/* * $Log$ * Revision 1.4 2003/12/09 07:56:39 wali * Extended with the servletspaths to resMenu and viewRes * * Revision 1.3 2003/05/02 07:58:45 heto * Changed the package structure from se.prevas.arexis.XYZ to se.arexis.agdb.XYZ * Modified configuration and source files according to package change. * * Revision 1.2 2002/10/18 11:41:09 heto * Replaced Assertion.assert with Assertion.assertMsg * * Java 1.4 have a keyword "assert". * * Revision 2002/10/16 18:14:04 heto * Import of aGDB 1.5 L3 from Prevas CVS-tree. * This version of aGDB is migrated to Tomcat from JServ by Tobias Hermansson * * * Revision 1.6 2001/06/13 09:30:19 frob * Modified interfact of comment method in HTMLWriter, caused updates in several files. * * Revision 1.5 2001/05/28 06:34:08 frob * Adoption to changes in HTMLWriter. * * Revision 1.4 2001/05/17 08:03:34 frob * Restructured HTML, rewrote comments. * * Revision 1.3 2001/05/15 10:52:23 frob * Modified layout and restructuring. * * Revision 1.2 2001/05/15 08:06:49 frob * Added log header and indented the file. * * * @(#)mainPage.java 1.0 2000-10-09 * * Copyright (c) Prevas AB. All Rights Reserved. * * CopyrightVersion 1.0 */ package se.arexis.agdb.servlet; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import se.arexis.agdb.util.*; /** * Writes the main page used in the application. The page contains three * framesets. The first one splits the page in two rows. The second one * splits the first row in two columns, one for the navigation page and one * for the arexis logo. The third frameset splits the second row in two * columns, one for the menu and one for the content page: * <P> * <PRE> * +--------------------------------------+ * | +--------------------------+-------+ | * | | navigator | logo | | * | +--------------------------+-------+ | * +------+-------------------------------+ * | +------+---------------------------+ | * | | menu | content | | * | | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | | * | +------+---------------------------+ | * +--------------------------------------+ * </PRE> * * @author frob * @see SecureArexisServlet */ public class mainPage extends SecureArexisServlet { /** * Builds the HTML for the page. * * @param request The request object to use. * @param response The response object to use. * @exception ServletException If request could not be handled. * @exception IOException If error handling request. */ public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { HttpSession session = request.getSession(false); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); String requestedPage = request.getParameter("PAGE"); if (requestedPage == null || "".equalsIgnoreCase(requestedPage) ) { requestedPage = new String("SESSION"); } // set content type and other response header fields first response.setContentType("text/html"); out.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 " + "Frameset//EN\"\n" + " \"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/frameset.dtd\">\n"); HTMLWriter.openHEAD(out, "Arexis Main Page"); HTMLWriter.closeHEAD(out); HTMLWriter.comment(out, "Page is split horizontally in two framesets, " + "one that contains the navigator and a logo and " + "another which contains the left menu as well as the " + "page content. Non-standart tags FRAMESPACING and " + "BORDER has to be used to remove the frame " + "borders in all browsers :-P", true, false); out.println("<FRAMESET rows=\"50,*\" framespacing=0 border=0>"); HTMLWriter.comment(out, "Create the topmost frameset with the navigator " + " and the logo in separate frames.", true, false); out.println(" <FRAMESET cols=\"*,20\" framespacing=0 border=0>"); // Call the navigator servlet with the name of the requested page out.println(" <FRAME name=\"navigator\" " + " src=\"" + getServletPath("navigator") + "?PAGE=" + requestedPage + "\"" + " marginheight=0 " + " frameborder=0 noresize scrolling=no>"); out.println(" <FRAME name=\"logo\" src=\"" + getURL("logo.jsp")+ "\"" + " marginheight=0 frameborder=0 noresize scrolling=no>\n" + " </FRAMESET>"); HTMLWriter.comment(out, "Create the second frameset with the menu and the " + "contents in separate frames.", true, false); out.println(" <FRAMESET cols=\"150,*\" framespacing=0 border=0>"); // Write the contents of menu frame. This is done by calling a // servlet. Which servlet to call is decided by the name of the // requested page. out.print(" <FRAME name=\"menu\" "); if ("SESSION".equalsIgnoreCase(requestedPage)) { out.print("src=\"" + getServletPath("projMenu")+ "\" "); } else if ("INDIVIDUALS".equalsIgnoreCase(requestedPage)) { out.print("src=\"" + getServletPath("indMenu")+ "\" "); } else if ("GENOTYPES".equalsIgnoreCase(requestedPage)) { out.print("src=\"" + getServletPath("genoMenu")+"\" "); } else if ("PHENOTYPES".equalsIgnoreCase(requestedPage)) { out.print("src=\"" + getServletPath("phenMenu")+"\" "); } else if ("ANALYSES".equalsIgnoreCase(requestedPage)) { out.print("src=\"" + getServletPath("anaMenu")+"\" "); } else if ("RESULTS".equalsIgnoreCase(requestedPage)) { out.print("src=\"" + getServletPath("resMenu")+"\" "); } else { System.err.println("Unknown page requested for " + "menu frame: " + requestedPage); } out.print(" marginheight=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=\"auto\">\n"); // Write the contents of content frame. This is done by calling a // servlet. Which servlet to call is decided by the name of the // requested page. out.print(" <FRAME name=\"content\" "); if ("SESSION".equalsIgnoreCase(requestedPage)) { out.print("src=\"" + getServletPath("viewProj/options")+ "\""); } else if ("INDIVIDUALS".equalsIgnoreCase(requestedPage)) { out.print("src=\"" + getServletPath("viewInd")+"\""); } else if ("GENOTYPES".equalsIgnoreCase(requestedPage)) { out.print("src=\"" + getServletPath("viewGeno") + "\""); } else if ("PHENOTYPES".equalsIgnoreCase(requestedPage)) { out.print("src=\"" + getServletPath("viewPheno") + "\""); } else if ("ANALYSES".equalsIgnoreCase(requestedPage)) { out.print("src=\"" + getServletPath("viewFilt") + "\""); } else if ("RESULTS".equalsIgnoreCase(requestedPage)) { out.print("src=\"" + getServletPath("viewRes") + "\""); } else { System.err.println("Unknown page requested for " + "menu frame: " + requestedPage); } out.print(" marginheight=6 frameborder=0 " + "scrolling=\"auto\">\n"); out.println(" </FRAMESET>"); HTMLWriter.comment(out, "Write the noframe part", true, false); out.println(" <NOFRAMES>\n" + " <BODY>\n" + " <P>" + "This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them." + "</P>\n" + " </BODY>\n" + " </NOFRAMES>\n" + "</FRAMESET>\n" + "</HTML>"); } }