package org.tgdb.export; import org.tgdb.export.GQLScanner; import java.util.*; import java.sql.*; public class GQLTranslator { private StringBuffer m_from = null; private StringBuffer m_where1 = null; private StringBuffer m_where2 = null; private String m_gqlstring = null; private GQLScanner m_gqlsc = null; private Hashtable m_vids = null; private Hashtable m_vidTables = null; private Hashtable m_mids = null; private Hashtable m_midTables = null; private String m_pid = null; private String m_suid = null; private String m_gsid = null; private Vector m_comments = null; // Contains errors and warnings private Vector m_code_snippet = null; // Contains the corresponding code private Connection m_conn = null; // Returns all warnings and error that has been encounterd during translation public Vector getComments() { return (Vector) m_comments.clone(); } // Returns all the corresponding code snippets to the warnings and errors public Vector getCode() { return (Vector) m_code_snippet.clone(); } public GQLTranslator(String pid, String suid, String gqlstring, Connection conn) { m_gqlstring = gqlstring.replace('\"','\''); m_pid = pid; m_suid = suid; m_gsid = null; m_conn = conn; m_gqlsc = new GQLScanner(m_gqlstring); m_vidTables = new Hashtable(); m_vids = new Hashtable(); m_midTables = new Hashtable(); m_mids = new Hashtable(); m_from = new StringBuffer(512); m_where1 = new StringBuffer(512); m_where2 = new StringBuffer(512); m_comments = new Vector(); m_code_snippet = new Vector(); } public GQLTranslator(String pid, String suid, String gsid, String gqlstring, Connection conn) { m_gqlstring = gqlstring.replace('\"','\''); m_pid = pid; m_pid = pid; m_suid = suid; m_gsid = gsid; m_conn = conn; m_gqlsc = new GQLScanner(m_gqlstring); m_vidTables = new Hashtable(); m_vids = new Hashtable(); m_midTables = new Hashtable(); m_mids = new Hashtable(); m_from = new StringBuffer(512); m_where1 = new StringBuffer(512); m_where2 = new StringBuffer(512); m_comments = new Vector(); m_code_snippet = new Vector(); } public String translate() { m_comments.removeAllElements(); m_code_snippet.removeAllElements(); String token = null; // First we add the constraint that individuals must be part of this sampling unit m_from.append("V_INDIVIDUALS_GQL ind "); m_where1.append(" = " + m_pid + " AND ind.suid = " + m_suid + " "); if (m_gsid != null) { m_from.append(", V_R_IND_GRP_2 grp "); m_where1.append("AND ind.iid = grp.iid AND grp.gsid = " + m_gsid + " "); } while (m_gqlsc.hasMoreTokens()) { token = m_gqlsc.getNextToken(); dispatchToken(token); } return getTranslation(); } private String getTranslation() { StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer(2000); output.append("FROM\n") .append(m_from.toString()) .append("\nWHERE\n") .append(m_where1.toString()) .append(" AND\n(\n") .append(m_where2.toString()) .append(")"); return output.toString(); } private void dispatchToken(String token) { // I suppose it is enough if we recognise the standard tokens S., I., P. and G. if (token.regionMatches(0, "S.", 0, 2)) { // Set command dispatchSet(token.substring(2)); } else if (token.regionMatches(0, "I.", 0, 2)) { // Individual constraints dispatchInd(token.substring(2)); } else if (token.regionMatches(0, "P.", 0, 2)) { // Phenotype constraints dispatchPhe(token.substring(2)); } else if (token.regionMatches(0, "G.", 0, 2)) { // Genotype constraints dispatchGen(token.substring(2)); } else { m_where2.append(token + " "); } } private void dispatchSet(String token) { String grouping = null; String group = null; int suid = 0; int gsid = 0; int gid = 0; int index = 0; index = token.indexOf("."); if (index > 0) { grouping = token.substring(0, index); token = token.substring(index + 1); if (token.length() > 0) { group = token.toString(); } } else { // There are no group specified, that is token only contains tha grouping name grouping = token; } // Now, let's find out the gsid and the gid; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; try { if (grouping != null) { stmt = m_conn.createStatement(); rset = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT GSID FROM V_GROUPINGS_1 WHERE NAME='" + grouping + "' AND suid=" + m_suid); if ( { gsid = rset.getInt("GSID"); } else { m_comments.addElement("Warning: Grouping doesn't exist for this sampling unit."); m_code_snippet.addElement("S." + grouping); gsid = -1; } rset.close(); stmt.close(); if (group != null) { stmt = m_conn.createStatement(); rset = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT GID FROM V_GROUPS_1 WHERE NAME='" + group + "' AND gsid=" + gsid); if ( { gid = rset.getInt("GID"); } else { m_comments.addElement("Warning: Group doesn't exist"); m_code_snippet.addElement("S." + grouping + "." + group); gid = -1; } } } } catch (SQLException e) { // write something smart m_comments.addElement("Error: Syntax error."); m_code_snippet.addElement("S." + token); } finally { try { if (rset != null) rset.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ignored) {} } m_where2.append("\n\t(ind.iid IN (SELECT DISTINCT iid FROM V_SETS_GQL WHERE suid=" + m_suid + " "); if (grouping != null) m_where2.append("AND GSID=" + gsid + " "); if (group != null) m_where2.append("AND GID=" + gid + " "); m_where2.append(") )\n"); } private void dispatchInd(String token) { String oper = null; if ("IDENTITY".equalsIgnoreCase(token)) oper = "IDENTITY"; else if ("IID".equalsIgnoreCase(token)) oper = "IID"; else if ("ALIAS".equalsIgnoreCase(token)) oper = "ALIAS"; else if ("BIRTH_DATE".equalsIgnoreCase(token)) oper = "BIRTH_DATE"; else if ("MOTHER".equalsIgnoreCase(token)) oper= "MIDENTITY"; else if ("FATHER".equalsIgnoreCase(token)) oper = "FIDENTITY"; else if ("SEX".equalsIgnoreCase(token)) oper = "SEX"; else if (token.length() == 0) oper = "ALIAS"; else oper = ""; m_where2.append("ind." + oper + " "); } private void dispatchPhe(String token) { String vname = null; String oper = null; String tableName = null; int vid = 0; int index = 0; index = token.indexOf("."); if (index > 0) { vname = token.substring(0, index); oper = token.substring(index + 1); if ("VALUE".equalsIgnoreCase(oper)) oper = "VALUE"; else if ("DATE".equalsIgnoreCase(oper)) oper = "DATE_"; else { m_comments.addElement("Error: Unknown suffix '" + oper + "'."); m_code_snippet.addElement("P." + token); oper = "VALUE"; // Why not? } } else { // vname = token.toString(); oper = "VALUE"; } // Check if this variable already has been used if (m_vids.containsKey(vname)) { vid = Integer.parseInt( (String) m_vids.get(vname)); tableName = (String) m_vidTables.get(Integer.toString(vid)); // This table has alredy been added to the from-String-Buffer and the join with // individuals has also been done. } else { // This is the first occurence of this variable. Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; try { stmt = m_conn.createStatement(); rset = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT VID FROM V_VARIABLES_1 WHERE SUID=" + m_suid + " AND NAME='" + vname + "'"); if ( { vid = rset.getInt("VID"); } else { m_comments.addElement("Warning: Variable doesn't exist for this sampling unit."); m_code_snippet.addElement("P." + vname); vid = -1; } } catch (SQLException e) { m_comments.addElement("Error: Syntax error."); m_code_snippet.addElement("P." + token); } finally { try { if (rset != null) rset.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ignored) {} } tableName = "P" + (m_vids.size() + 1); m_vids.put(vname, Integer.toString(vid)); m_vidTables.put(Integer.toString(vid), tableName); m_from.append(", V_PHENOTYPES_GQL " + tableName + " "); m_where1.append("AND\n") .append(tableName + ".iid=ind.iid AND\n") .append(tableName + ".vid=" + vid + " "); } m_where2.append(tableName + "." + oper + " "); } private void dispatchGen(String token) { String mname = null; String oper = null; String tableName = null; int mid = 0; int index = 0; index = token.indexOf("."); if (index > 0) { mname = token.substring(0, index); oper = token.substring(index + 1); if ("A1".equalsIgnoreCase(oper)) oper = "A1NAME"; else if ("R1".equalsIgnoreCase(oper)) oper = "RAW1"; else if ("A2".equalsIgnoreCase(oper)) oper = "A2NAME"; else if ("R2".equalsIgnoreCase(oper)) oper = "RAW2"; else { m_comments.addElement("Error: Unknown suffix '" + oper + "'."); m_code_snippet.addElement("G." + token); oper = "A1NAME"; // Why not? } } else { // Error!!! marker name must be followed by any of the following A1, A2, R1 or R2 // Do something damn it m_comments.addElement("Error: Marker not specified."); m_code_snippet.addElement("G." + token); return; } // Check if this marker already has been used if (m_mids.containsKey(mname)) { // Alrighty than mid = Integer.parseInt( (String) m_mids.get(mname)); tableName = (String) m_midTables.get(Integer.toString(mid)); // This table has alredy been added to the from-String-Buffer and the join with // individuals has also been done. } else { // This is the first occurence of this marker. Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; try { stmt = m_conn.createStatement(); rset = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT MID FROM V_MARKERS_1 WHERE SUID=" + m_suid + " AND NAME='" + mname + "'"); if ( { mid = rset.getInt("MID"); } else { m_comments.addElement("Warning: Marker doesn't exist for this sampling unit."); m_code_snippet.addElement("G." + mname); mid = -1; } } catch (SQLException e) { m_comments.addElement("Error: Syntax error."); m_code_snippet.addElement("G." + token); } finally { try { if (rset != null) rset.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ignored) {} } tableName = "G" + (m_mids.size() + 1); m_mids.put(mname, Integer.toString(mid)); m_midTables.put(Integer.toString(mid), tableName); m_from.append(", V_GENOTYPES_GQL " + tableName + " "); m_where1.append("AND\n") .append(tableName + ".iid=ind.iid AND\n") .append(tableName + ".mid=" + mid + " "); } m_where2.append(tableName + "." + oper + " "); } }