package org.tgdb.samplingunit.samplingunitmanager; import org.tgdb.frame.PageManager; import; import org.tgdb.exceptions.ApplicationException; import org.tgdb.TgDbCaller; import org.tgdb.exceptions.CallerIsNullException; import org.tgdb.exceptions.ExceptionLogUtil; import org.tgdb.exceptions.PermissionDeniedException; import org.tgdb.exceptions.SamplingUnitNotFoundException; import org.tgdb.model.expmodel.ExpModelRemote; import org.tgdb.model.modelmanager.ModelManagerRemote; import org.tgdb.project.AbstractTgDbBean; import org.tgdb.project.ParamDataObject; import org.tgdb.project.project.ProjectRemote; import org.tgdb.project.project.ProjectRemoteHome; import org.tgdb.project.user.UserRemoteHome; import; import org.tgdb.resource.resource.ResourceRemote; import org.tgdb.resource.resource.ResourceRemoteHome; import org.tgdb.resource.resourcemanager.ResourceManagerRemote; import org.tgdb.samplingunit.samplingunit.SamplingUnitRemote; import org.tgdb.samplingunit.samplingunit.SamplingUnitRemoteHome; import org.tgdb.servicelocator.ServiceLocator; import org.tgdb.species.species.SpeciesRemote; import org.tgdb.species.species.SpeciesRemoteHome; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.ejb.FinderException; public class SamplingUnitManagerBean extends AbstractTgDbBean implements javax.ejb.SessionBean, org.tgdb.samplingunit.samplingunitmanager.SamplingUnitManagerRemoteBusiness { private javax.ejb.SessionContext context; private SamplingUnitRemoteHome surh; private SpeciesRemoteHome sprh; private UserRemoteHome urh; private ProjectRemoteHome projectHome; private ResourceRemoteHome resourceHome; private ModelManagerRemote modelManager; private ResourceManagerRemote resourceManager; private ExpModelRemote o; // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="EJB infrastructure methods. Click the + sign on the left to edit the code."> // TODO Add code to acquire and use other enterprise resources (DataSource, JMS, enterprise bean, Web services) // TODO Add business methods or web service operations /** * @see javax.ejb.SessionBean#setSessionContext(javax.ejb.SessionContext) */ public void setSessionContext(javax.ejb.SessionContext aContext) { context = aContext; } /** * @see javax.ejb.SessionBean#ejbActivate() */ public void ejbActivate() { } /** * @see javax.ejb.SessionBean#ejbPassivate() */ public void ejbPassivate() { } /** * @see javax.ejb.SessionBean#ejbRemove() */ public void ejbRemove() { } // </editor-fold> /** * See section 7.10.3 of the EJB 2.0 specification * See section 7.11.3 of the EJB 2.1 specification */ public void ejbCreate() { surh = (SamplingUnitRemoteHome)locator.getHome(ServiceLocator.Services.SAMPLINGUNIT); sprh = (SpeciesRemoteHome)locator.getHome(ServiceLocator.Services.SPECIES); urh = (UserRemoteHome)locator.getHome(ServiceLocator.Services.USER); projectHome = (ProjectRemoteHome)locator.getHome(ServiceLocator.Services.PROJECT); resourceHome = (ResourceRemoteHome)locator.getHome(ServiceLocator.Services.RESOURCE); modelManager = (ModelManagerRemote)locator.getManager(ServiceLocator.Services.MODELMANAGER); resourceManager = (ResourceManagerRemote)locator.getManager(ServiceLocator.Services.RESOURCEMANAGER); } // Add business logic below. (Right-click in editor and choose // "EJB Methods > Add Business Method" or "Web Service > Add Operation") /** * Returns a collection of sampling units. * @param pid The project id * @param caller The current caller object for the work session * @throws org.tgdb.exceptions.ApplicationException If the sampling units could not be retrieved. * @return A collection of sampling units for the project */ public Collection getSamplingUnits(int pid, TgDbCaller caller) throws ApplicationException { validate("SU_R", caller); Collection arr = new ArrayList(); try { Collection samplingunits = surh.findByProject(pid); Iterator i = samplingunits.iterator(); SamplingUnitRemote su; while (i.hasNext()) { su = (SamplingUnitRemote); arr.add(new SamplingUnitDTO(su.getSuid(), su.getName(), su.getSpecies().getSid())); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ApplicationException("Error getting sampling units", e); } return arr; } /** * Returns the number of sampling units for the specified species * @return The number of sampling units for the specified species * @param qdo The parameters to filter on * @param sid The species id * @param caller The current caller object * @throws org.tgdb.exceptions.ApplicationException If the operation failed */ public int getNumberOfSamplingUnits(int sid, org.tgdb.TgDbCaller caller, ParamDataObject qdo) throws ApplicationException { validate("SU_R", caller); makeConnection(); Statement st = null; int num = 0; try { String sql = "select count(suid) as num from v_sampling_units_3 where pid = '"+caller.getPid()+"' "; String extendSQL = buildQueryConditions(qdo); logger.debug("---------------------------------------->SamplingUnitManagerBean#getNumberOfSamplingUnits: Query = " + sql + extendSQL); st = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet result = st.executeQuery(sql+extendSQL); if ( { num = result.getInt("num"); } } catch (Exception se) { se.printStackTrace(); throw new ApplicationException("Unable to count sampling units."+se.getMessage(), se); } finally { releaseConnection(); } return num; } public int getNumberOfGroupings(int suid) throws ApplicationException { try { SamplingUnitRemote su = surh.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(suid)); return 0;//su.getNumberOfGroupings(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ApplicationException("Could not count groupings.", e); } } /** * Retrieves the samplingunits that exist for the current species and project * @return A collection of sampling unit dto's * @param qdo Filtering parameters * @param sid The species id * @param pageManager The pagemanager object handling data page browsing info * @param caller The current caller object * @throws org.tgdb.exceptions.ApplicationException If the sampling units could not be found */ public Collection getSamplingUnits(TgDbCaller caller, PageManager pageManager, ParamDataObject qdo, int sid) throws ApplicationException { validate("SU_R", caller); makeConnection(); Collection arr = new ArrayList(); Statement st = null; try { String sql = "select * from v_sampling_units_3 where pid = '"+caller.getPid()+"' and sid = "+sid; String extendSQL = buildQueryConditions(qdo); st = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet result = st.executeQuery(sql+extendSQL); SamplingUnitDTO dto = null; int start = pageManager.getStart(); int stop = pageManager.getStop(); int index = 0; while ( { index++; if (index>=start && index<=stop) { SamplingUnitRemote su = surh.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(result.getInt("suid"))); su.setCaller(caller); dto = new SamplingUnitDTO(su); /* dto = new SamplingUnitDTO(result.getInt("suid"), result.getString("name")); dto.setComm(result.getString("comm")); dto.setStatus(result.getString("status")); dto.setTs(result.getDate("ts")); dto.setUsr(result.getString("usr")); dto.setInds(result.getInt("inds")); */ arr.add(dto); } else {; } } } catch (Exception se) { se.printStackTrace(); throw new ApplicationException("Unable to find sampling units."+se.getMessage(), se); } finally { releaseConnection(); } return arr; } /** * Retrieves the samplingunits history * @return A collection of sampling unit dto's * @param suid The sampling unit id * @param caller The current caller object * @throws org.tgdb.exceptions.ApplicationException If the sampling units could not be found */ public Collection getSamplingUnitHistory(TgDbCaller caller, int suid) throws ApplicationException { validate("SU_R", caller); try { SamplingUnitRemote sur = surh.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(suid)); sur.setCaller(caller); return sur.getHistory(); } catch (Exception se) { se.printStackTrace(); throw new ApplicationException("Unable to find sampling units history.", se); } } /** * Creates a new sampling unit * @return The id of the new sampling unit * @param pid the project the sampling unit should be connected to * @param name The name of the sampling unit * @param comm The comment for the sampling unit * @param status The status of the sampling unit * @param caller The current caller object * @param sid The species id for which this sampling unit belongs to * @throws org.tgdb.exceptions.ApplicationException If the sampling unit could not be created */ public int createSamplingUnit(String name, String comm, String status, int sid, int pid, TgDbCaller caller) throws ApplicationException { int suid = 0; validate("SU_W", caller); validate("Name", name, 20); validate("Comment", comm, 256); try { SamplingUnitRemote tmp = null; try { tmp = surh.findByName(name, caller); } catch (FinderException ex) { //ex.printStackTrace(); tmp = null; } if (tmp!=null) throw new ApplicationException("Sampling unit name is not unique. Please find another name."); makeConnection(); suid = getIIdGenerator().getNextId(conn, "sampling_units_seq"); SpeciesRemote sr = sprh.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(sid)); SamplingUnitRemote sur = surh.create(new Integer(suid), name, comm, sr, caller); ProjectRemote p = projectHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(pid)); p.addSamplingUnit(sur); } catch (ApplicationException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ApplicationException("Could not create a new sampling unit.", e); } finally { releaseConnection(); } return suid; } /** * Returns the default sampling unit. This depends on the pid in the caller * object. * @param caller The caller * @throws org.tgdb.exceptions.ApplicationException If the default sampling unit could not be retrieved * @return The default sampling unit */ public SamplingUnitDTO getDefaultSamplingUnit(TgDbCaller caller) throws ApplicationException { if (caller==null) throw new CallerIsNullException("Caller is not set"); validate("SU_R", caller); SamplingUnitDTO dto = null; try { SamplingUnitRemote su; Collection arr = surh.findByProject(caller.getPid()); Iterator i = arr.iterator(); if (i.hasNext()) { su = (SamplingUnitRemote); su.setCaller(caller); dto = new SamplingUnitDTO(su); } else { ProjectRemote prj = projectHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(caller.getPid())); Collection species = prj.getSpecies(); Iterator is = species.iterator(); SpeciesRemote s = null; if (is.hasNext()) s = (SpeciesRemote); else throw new ApplicationException("No species assigned to this project."); caller.setSid(s.getSid()); logger.debug("---------------------------------------->SamplingUnitManagerBean#getDefaultSamplingUnit: Default sampling unit not found. Auto creating default sampling unit"); int suid = createSamplingUnit(prj.getName()+".default", "", "E", caller.getSid(), caller.getPid(), caller); su = surh.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(suid)); dto = new SamplingUnitDTO(su); } } catch (RemoteException e) { logger.error("---------------------------------------->SamplingUnitManagerBean#getDefaultSamplingUnit: Remote exception", e); throw ExceptionLogUtil.createLoggableEJBException(e); } catch (FinderException e) { logger.error("---------------------------------------->SamplingUnitManagerBean#getDefaultSamplingUnit: Failed to find sampling unit", e); throw new ApplicationException("Unable to get default sampling unit.", e); } return dto; } /** * Method for retrieval of a single sample unit (DTO) * @param caller The current caller object * @param suid The sampling unit id of the unit to retrieve * @throws org.tgdb.exceptions.ApplicationException If the sampling unit could not be retrieved * @return A Sampling Unit Data transfer object (DTO) */ public SamplingUnitDTO getSamplingUnit(org.tgdb.TgDbCaller caller, int suid) throws ApplicationException { validate("SU_R", caller); SamplingUnitDTO dto = null; try { SamplingUnitRemote su = surh.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(suid)); dto = new SamplingUnitDTO(su); } catch (Exception se) { se.printStackTrace(); throw new ApplicationException("Unable to find sampling unit", se); } return dto; } /** * Updates the information about a sampling unit * @param suid The id of the sampling unit to update * @param name The (new?) name of the sampling unit * @param comm The (new?) comment for the sampling unit * @param status The (new?) status of the sampling unit * @param caller The current caller object * @throws org.tgdb.exceptions.ApplicationException If the sampling unit could not be updated */ public void updateSamplingUnit(int suid, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String comm, java.lang.String status, org.tgdb.TgDbCaller caller) throws ApplicationException { validate("SU_W", caller); validate("Name", name, 20); validate("Comment", comm, 256); try{ SamplingUnitRemote su = surh.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(suid)); su.setCaller(caller); su.addHistory(); su.setName(name); su.setComm(comm); su.setStatus(status); } catch (FinderException e) { logger.error("---------------------------------------->SamplingUnitManagerBean#updateSamplingUnit: Update failed, Sampling unit was not found.",e); throw new SamplingUnitNotFoundException("Update failed, Sampling unit was not found.", e); } catch (RemoteException e) { logger.error("---------------------------------------->SamplingUnitManagerBean#updateSamplingUnit: Update failed. Remote exception",e); throw ExceptionLogUtil.createLoggableEJBException(e); } } /** * Removes a sampling unit * @param suid The id of the sampling unit to remove * @param caller The current caller object * @throws org.tgdb.exceptions.ApplicationException If the sampling unit could not be retrieved */ public void removeSamplingUnit(int suid, org.tgdb.TgDbCaller caller) throws ApplicationException { validate("SU_W", caller); validate("IND_W", caller); validate("GRP_W", caller); validate("MODEL_W", caller); try{ SamplingUnitRemote su = surh.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(suid)); Iterator models = su.getExperimentalModels().iterator(); while (models.hasNext()) { ExpModelRemote m = (ExpModelRemote); modelManager.removeModel(m.getEid(), caller); //m.remove(); } su.remove(); }catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ApplicationException("Could not remove sampling unit with suid="+suid, e); } } /** * Method for retrieval of all species for a project * @param caller The current caller object * @throws org.tgdb.exceptions.ApplicationException If something went wrong during the retrieval * @return A collection of species remote interfaces */ public Collection getSpeciesForProject(int pid, TgDbCaller caller) throws ApplicationException { if (pid!=caller.getPid() && !caller.isAdmin()) throw new PermissionDeniedException("User is not allowed to get species."); validate("SU_R", caller); Collection species = new ArrayList(); try{ SpeciesRemote sr; Collection keys = sprh.findByProject(pid); //findAllSpecies(pid); Iterator itr = keys.iterator(); while(itr.hasNext()){ sr = (SpeciesRemote); species.add(sr); } }catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ApplicationException("Could not get species", e); } return species; } /** * Returns the sampling units for a species and project * @param pid The project id * @param sid The species id * @param caller The caller * @throws org.tgdb.exceptions.ApplicationException If the sampling units could not be retrieved * @return The sampling units for the species and project */ public Collection getSamplingUnits(int pid, int sid, org.tgdb.TgDbCaller caller) throws ApplicationException { validate("SU_R", caller); Collection arr = new ArrayList(); try { Collection samplingunits = surh.findByProjectSpecies(pid, sid); Iterator i = samplingunits.iterator(); SamplingUnitRemote su; while (i.hasNext()) { su = (SamplingUnitRemote); arr.add(new SamplingUnitDTO(su.getSuid(), su.getName(), su.getSpecies().getSid())); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ApplicationException("Error getting sampling units", e); } return arr; } /** * Returns the experimental objects for a sampling unit. This returns all * individuals and all models. * @param suid The sampling unit id * @param caller The caller * @throws org.tgdb.exceptions.ApplicationException If the experimental objects could not be retrieved * @return The experimental objects for the sampling unit */ public Collection getExperimentalObjects(int suid, org.tgdb.TgDbCaller caller) throws ApplicationException { if (!caller.hasPrivilege("IND_R") && !caller.hasPrivilege("MODEL_R")) throw new PermissionDeniedException("Permission denied then getting objects. Privilege IND_R or MODEL_R are needed"); Collection dto = new ArrayList(); try { SamplingUnitRemote samplingUnit = surh.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(suid)); samplingUnit.setCaller(caller); Collection expObjects = samplingUnit.getExperimentalObjects(); Iterator itr = expObjects.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { // Add to array Object o =; if(o instanceof ExpModelRemote) { ExpModelRemote expObj = (ExpModelRemote)o; dto.add(new ExperimentalObjectDTO(expObj.getEid(), expObj.getIdentity(), expObj.getUser().getUsr(), expObj.getUser().getId(), expObj.getAlias(), expObj.getComm(), expObj.getTs().toString())); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ApplicationException("Could not get experimental objects. suid="+suid, e); } return dto; } /** * Get the resource tree for all resources connected to the sampling unit * with the suid provided. * @param suid is the sampling unit id * @param caller is the caller of this method. * @throws org.tgdb.exceptions.ApplicationException * @return a collection of ResourceBranchDTO */ public Collection getResourceTreeCollection(int suid, TgDbCaller caller) throws ApplicationException { logger.debug("---------------------------------------->SamplingUnitManagerBean#getResourceTreeCollection"); Collection resourceTree = new ArrayList(); try { SamplingUnitRemote su = surh.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(suid)); Collection resources = su.getResources(); return resourceManager.getResourceTreeCollection(resources, caller); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ApplicationException("Failed to get resources", e); } } public void addLinkResource(String name, String comm, String url, int category, int suid, TgDbCaller caller) throws ApplicationException { validate("RESOURCE_W", caller); logger.debug("---------------------------------------->SamplingUnitManagerBean#addLinkResource: Started"); try { int resourceId = 0; ResourceRemote res = null; SamplingUnitRemote su = surh.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(suid)); // Store the link LinkRemote link = resourceManager.createLink(name, comm, url, caller); // Register the link as a resource res = resourceManager.createResource(link, category, caller); su.addResource(res); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("---------------------------------------->SamplingUnitManagerBean#addLinkResource: Failed"); throw new ApplicationException("SamplingUnitManagerBean#addLinkResource", e); } logger.debug("---------------------------------------->SamplingUnitManagerBean#addLinkResource: Ended"); } public void addResource(java.lang.String type, int category, int project, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String comm, FileDataObject fileData, org.tgdb.TgDbCaller caller, String url, int suid) throws ApplicationException { validate("RESOURCE_W", caller); logger.debug("---------------------------------------->SamplingUnitManagerBean#addResource: Started"); try { int resourceId = 0; ResourceRemote res = null; SamplingUnitRemote su = surh.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(suid)); if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("file")) { // Store the file int fileId = resourceManager.saveFile(fileData.getFileName(), comm, caller, fileData).getFileId(); // Register the file as a resource res = resourceManager.createResource(project, name, comm, fileId, 0, category, caller); su.addResource(res); } else if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("weblink")) { // Store the link int linkid = resourceManager.createLink(name, comm, url, caller).getLinkId(); // Register the link as a resource res = resourceManager.createResource(project, name, comm, 0, linkid, category, caller); su.addResource(res); } else { throw new ApplicationException("Unknown type"); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("---------------------------------------->SamplingUnitManagerBean#addResource: Failed to add resource", e); throw new ApplicationException("Could not add resource to sampling unit", e); } logger.debug("---------------------------------------->SamplingUnitManagerBean#addResource: Ended"); } }