopLines : Set<GM_LineString> */ private ArrayList<LineStringImpl> stopLines = null; /* * ArrayList of * GM_LineSegment */ /** * Breaklines are lines of a critical nature to the shape of the surface, * representing local ridges, or depressions (such as drainage lines) in the * surface. As such their constituent segments must be included in the TIN * even if doing so violates the Delaunay criterion. The attribute * "breakLines" contains these critical segments as a set of line strings. * * GM_Tin::breakLines : Set<GM_LineString> */ private ArrayList<LineStringImpl> breakLines = null; /* * ArrayList of * GM_LineSegment */ /** * Areas of the surface where the data is not sufficiently dense to assure * reasonable calculations shall be removed by adding a retention criterion * for triangles based on the length of their sides. For any triangle sides * exceeding maximum length, the adjacent triangles to that triangle side * shall be removed from the surface. * * GM_Tin::maxLength : Distance */ private double maxLength = Double.NaN; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private double minLength = Double.NaN; /** * The corners of the triangles in the TIN are often referred to as posts. * The attribute "controlPoint" shall contain a set of the GM_Positions used * as posts for this TIN. Since each TIN contains triangles, there must be * at least 3 posts. The order in which these points are given does not * affect the surface that is represented. Application schemas may add * information based on the ordering of the control points to facilitate the * reconstruction of the TIN from the controlPoints. * * GM_Tin::controlPoint[3..n] : GM_Position * * NOTE The control points of a TIN are often called "posts." */ private ArrayList<PositionImpl> controlPoint = null; /* * ArrayList of * GM_Position */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private ArrayList<LineSegmentImpl> front; /** * The constructor for a restricted Delaunay network requires the triangle * corners (posts), breaklines, stoplines, and maximum length of a triangle * side. * * GM_Tin::GM_Tin(post : Set<GM_Position>, stopLines : Set<GM_LineString>, * breakLines : Set<GM_LineString>, maxLength : Number): GM_Tin * * @param tin */ // public TinImpl(TinImpl tin) { // super(tin); // if (tin.breakLines!=null) { // this.breakLines = new ArrayList<LineStringImpl>(tin.breakLines); // } else { // this.breakLines = null; // } // if (tin.stopLines != null) { // this.stopLines = new ArrayList<LineStringImpl>(tin.stopLines); // } else { // tin.stopLines = null; // } // this.maxLength = tin.maxLength; // this.minLength = tin.minLength; // if ( tin.mFront!=null ) { // this.mFront = new ArrayList<LineSegmentImpl>(tin.mFront); // } else { // tin.mFront = null; // } // this.controlPoint = new ArrayList<PositionImpl>(); // // HashMap<PositionImpl,PositionImpl> hm = new // HashMap<PositionImpl,PositionImpl>(); // for (PositionImpl otherPos : tin.getPosts()) { // PositionImpl thisPos = new PositionImpl(otherPos.getDirectPosition()); // this.controlPoint.add(thisPos); // hm.put(otherPos,thisPos); // } // ArrayList<TriangleImpl> thisTriangles = new ArrayList<TriangleImpl>(); // for (Triangle otherTri : tin.getTriangles()) { // Position[] otherPositions = otherTri.getCorners(); // Position[] thisPositions = new PositionImpl[3]; // thisPositions[0] = hm.get(otherPositions[0]); // thisPositions[1] = hm.get(otherPositions[1]); // thisPositions[2] = hm.get(otherPositions[2]); // TriangleImpl thisTriangle = // CoordinateFactory.getDefault().createTriangle(null, // thisPositions[0].getPosition(), // thisPositions[1].getPosition(), // thisPositions[2].getPosition()); // thisTriangles.add(thisTriangle); // } // this.setTriangles(thisTriangles, null); // } /** * This constructor delegates the mesh generation to different mesh * generators. GM_Factory transforms the results of the mesh generation into * input parameters * * @param factory * * @param surfBdry * @param post * @param stopLines * @param breakLines * @param maxLength * @param triangles */ public TinImpl(SurfaceBoundaryImpl surfBdry, ArrayList<PositionImpl> post, ArrayList<LineStringImpl> stopLines, ArrayList<LineStringImpl> breakLines, double maxLength, ArrayList<TriangleImpl> triangles) { super(surfBdry); this.controlPoint = post; this.breakLines = breakLines; this.stopLines = stopLines; this.maxLength = maxLength; super.setTriangles(triangles); } /** * @param factory * @param post * @param stopLines * @param breakLines * @param maxLength */ public TinImpl(PositionImpl[] post, LineStringImpl[] stopLines, LineStringImpl[] breakLines, double maxLength) { /* Call super class; Triangles will be set later */ super(null); this.controlPoint = new ArrayList<PositionImpl>(); this.breakLines = new ArrayList<LineStringImpl>(); this.stopLines = new ArrayList<LineStringImpl>(); /* Adding posts (Control points) */ if (post.length >= 3) { for (int i = 0; i < post.length; i++) { this.controlPoint.add(post[i]); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "At least three control points expected."); //$NON-NLS-1$ } /* Adding Stop Lines */ for (int i = 0; i < stopLines.length; i++) { this.stopLines.add(stopLines[i]); } /* Adding Break Lines */ for (int i = 0; i < breakLines.length; i++) { this.breakLines.add(breakLines[i]); } /* Setting maximum length */ this.maxLength = maxLength; /* Create Triangles for Surface */ // temporary solution, without considering stopLines and breakLines, // and without generating intermediate points to smooth the mesh // TODO JR // GeoMshDelaunayTriangulation dTr = new GeoMshDelaunayTriangulation(); // dTr.createTriangles(post); // GM_Triangle[] triangles = dTr.getTriangles(); /* Set Triangles for Triangulated Surface (Super class) */ // JR: SJ, ich habe das übeprüft, es fast alles richtig, nur // this.setBoundary(new GM_SurfaceBoundary(patch)) hat Fehler. // Man muss aus allen Dreiecken die Boundary ermitteln // GM_TriangulatedSurface:setTriangles(GM_Triangle[] triangles) // sollte diese Arbeit erledigen // TODO JR // ArrayList<GM_Triangle> tris = new // ArrayList<GM_Triangle>(triangles.length); // for (GM_Triangle tri : tris) tris.add(tri); // super.setTriangles(tris,null); // JR gelöscht: erledigt in setTriangles. // /* Set this TIN as Associated Surface for each Surface Patch // (=Triangle) */ // for (int i=0; i<triangles.length; i++) { // triangles[i].setAssociatedSurface(this); // } } /** * @return List<LineStringImpl> */ public List<LineStringImpl> getStopLines() { return this.stopLines; } /** * @return List<LineStringImpl> */ public List<LineStringImpl> getBreakLines() { return this.breakLines; } /** * @return max length */ public double getMaxLength() { return this.maxLength; } /** * Returns an Array of the surface patches as GM_Triangle´s * * @return ArrayList<TriangleImpl> */ public List<TriangleImpl> getTriangles() { List<TriangleImpl> triangles = new ArrayList<TriangleImpl>(); //this.getFeatGeometryFactory().getListFactory().createTriangleList(); for (SurfacePatch sp : this.getPatches()) { triangles.add((TriangleImpl) sp); } return triangles; } /** * @return List<PositionImpl> */ public List<PositionImpl> getPosts() { return this.controlPoint; } }