/* * SamplingUnitDTO.java * * Created on July 14, 2005, 3:33 PM * * To change this template, choose Tools | Options and locate the template under * the Source Creation and Management node. Right-click the template and choose * Open. You can then make changes to the template in the Source Editor. */ package org.tgdb.samplingunit.samplingunitmanager; import org.tgdb.samplingunit.samplingunit.SamplingUnitRemote; import org.tgdb.samplingunit.samplingunit.SamplingUnitRemoteHome; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Date; /** * Data transfer object for sampling unit information * @author heto */ public class SamplingUnitDTO implements Serializable { /** * sampling unit id */ private int suid; /** * The sampling unit name */ private String name; /** * The sampling unit species name */ private String sname; /** * The comment */ private String comm; /** * Status for the sampling unit. E - Enabled, D - Disabled */ private String status; /** * The timestamp for latest changes */ private Date ts; /** * The species id */ private int sid; /** * The id of the user */ private int id; /** * The number of individuals in this su */ private int inds; /* * The number of models in this su */ private int numModels; /** * The number of projects this su exists in */ private int numProjects; /** * The user who last updated this sampling unit */ private String usr; public SamplingUnitDTO() {} /** * Creates a new instance of SamplingUnitDTO * @param suid The sampling unit id * @param name The name of the sampling unit */ public SamplingUnitDTO(int suid, String name) { this.suid = suid; this.name = name; this.usr = "Not inited"; this.numProjects = -1; this.inds = -1; this.id = -1; this.sid = -1; this.ts = null; this.comm = "Not inited"; this.sname = "Not inited"; } /** * Creates a new instance of sampling unit dto * @param suid The sampling unit id * @param name The name of the sampling unit * @param sid The species id */ public SamplingUnitDTO(int suid, String name, int sid) { this.suid = suid; this.name = name; this.usr = "Not inited"; this.numProjects = -1; this.inds = -1; this.id = -1; this.sid = sid; this.ts = null; this.comm = "Not inited"; this.sname = "Not inited"; } /** * Creates a new instance of sampling unit dto * @param su The sampling unit bean */ public SamplingUnitDTO(SamplingUnitRemote su) { try{ this.suid = su.getSuid(); name = su.getName(); sname = su.getSpecies().getName(); comm = su.getComm(); status = su.getStatus(); ts = su.getTs(); sid = su.getSpecies().getSid(); id = su.getId(); usr = su.getUser().getUsr(); inds = 0; numProjects = su.getNumberOfProjects(); numModels = su.getNumberOfExperimentalModels(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Returns the number of individuals in this su * @return The number of individuals */ public int getInds(){ return inds; } /** * Sets the number of individuals * @param inds The number of individuals */ public void setInds(int inds){ this.inds = inds; } /** * Returns the sampling unit id * @return The sampling unit id */ public int getSuid() { return suid; } /** * Sets the sampling unit id * @param suid The new sampling unit id */ public void setSuid(int suid) { this.suid = suid; } /** * Returns the name for the sampling unit * @return The sampling unit name */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Sets the name for the sampling unit data transfer object * @param name The sampling unit name */ public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } /** * Returns the comment for the sampling unit * @return The sampling unit comment */ public String getComm() { return comm; } /** * Sets the comment for the sampling unit * @param comm The new comment */ public void setComm(String comm) { this.comm = comm; } /** * Returns the status of the sampling unit * @return The status of the sampling unit */ public String getStatus() { return status; } /** * Sets the status of the sampling unit * @param status The new status of the sampling unit */ public void setStatus(String status) { this.status = status; } /** * Returns the timestamp for when this sampling unit was last modified * @return The time for the last modification */ public Date getTs() { return ts; } /** * Sets the time for when this sampling unit was modified * @param ts The new timestamp */ public void setTs(Date ts) { this.ts = ts; } /** * Returns the species id for the sampling unit * @return The species id for the sampling unit */ public int getSid() { return sid; } /** * Sets the species id for the sampling unit * @param sid The species id */ public void setSid(int sid) { this.sid = sid; } /** * Returns the id for the user who performed the last update on the sampling unit * @return The id of the user who last modified the sampling unit */ public int getId() { return id; } /** * Sets the id for the user who last updated the sampling unit * @param id The id of the user */ public void setId(int id) { this.id = id; } /** Returns the username who last updated this sampling unit * @return The user name */ public String getUsr() { return usr; } /** Sets the username for the one who last updated this sampling unit * @param usr The user name */ public void setUsr(String usr) { this.usr = usr; } /** Returns the species name * @return The species name */ public String getSname() { return sname; } /** Sets the species name * @param sname The species name */ public void setSname(String sname) { this.sname = sname; } /** Returns the number of projects this su exists in * @return The number of projects */ public int getNumProjects() { return numProjects; } /** Sets the number of projects this su exists in * @param numProjects The number of projects */ public void setNumProjects(int numProjects) { this.numProjects = numProjects; } public int getNumModels() { return numModels; } }