/* * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.elasticsearch.common.network; import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.Tuple; import org.elasticsearch.test.ESTestCase; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasToString; public class CidrsTests extends ESTestCase { public void testNullCidr() { try { Cidrs.cidrMaskToMinMax(null); fail("expected NullPointerException"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { assertThat(e, hasToString(containsString("cidr"))); } } public void testSplittingSlash() { List<String> cases = new ArrayList<>(); cases.add(""); cases.add(""); cases.add(""); cases.add("/"); for (String test : cases) { try { Cidrs.cidrMaskToMinMax(test); fail("expected IllegalArgumentException after splitting"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertThat(e, hasToString(containsString("expected [a.b.c.d, e]"))); assertThat(e, hasToString(containsString("splitting on \"/\""))); } } } public void testSplittingDot() { List<String> cases = new ArrayList<>(); cases.add("1.2.3/32"); cases.add("1/32"); cases.add("1./32"); cases.add("1../32"); cases.add("1.../32"); cases.add(""); cases.add("/32"); for (String test : cases) { try { Cidrs.cidrMaskToMinMax(test); fail("expected IllegalArgumentException after splitting"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertThat(e, hasToString(containsString("unable to parse"))); assertThat(e, hasToString(containsString("as an IP address literal"))); } } } public void testValidSpecificCases() { List<Tuple<String, long[]>> cases = new ArrayList<>(); cases.add(new Tuple<>("", new long[]{(192L << 24) + (168 << 16), (192L << 24) + (168 << 16) + (1 << 8)})); cases.add(new Tuple<>("", new long[]{(192L << 24) + (168 << 16) + (128 << 8), (192L << 24) + (168 << 16) + (128 << 8) + (1 << 15)})); cases.add(new Tuple<>("", new long[]{128L << 24, (128L << 24) + (1L << 31)})); // edge case cases.add(new Tuple<>("", new long[]{0, 1L << 32})); // edge case cases.add(new Tuple<>("", new long[]{0, 1L << 31})); // edge case cases.add(new Tuple<>( "", new long[]{(192L << 24) + (168L << 16) + (1L << 8) + 1L, (192L << 24) + (168L << 16) + (1L << 8) + 1L + 1}) ); // edge case for (Tuple<String, long[]> test : cases) { long[] actual = Cidrs.cidrMaskToMinMax(test.v1()); assertArrayEquals(test.v1(), test.v2(), actual); } } public void testInvalidSpecificOctetCases() { List<String> cases = new ArrayList<>(); cases.add(""); // first octet out of range cases.add(""); // second octet out of range cases.add(""); // third octet out of range cases.add(""); // fourth octet out of range cases.add("abc.0.0.0/8"); // octet that can not be parsed cases.add("-"); // first octet out of range cases.add("128.-1.0.0/16"); // second octet out of range cases.add("128.128.-1.0/24"); // third octet out of range cases.add("128.128.128.-1/32"); // fourth octet out of range for (String test : cases) { try { Cidrs.cidrMaskToMinMax(test); fail("expected invalid address"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertThat(e, hasToString(containsString("unable to parse"))); assertThat(e, hasToString(containsString("as an IP address literal"))); } } } public void testInvalidSpecificNetworkMaskCases() { List<String> cases = new ArrayList<>(); cases.add(""); // network mask out of range cases.add(""); // network mask out of range cases.add(""); // network mask that can not be parsed for (String test : cases) { try { Cidrs.cidrMaskToMinMax(test); fail("expected invalid network mask"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertThat(e, hasToString(containsString("network mask"))); } } } public void testValidCombinations() { for (long i = 0; i < (1 << 16); i++) { String octetsString = Cidrs.octetsToString(Cidrs.longToOctets(i << 16)); for (int mask = 16; mask <= 32; mask++) { String test = octetsString + "/" + mask; long[] actual = Cidrs.cidrMaskToMinMax(test); assertNotNull(test, actual); assertEquals(test, 2, actual.length); assertEquals(test, i << 16, actual[0]); assertEquals(test, (i << 16) + (1L << (32 - mask)), actual[1]); } } } public void testInvalidCombinations() { List<String> cases = new ArrayList<>(); cases.add(""); // invalid because fourth octet is not zero cases.add(""); // invalid because third octet is not zero cases.add(""); // invalid because second octet is not zero cases.add(""); // invalid because first octet is not zero // create cases that have a bit set outside of the network mask int value = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) { cases.add(Cidrs.octetsToCIDR(Cidrs.longToOctets(value), 32 - i - 1)); value <<= 1; } for (String test : cases) { try { Cidrs.cidrMaskToMinMax(test); fail("expected invalid combination"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertThat(test, e, hasToString(containsString("invalid address/network mask combination"))); } } } public void testRandomValidCombinations() { List<Tuple<String, Integer>> cases = new ArrayList<>(); // random number of strings with valid octets and valid network masks for (int i = 0; i < randomIntBetween(1, 1024); i++) { int networkMask = randomIntBetween(0, 32); long mask = (1L << (32 - networkMask)) - 1; long address = randomLongInIPv4Range() & ~mask; cases.add(new Tuple<>(Cidrs.octetsToCIDR(Cidrs.longToOctets(address), networkMask), networkMask)); } for (Tuple<String, Integer> test : cases) { long[] actual = Cidrs.cidrMaskToMinMax(test.v1()); assertNotNull(test.v1(), actual); assertEquals(test.v1(), 2, actual.length); // assert the resulting block has the right size assertEquals(test.v1(), 1L << (32 - test.v2()), actual[1] - actual[0]); } } private long randomLongInIPv4Range() { return randomLong() & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL; } }