/* $Log$ Revision 1.5 2005/02/25 15:08:23 heto Converted Db*Variable.java to PostgreSQL Revision 1.4 2005/02/23 13:31:26 heto Converted database classes to PostgreSQL Revision 1.3 2004/02/25 13:55:26 heto Added import of variable data file Revision 1.2 2003/05/02 07:58:45 heto Changed the package structure from se.prevas.arexis.XYZ to se.arexis.agdb.XYZ Modified configuration and source files according to package change. Revision 2002/10/16 18:14:06 heto Import of aGDB 1.5 L3 from Prevas CVS-tree. This version of aGDB is migrated to Tomcat from JServ by Tobias Hermansson Revision 1.3 2001/04/24 09:34:10 frob Moved file import classes to new package se.prevas.arexis.util.FileImport, caused updates in several files. Revision 1.2 2001/04/24 06:31:44 frob Checkin after merging frob_fileparser branch. Revision 2001/04/18 13:00:38 frob Added static initializer which registers known file type definitions. Revision 2001/03/29 11:12:52 frob Changed calls to buildErrorString. All calls now passes the result from the dataRow2FileRow method as the row parameter. Added header and fixed indentation. Revision 2001/03/28 12:52:02 frob Changed calls to FileParser.getTitles() to FileParser.columnTitles() and FileParser.getRows() to FileParser.dataRows(). Indeted the file and added the log header. */ package se.arexis.agdb.db; import se.arexis.agdb.db.*; import se.arexis.agdb.util.*; import se.arexis.agdb.util.FileImport.*; import java.sql.*; /** * This class provides methods for objects in the database * that in some way or another * * @author <b>Tomas Bj�rklund, Prevas AB</b>, Copyright © 2000 * @version 1.0, 2000-10-12 */ public class DbVariable extends DbAbstractVariable { static { try { // Register known FileTypeDefinitions FileTypeDefinitionList.add(FileTypeDefinition.VARIABLE, FileTypeDefinition.LIST, 1); FileTypeDefinitionList.add(FileTypeDefinition.VARIABLESET, FileTypeDefinition.LIST, 1); } catch (FileTypeDefinitionException e) { System.err.println("Construction of new FileTypeDefinition " + "failed: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } } public DbVariable() { } /** * The file should be in the format: * NAME | TYPE | UNIT | Comment | */ private void checkVariableHeader(String[] titles) throws DbException { boolean ok = true; if(titles.length != 4) { ok = false; } if (ok) { if (!titles[0].equals("VARIABLE") || !titles[1].equals("TYPE") || !titles[2].equals("UNIT") || !titles[3].equals("COMMENT")) { ok = false; } } if(!ok){ String errStr="Illegal headers.<BR>"+ "Required file headers: VARIABLE TYPE UNIT COMMENT<BR>"+ "Headers found in file:"; for (int j=0; j<titles.length;j++) { errStr = errStr+ " " + titles[j]; } throw new DbException(errStr); } } public void CreateVariables(FileParser fp, Connection conn, int suid, int id) throws DbException { String name, type, unit, comm; String[] titles; try { // check the fileformat: titles = fp.columnTitles(); checkVariableHeader(titles); for (int i = 0; i < fp.dataRows(); i++) { name = fp.getValue("VARIABLE", i); type = fp.getValue("TYPE", i); unit = fp.getValue("UNIT", i); comm = fp.getValue("COMMENT", i); CreateVariable(conn, suid, name, type, unit, comm, id); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); throw new DbException("Internal error. Failed to create variables\n(" + e.getMessage() + ")"); } } public int CreateVariable(Connection conn, int suid, String name, String type, String unit, String comm, int id) throws DbException { Statement stmt = null; int vid = 0; String sql = ""; try { checkVariableValues(name, type, unit, comm); vid = getNextID(conn,"Variables_seq"); sql = "insert into Variables Values " + "("+vid+", "+sqlString(name)+", "+sqlString(type)+", "+ sqlString(unit)+"," + sqlString(comm)+", "+suid+", "+id+", "+ getSQLDate()+")"; stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.execute(sql); } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(System.err); throw new DbException("Internal error. Failed to create variable\n(" + sqle.getMessage() + ")"); } finally { try { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ignored) {} } return vid; } public void DeleteVariable(Connection conn, int vid, int id) throws DbException { Statement stmt = null; String sql = ""; try { /* -- Delete Phenotype logs -- delete Phenotypes -- Delete variables logs -- Delete R_UVid_Vid (delete cascade uvid, vid) -- Delete R_Var_Set (delete cascade vsid, vid) */ sql = "delete from phenotypes_log where vid = "+vid+"; " + "delete from phenotypes where vid = "+vid+"; " + "delete from variables_log where vid = "+vid+"; " + "delete from Variables where vid = "+vid; stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.execute(sql); } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(System.err); throw new DbException("Internal error. Failed to delete variable\n(" + sqle.getMessage() + ")"); } finally { try { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ignored) {} } } public void UpdateVariable(Connection conn, int vid, String name, String type, String unit, String comm, int id) throws DbException { Statement stmt = null; String sql = ""; String sql_log = ""; try { checkVariableValues(name, type, unit, comm); sql_log = "insert into Variables_Log (vid, name, type, unit, comm, id, ts) " + "select vid, name, type, unit, comm, id, ts " + "FROM Variables " + "where vid = "+vid; stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.execute(sql_log); sql = "update Variables set name = "+sqlString(name)+", type = "+sqlString(type)+", " + "unit = "+sqlString(unit)+", comm = "+sqlString(comm)+", id = "+id+", ts = "+getSQLDate()+" " + "where vid = "+vid; stmt.execute(sql); } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(System.err); Errors.logError("SQL_LOG="+sql_log); Errors.logError("SQL="+sql); throw new DbException("Internal error. Failed to update variable\n(" + sqle.getMessage() + ")"); } finally { try { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ignored) {} } } private void CreateVariableSetLink(Connection conn, int vsid, int vid, int id) throws DbException { Statement stmt = null; String sql = ""; try { sql = "insert into R_Var_Set values("+vsid+", "+vid+", "+id+", "+getSQLDate()+")"; stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.execute(sql); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DbException("Internal error. Failed to create variable set link\n" + e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (stmt!=null) stmt.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {} } } public void CreateVariableSets(FileParser fp, Connection conn, String variablesetName, String comm, int suid, int id) throws DbException { int vsid; String variable; try { String titles[] = fp.columnTitles(); if(titles.length != 1 || !titles[0].equals("VARIABLE")) { String errStr="Illegal headers.<BR>"+ "Required file headers: VARIABLE <BR>"+ "Headers found in file:"; for (int j=0; j<titles.length;j++) { errStr = errStr+ " " + titles[j]; } throw new DbException(errStr); } vsid = CreateVariableSet(conn, suid, variablesetName, comm, id); for (int i = 0; i < fp.dataRows(); i++) { variable = fp.getValue("VARIABLE", i); int vid = getVID(conn, variable, suid); CreateVariableSetLink(conn, vsid, vid, id); } } catch (DbException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); throw new DbException("Internal error. Failed to create variable sets\n(" + e.getMessage() + ")"); } } public int CreateVariableSet(Connection conn, int suid, String name, String comm, int id) throws DbException { Statement stmt = null; int vsid = 0; String sql = ""; try { vsid = getNextID(conn, "Variable_Sets_Seq"); sql = "INSERT INTO Variable_SETS (vsid,name,comm,suid,id,ts) " + "VALUES ("+vsid+", "+sqlString(name)+", "+sqlString(comm)+", "+suid+", "+id+", "+getSQLDate()+")"; stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.execute(sql); } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(System.err); throw new DbException("Internal error. Failed to create variable set\n(" + sqle.getMessage() + ")"); } finally { try { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ignored) {} } return vsid; } public void UpdateVariableSet(Connection conn, String variablesetName, String comm, int vsid, int id) throws DbException { Statement stmt = null; String sql = ""; String sql_log = ""; try { sql_log = "insert into Variable_Sets_Log (vsid, name, comm, id, ts) " + "select vsid, name, comm, id, ts " + "FROM Variable_Sets " + "where vsid = "+vsid; stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.execute(sql_log); sql = "update Variable_Sets set name = "+sqlString(variablesetName)+", " + "comm = "+sqlString(comm)+", id = "+id+", ts = "+getSQLDate()+"" + "where vsid = "+ vsid; stmt.execute(sql); } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(System.err); throw new DbException("Internal error. Failed to update variable set\n(" + sqle.getMessage() + ")"); } finally { try { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ignored) {} } } public void DeleteVariableSet(Connection conn, int vsid, int id) throws DbException { Statement stmt = null; String sql = ""; try { // Delete R_Var_Set (delete cascade vsid, vid) // Delete Variable set logs sql = "delete from variable_sets_log where vsid = "+vsid+"; " + "delete from Variable_Sets where vsid = "+vsid; stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.execute(sql); } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(System.err); throw new DbException("Internal error. Failed to delete variable set\n(" + sqle.getMessage() + ")"); } finally { try { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ignored) {} } } /** * Load the variables to the test-objects */ public void loadVariables(Connection conn, DataObject db, int suid) { Statement stmt; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); /* *SELECT MID FROM gdbadm.V_ALLELES_3 WHERE " + " MNAME=" + "'"+marker+"'"+ " AND NAME=" +"'"+allele1+"'" + " AND SUID=" +"'"+suid+"'"); */ String sql = "select name from V_VARIABLES_1 where suid="+suid; Errors.logDebug(sql); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); stmt = conn.createStatement(); String variable; while (rs.next() ) { variable = rs.getString("name").trim(); db.setVariable(variable); } } catch (Exception e) { Errors.logError(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } /** * Get the species id given the chromosome id * @param conn The database connection * @param cid the chromosome id * @throws se.arexis.agdb.db.DbException In case of errors, the message is thrown towards the UI * @return the species id (sid) */ public int getVID(Connection conn, String name, int suid) throws DbException { Statement stmt = null; String sql = ""; int vid = 0; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); sql = "select vid from Variables where suid="+suid+" and name = '"+name+"'"; ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); if (rs.next()) { vid = rs.getInt("vid"); } if (vid == 0) { throw new DbException("Unable to find variable by that name for this sampling unit."); } } catch (DbException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Errors.logError("SQL="+sql); } return vid; } }