/* * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.elasticsearch.action.get; import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionRequestValidationException; import org.elasticsearch.action.RealtimeRequest; import org.elasticsearch.action.ValidateActions; import org.elasticsearch.action.support.single.shard.SingleShardRequest; import org.elasticsearch.common.Nullable; import org.elasticsearch.common.io.stream.StreamInput; import org.elasticsearch.common.io.stream.StreamOutput; import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.uid.Versions; import org.elasticsearch.index.VersionType; import org.elasticsearch.search.fetch.subphase.FetchSourceContext; import java.io.IOException; /** * A request to get a document (its source) from an index based on its type (optional) and id. Best created using * {@link org.elasticsearch.client.Requests#getRequest(String)}. * <p> * The operation requires the {@link #index()}, {@link #type(String)} and {@link #id(String)} * to be set. * * @see org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetResponse * @see org.elasticsearch.client.Requests#getRequest(String) * @see org.elasticsearch.client.Client#get(GetRequest) */ public class GetRequest extends SingleShardRequest<GetRequest> implements RealtimeRequest { private String type; private String id; private String routing; private String parent; private String preference; private String[] storedFields; private FetchSourceContext fetchSourceContext; private boolean refresh = false; boolean realtime = true; private VersionType versionType = VersionType.INTERNAL; private long version = Versions.MATCH_ANY; public GetRequest() { type = "_all"; } /** * Constructs a new get request against the specified index. The {@link #type(String)} and {@link #id(String)} * must be set. */ public GetRequest(String index) { super(index); this.type = "_all"; } /** * Constructs a new get request against the specified index with the type and id. * * @param index The index to get the document from * @param type The type of the document * @param id The id of the document */ public GetRequest(String index, String type, String id) { super(index); this.type = type; this.id = id; } @Override public ActionRequestValidationException validate() { ActionRequestValidationException validationException = super.validateNonNullIndex(); if (type == null) { validationException = ValidateActions.addValidationError("type is missing", validationException); } if (id == null) { validationException = ValidateActions.addValidationError("id is missing", validationException); } if (!versionType.validateVersionForReads(version)) { validationException = ValidateActions.addValidationError("illegal version value [" + version + "] for version type [" + versionType.name() + "]", validationException); } if (versionType == VersionType.FORCE) { validationException = ValidateActions.addValidationError("version type [force] may no longer be used", validationException); } return validationException; } /** * Sets the type of the document to fetch. */ public GetRequest type(@Nullable String type) { if (type == null) { type = "_all"; } this.type = type; return this; } /** * Sets the id of the document to fetch. */ public GetRequest id(String id) { this.id = id; return this; } /** * @return The parent for this request. */ public String parent() { return parent; } /** * Sets the parent id of this document. */ public GetRequest parent(String parent) { this.parent = parent; return this; } /** * Controls the shard routing of the request. Using this value to hash the shard * and not the id. */ public GetRequest routing(String routing) { this.routing = routing; return this; } /** * Sets the preference to execute the search. Defaults to randomize across shards. Can be set to * <tt>_local</tt> to prefer local shards, <tt>_primary</tt> to execute only on primary shards, or * a custom value, which guarantees that the same order will be used across different requests. */ public GetRequest preference(String preference) { this.preference = preference; return this; } public String type() { return type; } public String id() { return id; } public String routing() { return this.routing; } public String preference() { return this.preference; } /** * Allows setting the {@link FetchSourceContext} for this request, controlling if and how _source should be returned. */ public GetRequest fetchSourceContext(FetchSourceContext context) { this.fetchSourceContext = context; return this; } public FetchSourceContext fetchSourceContext() { return fetchSourceContext; } /** * Explicitly specify the stored fields that will be returned. By default, the <tt>_source</tt> * field will be returned. */ public GetRequest storedFields(String... fields) { this.storedFields = fields; return this; } /** * Explicitly specify the stored fields that will be returned. By default, the <tt>_source</tt> * field will be returned. */ public String[] storedFields() { return this.storedFields; } /** * Should a refresh be executed before this get operation causing the operation to * return the latest value. Note, heavy get should not set this to <tt>true</tt>. Defaults * to <tt>false</tt>. */ public GetRequest refresh(boolean refresh) { this.refresh = refresh; return this; } public boolean refresh() { return this.refresh; } public boolean realtime() { return this.realtime; } @Override public GetRequest realtime(boolean realtime) { this.realtime = realtime; return this; } /** * Sets the version, which will cause the get operation to only be performed if a matching * version exists and no changes happened on the doc since then. */ public long version() { return version; } public GetRequest version(long version) { this.version = version; return this; } /** * Sets the versioning type. Defaults to {@link org.elasticsearch.index.VersionType#INTERNAL}. */ public GetRequest versionType(VersionType versionType) { this.versionType = versionType; return this; } public VersionType versionType() { return this.versionType; } @Override public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException { super.readFrom(in); type = in.readString(); id = in.readString(); routing = in.readOptionalString(); parent = in.readOptionalString(); preference = in.readOptionalString(); refresh = in.readBoolean(); storedFields = in.readOptionalStringArray(); realtime = in.readBoolean(); this.versionType = VersionType.fromValue(in.readByte()); this.version = in.readLong(); fetchSourceContext = in.readOptionalWriteable(FetchSourceContext::new); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeTo(out); out.writeString(type); out.writeString(id); out.writeOptionalString(routing); out.writeOptionalString(parent); out.writeOptionalString(preference); out.writeBoolean(refresh); out.writeOptionalStringArray(storedFields); out.writeBoolean(realtime); out.writeByte(versionType.getValue()); out.writeLong(version); out.writeOptionalWriteable(fetchSourceContext); } @Override public String toString() { return "get [" + index + "][" + type + "][" + id + "]: routing [" + routing + "]"; } }