/* * $Log$ * Revision 1.4 2003/12/09 08:12:36 wali * Added result in the navigation bar. * * Revision 1.3 2003/05/02 07:58:45 heto * Changed the package structure from se.prevas.arexis.XYZ to se.arexis.agdb.XYZ * Modified configuration and source files according to package change. * * Revision 1.2 2002/11/18 14:38:20 heto * Changed Text in menu * * Revision 2002/10/16 18:14:04 heto * Import of aGDB 1.5 L3 from Prevas CVS-tree. * This version of aGDB is migrated to Tomcat from JServ by Tobias Hermansson * * * Revision 1.6 2001/06/13 09:30:19 frob * Modified interfact of comment method in HTMLWriter, caused updates in several files. * * Revision 1.5 2001/05/28 06:34:08 frob * Adoption to changes in HTMLWriter. * * Revision 1.4 2001/05/18 06:17:23 frob * Now reads applicaton version from super class. * * Revision 1.3 2001/05/17 07:59:33 frob * Some modifications, restructured page, rewrote comments. * * Revision 1.2 2001/05/15 10:54:48 frob * Added log header and indented the file. * * * @(#)navigator.java 1.0 2000-10-09 * * Copyright (c) Prevas AB. All Rights Reserved. * * CopyrightVersion 1.0 */ package se.arexis.agdb.servlet; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import se.arexis.agdb.util.*; /** * This servlet writes the page in the topmost frame, the navigator * frame. The page in structured in three tables. The first table contains * the project-, user- and rolerinformation. The second table is used just * to add some spacing to the page. The third table contains an inner * table. This inner table contains the navigation texts. * * <P><PRE> * +---------+--------+-------+---------+---------+---------+ * | empty | proj | user | role | empty | Arexis | * +---------+--------+-------+---------+---------+---------+ * * +--------------------------------------------------------+ * | Empty table | * +--------------------------------------------------------+ * * +---------+---------------------------------------------+------+ * | Empty | +------+----+------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Ver | * | | | Proj | SU | Phen | Gen | Ana | Res | Log | | | * | | +------+----+------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | * +---------+---------------------------------------------+------+ * * @author frob * @see SecureArexisServlet */ public class navigator extends SecureArexisServlet { /** * Generates the HTML-code to be loaded in the frame. The currently * selected navigation choice is highlighted. * * @param request The request object to read from. * @param response The respons object to write to. * @exception ServletException if an error occurs. * @exception IOException if an error occurs. */ public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); // It should be possible to get here eventhough the user hasn't // choosen a specific project. String projectName = (String) session.getValue("PNAME"); String userRole = null; String requestedPage = request.getParameter("PAGE"); if (requestedPage == null || "".equalsIgnoreCase(requestedPage)) { requestedPage = new String("PROJECT"); } if (projectName!= null) { userRole = (String) session.getValue("ROLE"); } String userName = (String) session.getValue("UserName"); // set content type and other response header fields first response.setContentType("text/html"); response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); HTMLWriter.comment(out, "This page can not have a doctype as " + "Netscape 6 on Mac screws up then :-P", true, false); // Write the start of the header, including CSS part HTMLWriter.openHTML(out); HTMLWriter.openHEAD(out, "navigator"); HTMLWriter.navigatorCSS(out); out.println(" <BASE target=\"contents\">"); HTMLWriter.closeHEAD(out); HTMLWriter.openBODY(out, "background=\"" + getURL("images/menuback6.gif") + "\""); // Page is structured in tree tables, this is the first one. Contains // six columns HTMLWriter.comment(out, "First table, contains project- "+ "user- and role information", true, false); out.println("<TABLE border=0 width=\"100%\" cellspacing=0 " + "cellpadding=0>\n"); out.println(" <TR>"); HTMLWriter.comment(out, "Col 1 is emtpy", true, false); out.println(" <TD width=150 height=25></TD>"); HTMLWriter.comment(out, "Col 2 contains project name", true, false); out.print(" <TD width=200 align=center>\n" + " <FONT color=\"Black\" size=2>\n" + " <B>\n" + " Project: \n" + " <FONT color=\"#008B8B\" size=2>"); // Write the project name if set, else write default text if (projectName != null) { out.print(projectName); } else { out.print("None selected"); } // Write the end of the column out.println("</FONT>\n" + " </B>\n" + " </FONT>\n" + " </TD>"); HTMLWriter.comment(out, "Col 3 contains the user name", true, false); out.println(" <TD width=300 align=center>\n" + " <FONT color=\"Black\" size=2>\n" + " <B>\n" + " User: \n" + " <FONT color=\"#008B8B\" size=2>" + userName + "</FONT>\n" + " </B>\n" + " </FONT>\n" + " </TD>"); HTMLWriter.comment(out, "Col 4 contains role name", true, false); out.print(" <TD width=200 align=center>\n" + " <FONT color=\"Black\" size=2>\n" + " <B>\n" + " Role: \n" + " <FONT color=\"#008B8B\" size=2>"); // If project is selected, write the role if (projectName != null) { out.print(userRole); } // Write the end of the colum out.println("</FONT>\n" + " </B>\n" + " </FONT>\n" + " </TD>"); HTMLWriter.comment(out, "Col 5 is empty", true, false); out.println(" <TD width=50 align=center>\n" + " <FONT color=\"Black\" size=2>\n" + " <B> </B>\n" + " </FONT>\n" + " </TD>"); HTMLWriter.comment(out, "Col 6 contains Arexis link", true, false); out.println(" <TD width=30 align=center>\n" + " <A HREF=\"http://www.arexis.se\">\n" + " <FONT color=\"Black\" size=1>\n" + " <B>Arexis</B>\n" + " </FONT>\n" + " </A>\n" + " </TD>\n" + " </TR>\n" + "</TABLE>"); // Second table, just to get some space and make row as high as the // logo gif. HTMLWriter.comment(out, "Second table, just to get some space", true, false); out.println("<TABLE border=0 width=\"100%\" " + "cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>"); out.println(" <TR bgcolor=\"black\">\n " + " <TD width=\"*\" height=2></TD>\n" + " </TR>\n" + "</TABLE>"); // Third table, contains the navigation section text HTMLWriter.comment(out, "Third table, contains the navigation texts", true, false); out.println("<TABLE border=0 width=\"100%\" " + "cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n" + " <TR bgcolor=\"Black\">"); HTMLWriter.comment(out, "Col 1 is empty", true, false); out.println(" <TD width=150 height=23> </TD>"); HTMLWriter.comment(out, "Col 2 contains a table", true, false); out.println(" <TD width=\"*\" colspan=\"0\">"); HTMLWriter.comment(out, "Start of inner table", true, false); out.println(" <TABLE border=0 width=\"100%\" " + "cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 >\n"+ " <TR>"); // Write the columns in the table. Each column contains one of the // navigation texts. HTMLWriter.comment(out,"Col 1 contains Project", true, false); if ("SESSION".equalsIgnoreCase(requestedPage)) { HTMLWriter.navigatorSelected(out, "SESSION", "Projects"); } else { HTMLWriter.navigatorNotSelected(out, "SESSION", "Projects"); } HTMLWriter.comment(out,"Col 2 contains Individuals", true, false); if ("INDIVIDUALS".equalsIgnoreCase(requestedPage)) { HTMLWriter.navigatorSelected(out, "INDIVIDUALS", "Sampling units"); } else { HTMLWriter.navigatorNotSelected(out, "INDIVIDUALS", "Sampling units"); } HTMLWriter.comment(out,"Col 3 contains Phenotypes", true, false); if ("PHENOTYPES".equalsIgnoreCase(requestedPage)) { HTMLWriter.navigatorSelected(out, "PHENOTYPES", "Phenotypes"); } else { HTMLWriter.navigatorNotSelected(out, "PHENOTYPES", "Phenotypes"); } HTMLWriter.comment(out,"Col 4 contains Genotypes", true, false); if ("GENOTYPES".equalsIgnoreCase(requestedPage)) { HTMLWriter.navigatorSelected(out, "GENOTYPES", "Genotypes"); } else { HTMLWriter.navigatorNotSelected(out, "GENOTYPES", "Genotypes"); } HTMLWriter.comment(out,"Col 5 contains Analyses", true, false); if ("ANALYSES".equalsIgnoreCase(requestedPage)) { //HTMLWriter.navigatorSelected(out, "Analyses","Analyses"); HTMLWriter.navigatorSelected(out, "Analyses","Import/Export"); } else { //HTMLWriter.navigatorNotSelected(out, "Analyses","Analyses"); HTMLWriter.navigatorNotSelected(out, "Analyses","Import/Export"); } HTMLWriter.comment(out,"Col 6 contains Results", true, false); if ("RESULTS".equalsIgnoreCase(requestedPage)) { HTMLWriter.navigatorSelected(out, "Results","Results"); } else { HTMLWriter.navigatorNotSelected(out, "Results","Results"); } HTMLWriter.comment(out, "Col 7 contains Logout", true, false); out.println(" <TD width=\"11%\">\n"+ " <A HREF=\"" + getServletPath("logout") + "\" target=_top>\n" + " <B>Logout</B>\n" + " </A>\n" + " </TD>\n" + " </TR>\n" + " </TABLE>" ); HTMLWriter.comment(out, "End of inner table", false, true); out.println(" </TD>"); HTMLWriter.comment(out, "Col 3 contains version number", true, false); out.println(" <TD width=30 align=center>\n" + " <FONT size=1>" + applicationVersion() + "</FONT>\n" + " </TD>\n" + " </TR>\n" + "</TABLE>\n" + "</BODY>\n" + "</HTML>"); } }