package org.tgdb.model.modelmanager; import org.tgdb.model.expmodel.ExpModelRemote; import org.tgdb.model.researchapplication.ResearchApplicationRemote; import org.tgdb.project.user.UserRemote; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; public class ExpModelDTO implements Serializable, Comparable { private String accNr, lineName, lineName_ss, contactName, background, comm, contactMail, donating_investigator, inducible, former_names, former_names_ss; private int eid, contactId, userId, researchAppId, phenotypes, suid; private String user, participant, mutations, groupName; private String ts; private String researchAppText; private String researchAppType; private String availability; // private StrainDTO strain; private int level; private int desired_level; // private String designation; private Collection availabilityDTOs; //strings for allele info private String Allelemgiid, Allelesymbol, Allelename, Allelemutations, Allelemutationabbrs; //strings for gene info private String geneChromosome, geneMgiid, geneSymbol, geneName; //strings for genetic background information private String backcrossingStrain, backcrossesNumber, promoters_string; //to check if something is a transgene private int DistParam=0; public ExpModelDTO(ExpModelRemote model) { try { this.accNr = model.getIdentity(); this.lineName = model.getAlias().replaceAll("<","<").replaceAll(">",">"); this.lineName_ss = model.getAlias().replaceAll("<","<").replaceAll(">",">"); this.lineName_ss = this.lineName_ss.replaceAll("<","<sup>").replaceAll(">","</sup>"); UserRemote contact = model.getContact(); contactName=""; contactId=0; groupName = ""; if (contact!=null) { this.contactName = contact.getName(); this.contactId = contact.getId(); this.groupName = contact.getGroupName(); this.contactMail = contact.getEmail(); } this.user = model.getUser().getUsr(); //this.participant = model.getUser().getGroupName(); this.participant = model.getContact().getGroupName(); this.userId = model.getUser().getId(); this.ts = model.getTs().toString(); this.eid = model.getEid(); this.researchAppText = model.getResearchApplicationText().replaceAll("<","<").replaceAll(">",">"); this.researchAppText = this.researchAppText.replaceAll("<","<sup>").replaceAll(">","</sup>"); this.background = model.getGeneticBackground().replaceAll("<","<").replaceAll(">",">"); this.background = this.background.replaceAll("<","<sup>").replaceAll(">","</sup>"); this.availability = model.getAvailability().replaceAll("<","<").replaceAll(">",">"); this.availability = this.availability.replaceAll("<","<sup>").replaceAll(">","</sup>"); this.comm = model.getComm().replaceAll("<","<").replaceAll(">",">"); this.comm = this.comm.replaceAll("<","<sup>").replaceAll(">","</sup>"); this.phenotypes = model.getNumberOfPhenotypes(); this.suid = model.getSamplingUnit().getSuid(); ResearchApplicationRemote app = model.getResearchApplication(); if(app != null) { this.researchAppType = app.getName().replaceAll("<","<").replaceAll(">",">"); this.researchAppType = this.researchAppType.replaceAll("<","<sup>").replaceAll(">","</sup>"); this.researchAppId = app.getRaid(); } this.level = model.getLevel(); this.desired_level = model.getDesiredLevel(); this.mutations = model.getMutationTypesForModel(); this.DistParam = model.getMutationDistinctionParameter(); this.donating_investigator = model.getDonating_investigator(); this.inducible = model.getInducible(); this.former_names = model.getFormer_names();//.replaceAll("<","<").replaceAll(">",">"); if(model.getFormer_names()!=null) { this.former_names_ss = model.getFormer_names().replaceAll("<","<").replaceAll(">",">"); this.former_names_ss = this.former_names_ss.replaceAll("<","<sup>").replaceAll(">","</sup>"); } else { this.former_names_ss = model.getFormer_names(); } this.promoters_string = model.getPromotersString().replaceAll("<","<").replaceAll(">",">"); this.promoters_string = this.promoters_string.replaceAll("<","<sup>").replaceAll(">","</sup>"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Returns the number of phenotypes for the model * @return The number of phenotypes */ public int getPhenotypes() { return phenotypes; } /** * Returns the comment for the model * @return The comment for the model */ public String getComm() { if(comm == null || comm.length() == 0 || comm.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) return ""; return comm; } /** * Returns the string 'Handling' which is shown as linkname given that a handling file exists * @return The string 'Handling' */ // public String getHandlingName() { // if(handling == 0) // return ""; // else // return "Handling"; // } /** * Returns the string 'Genotyping' which is shown as linkname given that a genotyping file exists * @return The string 'Genotyping' */ // public String getGenotypingName() { // if(genotyping == 0) // return ""; // else // return "Genotyping"; // } /** * Returns the fileid of the genotyping file * @return The genotyping file id */ // public int getGenotypingId() { // return genotyping; // } /** * Returns the id of the handling instructions file * @return The id of the handling instructions file */ // public int getHandlingId() { // return handling; // } /** * Returns the accession number for the model * @return The accession number for the model */ public String getAccNr() { return accNr; } /** * Returns the name of the lin * @return The name of the line */ public String getLineName() { if(lineName == null || lineName.length() == 0) return "No line name specified"; return lineName; } /** * @return the lineName_ss */ public String getLineName_ss() { return lineName_ss; } /** * Returns the name of the person contact regarding the model * @return The name of the contact */ public String getContactName() { return contactName; } /** * Returns the e-mail of the person contact regarding the model * @return The name of the contact */ public String getContactMail() { return contactMail; } /** * Returns the id of the model * @return The id of the model */ public int getEid() { return eid; } /** * Returns the goup_name of the person contact regarding the model * @return The goup_name of the contact */ /*public String getGroupName() { return groupName; }*/ /** * Returns the id of the user that made the last changes on the model * @return The name of the user that made the last changes on the model */ public int getUserId() { return userId; } /** * Returns the id of the person to contact regarding the model * @return The id of the contact */ public int getContactId() { return contactId; } /** * Returns the username of the user that made the last changes on the model * @return The username of the user that made the last changes on the model */ public String getUser() { return user; } /** * Returns the research group of the user that made the last changes on the model * @return The research group of the user that made the last changes on the model */ public String getParticipant() { return participant; } /** * Returns the date for when the model was last modified * @return The date for when the model was last changed */ public String getTs() { return ts; } /** * Returns the research application text * @return The research application text */ public String getResearchAppText() { // if(researchAppText == null || researchAppText.length() == 0) // return "None "; return researchAppText; } /** * Returns the background for the model * @return The background for the model */ public String getBackground() { return background; } /** * Returns the availability of the model * @return The availability */ public String getAvailability() { if(availability == null || availability.length() == 0) return "No availability specified"; return availability; } /** * Returns the id of the research application for the model * @return The research application id */ public int getResearchAppId() { return researchAppId; } /** * Returns the research application type * @return The research application type */ public String getResearchAppType() { // if(researchAppType == null || researchAppType.length() == 0) // return "No application type specified"; return researchAppType; } public int compareTo(Object anotherObj) { if(!(anotherObj instanceof ExpModelDTO)) throw new ClassCastException("Object is of wrong class. ExpModelDTO object expected but not found."); return getLineName().compareTo(((ExpModelDTO)anotherObj).getLineName()); } // public boolean equals(Object obj) // { // if (((ExpModelDTO)obj).eid == this.eid) // return true; // else // return false; // } public int getSuid() { return suid; } // public StrainDTO getStrain() // { // return strain; // } public String getLevel() { if (level == 0) return "Public"; else if (level == 1) return "Mugen"; else if (level == 2) return "Admin"; else return "Error"; } public String getDesiredLevel() { if (desired_level == 0) return "Public"; else if (desired_level == 1) return "Mugen"; else if (desired_level == 2) return "Admin"; else return "Error"; } public String getGroupName(){ return groupName; } public String getMutations(){ return mutations; } // public String getDesignation(){ // return designation; // } public String getMutationTypes(){ int j=0; String mutationTypes = ""; AvailabilityDTO avTMP; Iterator i = availabilityDTOs.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { avTMP = (AvailabilityDTO); if (j == 0) mutationTypes += avTMP.getTypeabbr(); if (j!=0 && !mutationTypes.contains(avTMP.getTypeabbr()) && avTMP.getTypeabbr().compareTo("ND")!=0){ mutationTypes += ", "; mutationTypes += avTMP.getTypeabbr(); } j++; } return mutationTypes; } public String getMutationStates(){ int j=0; String mutationStates = ""; AvailabilityDTO avTMP; Iterator i = availabilityDTOs.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { avTMP = (AvailabilityDTO); if (j == 0) mutationStates += avTMP.getStateabbr(); if (j!=0 && !mutationStates.contains(avTMP.getStateabbr()) && avTMP.getStateabbr().compareTo("ND")!=0){ mutationStates += ", "; mutationStates += avTMP.getStateabbr(); } j++; } return mutationStates; } //--------strain allele data related functions----- public String getAllMgiid(){ return Allelemgiid; } public String getAllSymbol(){ return Allelesymbol; } public String getAllName(){ return Allelename; } public String getAllMutations(){ return Allelemutations; } public String getAllMutationabbrs(){ return Allelemutationabbrs; } //-----------gene data related functions--------- //geneChromosome, geneMgiid, geneSymbol, geneName; public String getGeneChromosome(){ return geneChromosome; } public String getGeneMgiid(){ return geneMgiid; } public String getGeneSymbol(){ return geneSymbol; } public String getGeneName(){ return geneName; } public int getDistParam(){ return DistParam; } public String getBackcrossingStrain(){ return backcrossingStrain; } public String getBackcrossesNumber(){ return backcrossesNumber; } /** * @return the donating_investigator */ public String getDonating_investigator() { return donating_investigator; } /** * @param donating_investigator the donating_investigator to set */ public void setDonating_investigator(String donating_investigator) { this.donating_investigator = donating_investigator; } /** * @return the inducible */ public String getInducible() { return inducible; } /** * @param inducible the inducible to set */ public void setInducible(String inducible) { this.inducible = inducible; } /** * @return the former_names */ public String getFormer_names() { return former_names; } /** * @param former_names the former_names to set */ public void setFormer_names(String former_names) { this.former_names = former_names; } public String getFormer_names_ss() { return former_names_ss; } public String getPromoters_string() { return promoters_string; } }