/* * Project Name: GeoTools GPX Support * Original Organization Name: The SurveyOs Project * Original Programmer Name: The Sunburned Surveyor * Current Maintainer Name: The SurveyOS Project * Current Maintainer Contact Information * E-Mail Address: The Sunburned Surveyor * Copyright Holder: The SurveyOS Project * Date Last Modified: Jun 20, 2008 * Current Version Number: 00.00.01 * IDE Name: Eclipse * IDE Version: 3.2.1 * Type: Java Class */ package test.net.surveyos.sourceforge.gpx2; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.io.File; import java.util.List; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.geotools.gpx2.gpxentities.*; import org.geotools.gpx2.io.SimpleGpxReader; public class SimpleGpxReaderTest { @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { //Stub } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { //Stub } @Test public void testGetWaypoints() { SimpleGpxReader reader = new SimpleGpxReader(); File targetFile = new File("H:/My_Programming/Eclipse_Workspace/" + "GeoTools GPX Support (2008-11-11 Release)/src/test/net/" + "surveyos/sourceforge/gpx2/" + "resources/sample_gpx_file_01.gpx"); reader.setUpForReading(targetFile); List<SimpleWaypoint> waypoints = reader.getWaypoints(); if(waypoints.isEmpty() == true) { fail("No waypoints were parsed by the reader."); } SimpleWaypoint waypoint1 = waypoints.get(0); double lat = waypoint1.getLatitude(); double lon = waypoint1.getLongitude(); double ele = waypoint1.getElevation(); String name = waypoint1.getName(); if(lat != 37.95708231) { String latAsString = Double.toString(lat); fail("The latitude of the first waypoint was not parsed correctly." + "The value of the latitude provided by the reader was" + latAsString); } if(lon != -121.31492345) { String lonAsString = Double.toString(lon); fail("The longitude of the first waypoint was not parsed correctly." + "The value of the longitude provided by the reader was" + lonAsString); } if(ele != -3.960) { String eleAsString = Double.toString(ele); fail("The elevation of the first waypoint was not parsed correctly." + "The value of the elevation provided by the reader was" + eleAsString); } if( name.equals("040") == false) { fail("The name of the first waypoint was not parsed correctly." + "The value of the name provided by the reader was" + name); } } @Test public void testGetTracks() { SimpleGpxReader reader = new SimpleGpxReader(); File targetFile = new File("H:/My_Programming/Eclipse_Workspace/" + "GeoTools GPX Support (2008-11-11 Release)/src/test/net/" + "surveyos/sourceforge/gpx2/" + "resources/sample_gpx_file_02.gpx"); reader.setUpForReading(targetFile); List<Track> tracks = reader.getTracks(); if(tracks.isEmpty() == true) { fail("No tracks were parsed by the reader."); } Track firstParsedTrack = tracks.get(0); List<TrackSegment> segments = firstParsedTrack.getTrackSegments(); TrackSegment firstSegment = segments.get(0); List<SimpleWaypoint> waypoints = firstSegment.getTrackPoints(); SimpleWaypoint waypoint1 = waypoints.get(0); double lat1 = waypoint1.getLatitude(); double lon1 = waypoint1.getLongitude(); double ele1 = waypoint1.getElevation(); if(lat1 != 37.95711995) { String latAsString = Double.toString(lat1); fail("The latitude of the first track point was not " + "parsed correctly." + "The value of the latitude provided by the " + "reader was" + latAsString); } if(lon1 != -121.31200076) { String lonAsString = Double.toString(lon1); fail("The longitude of the first track point was not parsed " + "correctly." + "The value of the longitude provided by the reader was" + lonAsString); } if(ele1 != -7.553) { String eleAsString = Double.toString(ele1); fail("The elevation of the first track point was not parsed " + "correctly." + "The value of the elevation provided by the reader was" + eleAsString); } SimpleWaypoint waypoint2 = waypoints.get(0); double lat2 = waypoint1.getLatitude(); double lon2 = waypoint1.getLongitude(); double ele2 = waypoint1.getElevation(); String name2 = waypoint1.getName(); if(lat2 != 37.95711995) { String latAsString = Double.toString(lat2); fail("The latitude of the second track point was not" + " parsed correctly." + "The value of the latitude provided by the reader was" + latAsString); } if(lon2 != -121.31200076) { String lonAsString = Double.toString(lon2); fail("The longitude of the second track point was not " + "parsed correctly." + "The value of the longitude provided by the reader was" + lonAsString); } if(ele2 != -7.553) { String eleAsString = Double.toString(ele2); fail("The elevation of the second track point was not " + "parsed correctly." + "The value of the elevation provided by the reader was" + eleAsString); } } }