package org.tgdb.model.modelmanager; import org.tgdb.expression.expressionmodel.ExpressionModelRemote; import org.tgdb.resource.file.FileRemote; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.tgdb.model.reference.ReferenceRemote; public class ExpressionModelDTO implements Serializable { private int exid; private String exanatomy, excomm; private Collection exfiles, references, references_dtos; private String exfilestable, emap_terms, ma_terms, references_line; public ExpressionModelDTO(ExpressionModelRemote expression) { try { exid = expression.getExid(); exanatomy = expression.getExanatomy(); excomm = expression.getExcomm(); exfiles = expression.getFiles(); //give me the length of the collection. int tmp = exfiles.size(); //check if have any element in the collection if (tmp!=0){ exfilestable = "<table>"; //iterate through the collection of expression files Iterator tmpIter = exfiles.iterator(); while(tmpIter.hasNext()){ FileRemote file = (FileRemote); //exfilestable = exfilestable+"<td><img src=Controller?workflow=ViewFile&fileid="+file.getFileId()+"></td>"; exfilestable = exfilestable+"<tr><td><img src=\"ImageServlet?fileid="+file.getFileId()+"\" alt=\"\" /></td></tr>"; } exfilestable = exfilestable+"</table>"; }//if references = expression.getReferences(); references_line = ""; references_dtos = new ArrayList(); Iterator j = references.iterator(); while(j.hasNext()) { ReferenceRemote ref = (ReferenceRemote); references_dtos.add(new ReferenceDTO(ref)); references_line += "[PMID:" + ref.getPubmed() + "] "; if(ref.getLink() != null) { references_line += "<a href='" + ref.getLink().getUrl() +"' target='_blank' class='data_link'>" + ref.getName() + "</a>"; } else if(ref.getFile() != null) { references_line += "<a href='Controller?workflow=ViewFile&fileid=" + ref.getFile().getFileId() +"' target='_blank' class='data_link'>" + ref.getName() + "</a>"; } references_line += " • "; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public int getExid() { return exid; } public String getExanatomy() { return exanatomy; } public String getExcomm(){ return excomm; } public Collection getExfiles(){ return exfiles; } /** * @return the emap_terms */ public String getEmap_terms() { return emap_terms; } /** * @param emap_terms the emap_terms to set */ public void setEmap_terms(String emap_terms) { this.emap_terms = emap_terms; } /** * @return the ma_terms */ public String getMa_terms() { return ma_terms; } /** * @param ma_terms the ma_terms to set */ public void setMa_terms(String ma_terms) { this.ma_terms = ma_terms; } public String getExfiletable(){ return exfilestable; } public Collection getReferences() { return references; } public String getReferences_line() { return references_line; } public Collection getReferences_dtos() { return references_dtos; } }