package; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.geotools.gpx2.gpxentities.BasicWaypoint; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.junit.Test; public class BasicWaypointTest { @Test public void testGetBasicWaypointDoubleDouble() { BasicWaypoint testSubject1 = BasicWaypoint .getBasicWaypoint(84.566, 120.123); if(testSubject1.getLatitude() != 84.566) { fail("The BasicWaypoint object was constructed with" + "an incorrect latitude value."); } if(testSubject1.getLongitude() != 120.123) { fail("The BasicWaypoint object was constructed with" + " an incorrect longitude value."); } // Pass illegal latitude and longitude values and see // if an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. boolean exceptionWasThrown = false; try { BasicWaypoint testSubject2 = BasicWaypoint .getBasicWaypoint(-500.223, 8090.123); } catch(IllegalArgumentException caught) { exceptionWasThrown = true; } if(exceptionWasThrown == false) { fail("The constructor should have caught " + "an IllegalArgumentException"); } } @Test public void testGetBasicWaypointDoubleDoubleString() { BasicWaypoint testSubject1 = BasicWaypoint .getBasicWaypoint(84.566, 120.123, "Waypoint 001"); if(testSubject1.getLatitude() != 84.566) { fail("The BasicWaypoint object was constructed with" + "an incorrect latitude value."); } if(testSubject1.getLongitude() != 120.123) { fail("The BasicWaypoint object was constructed with" + " an incorrect longitude value."); } String name = testSubject1.getName(); if(name.equals("Waypoint 001") == false) { fail("The BasicWaypoint object was constructed with the" + " wrong name."); } // Pass illegal latitude and longitude values and see // if an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. boolean exceptionWasThrown = false; try { BasicWaypoint testSubject2 = BasicWaypoint .getBasicWaypoint(-500.223, 8090.123); } catch(IllegalArgumentException caught) { exceptionWasThrown = true; } if(exceptionWasThrown == false) { fail("The constructor should have thrown " + "an IllegalArgumentException"); } } @Test public void testGetLatitude() { BasicWaypoint testSubject1 = BasicWaypoint .getBasicWaypoint(84.566, 120.123, "Waypoint 001"); if(testSubject1.getLatitude() != 84.566) { fail("The getLatitude method failed."); } } @Test public void testSetLatitude() { BasicWaypoint testSubject1 = BasicWaypoint .getBasicWaypoint(84.566, 120.123, "Waypoint 001"); testSubject1.setLatitude(45.255698); if(testSubject1.getLatitude() != 45.255698) { fail("The setLatitude method failed."); } boolean exceptionWasThrown = false; try { testSubject1.setLatitude(-8556.253); } catch(IllegalArgumentException caught) { exceptionWasThrown = true; } if(exceptionWasThrown == false) { fail("The setLatitude method should have thrown " + "an IllegalArgumentException"); } } @Test public void testGetLongitude() { BasicWaypoint testSubject1 = BasicWaypoint .getBasicWaypoint(84.566, 120.123, "Waypoint 001"); if(testSubject1.getLongitude() != 120.123) { fail("The getLongitude method failed."); } } @Test public void testSetLongitude() { BasicWaypoint testSubject1 = BasicWaypoint .getBasicWaypoint(84.566, 120.123, "Waypoint 001"); testSubject1.setLongitude(165.255698); if(testSubject1.getLongitude() != 165.255698) { fail("The setLongitude method failed."); } boolean exceptionWasThrown = false; try { testSubject1.setLatitude(-8556.253); } catch(IllegalArgumentException caught) { exceptionWasThrown = true; } if(exceptionWasThrown == false) { fail("The setLongitude method should have thrown " + "an IllegalArgumentException"); } } @Test public void testGetElevation() { BasicWaypoint testSubject1 = BasicWaypoint .getBasicWaypoint(84.566, 120.123, "Waypoint 001"); testSubject1.setElevation(-10.526); if(testSubject1.getElevation() != -10.526) { fail("The setElevation method failed. The elevation" + " values did not match."); } } @Test public void testSetElevation() { BasicWaypoint testSubject1 = BasicWaypoint .getBasicWaypoint(84.566, 120.123, "Waypoint 001"); testSubject1.setElevation(-10.526); if(testSubject1.getElevation() != -10.526) { fail("The setElevation method failed."); } if(testSubject1.hasElevation() == false) { fail("The setElevation method failed. The hasElevation" + " method did not return true."); } } @Test public void testGetTime() { BasicWaypoint testSubject1 = BasicWaypoint .getBasicWaypoint(84.566, 120.123, "Waypoint 001"); DateTime now = new DateTime(); testSubject1.setTime(now); DateTime timeReturned = testSubject1.getTime(); if(timeReturned.equals(now) != true) { fail("The getTime method failed. The date and time" + " values did not match."); } } @Test public void testSetTime() { BasicWaypoint testSubject1 = BasicWaypoint .getBasicWaypoint(84.566, 120.123, "Waypoint 001"); DateTime now = new DateTime(); testSubject1.setTime(now); DateTime timeReturned = testSubject1.getTime(); if(timeReturned.equals(now) != true) { fail("The getTime method failed. The date and time" + " values did not match."); } if(testSubject1.hasDateAndTimeCollected() != true) { fail("The getTime method failed. The hasDateAndTimeCollected" + " method did not return true."); } } @Test public void testGetName() { BasicWaypoint testSubject1 = BasicWaypoint .getBasicWaypoint(84.566, 120.123, "Waypoint 001"); String name = testSubject1.getName(); if(name.equals("Waypoint 001") != true) { fail("The getName method failed. The name values did not match."); } } @Test public void testSetName() { BasicWaypoint testSubject1 = BasicWaypoint .getBasicWaypoint(84.566, 120.123, "Waypoint 001"); String name = testSubject1.getName(); if(name.equals("Waypoint 001") != true) { fail("The getName method failed. The name values did not match."); } if(testSubject1.hasName() != true) { fail("The setName method failed. The hasName" + " method did not return true."); } } }