package org.geotools.caching.spatialindex; /** * * Data structure to store statistics about a spatial index. * * Tracks: * <li>Number of reads.</li> * <li>Number of writes.</li> * <li>Number of nodes.</li> * <li>Size of data.</li> * * @author Christophe Rousson, SoC 2007, CRG-ULAVAL * * * * @source $URL$ */ public class SpatialIndexStatistics implements Statistics { int stats_reads = 0; int stats_writes = 0; int stats_nodes = 0; int stats_data = 0; public long getNumberOfData() { return stats_data; } public long getNumberOfNodes() { return stats_nodes; } public long getReads() { return stats_reads; } public long getWrites() { return stats_writes; } public void addToReadsCounter(int count) { stats_reads += count; } public void addToWritesCounter(int count) { stats_writes += count; } public void addToNodesCounter(int count) { stats_nodes += count; } public void addToDataCounter(int count) { stats_data += count; } public void reset() { stats_reads = 0; stats_writes = 0; stats_nodes = 0; stats_data = 0; } public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("Reads = " + stats_reads); sb.append(" ; Writes = " + stats_writes); sb.append(" ; Nodes = " + stats_nodes); sb.append(" ; Data = " + stats_data); return sb.toString(); } }