/* $Log$ Revision 1.3 2003/05/02 07:58:45 heto Changed the package structure from se.prevas.arexis.XYZ to se.arexis.agdb.XYZ Modified configuration and source files according to package change. Revision 1.2 2002/12/13 15:05:27 heto No change (removed empty lines) Revision 2002/10/16 18:14:07 heto Import of aGDB 1.5 L3 from Prevas CVS-tree. This version of aGDB is migrated to Tomcat from JServ by Tobias Hermansson Revision 1.2 2001/05/14 09:17:57 frob Added method for printing contents of list. Revision 1.1 2001/04/24 09:34:20 frob Moved file import classes to new package se.prevas.arexis.util.FileImport, caused updates in several files. Revision 1.2 2001/04/24 06:31:47 frob Checkin after merging frob_fileparser branch. Revision 2001/04/10 08:23:07 frob Initial checkin. */ package se.arexis.agdb.util.FileImport; import java.util.*; /** * A static class used for storing all known * FileTypeDefinitions. Each servlet adds the file type definitions that * the servlet needs to the list. This means that this class will allways * contain all the know file type definitions. * * @author frob * @see Object */ public class FileTypeDefinitionList extends Object { /** * A static list of known FileTypeDefinitions */ static final private Vector mFileTypeDefinitions = new Vector(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Constructors // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Public section // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Returns an iterator for the known file type definitions. * * @return An iterator. */ static public Iterator iterator() { return mFileTypeDefinitions.iterator(); } /** * Loops all items in the file type definition collection and returns a * Vector with items that match the given parameters. * * @param objectTypeName The object type name too look for. * @param formatTypeName The format type name to look for. * @return A Vector with matching file type definitions. */ static public Vector matchingDefinitions(String objectTypeName, String formatTypeName) { Iterator iterator = iterator(); // Iterates over the collection Vector matchingFTD = new Vector(); // The matching definitions FileTypeDefinition foundFTD; // Temporary definition // Loop all known file type definitions. Compare each definition with // the given parameters. If the values match, add the found // definition to the result vector. while (iterator.hasNext()) { foundFTD = (FileTypeDefinition) iterator.next(); if (foundFTD.objectTypeName().equalsIgnoreCase(objectTypeName) && foundFTD.formatTypeName().equalsIgnoreCase(formatTypeName)) { matchingFTD.add(foundFTD); } } return matchingFTD; } /** * Creates a new file type definition based on the parameters. If this * results in a completely new definition, the definition is added to * the collection of file type definitions. * * @param objectTypeName The object type name of the file type * definition. * @param formatTypeName The format type name of the file type * definition * @param formatVersion The version of the file type definition * @exception FileTypeDefinitionException If a new file type definition * could not be created. */ static public void add(String objectTypeName, String formatTypeName, int formatVersion) throws FileTypeDefinitionException { // Create a new FileTypeDefinitionException based on parameters FileTypeDefinition newDef = new FileTypeDefinition(objectTypeName, formatTypeName, formatVersion); // Check if this really is a new file type definition. If it is, add // it to the collection. if (isNew(newDef)) { mFileTypeDefinitions.add(newDef); } } /** * Prints all known file type definitions to System.err * */ static public void printContent() { Iterator defIterator = iterator(); FileTypeDefinition currentDef; System.err.println("Known file type definitions (" + mFileTypeDefinitions.size() + ") :"); while (defIterator.hasNext()) { currentDef = (FileTypeDefinition) defIterator.next(); System.err.println(currentDef.objectTypeName() + " " + currentDef.formatTypeName()); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Protected section // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Private section // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Checks if the given FileTypeDefinition object is a new object by * comparing it to all known objects. The FileTypeDefinitions are * compared using their <I>equals()</I> method. * * @param definition A FileTypeDefinition to examine. * @return True if the given object is not known. * False if the given object is know. */ static private boolean isNew(FileTypeDefinition definition) { Iterator iterator = mFileTypeDefinitions.iterator(); FileTypeDefinition tempDefinition; // Loop all known definitions. Copy each definition to a temporary // definition object and compare them. while (iterator.hasNext()) { tempDefinition = (FileTypeDefinition) iterator.next(); if (tempDefinition.equals(definition)) { return false; } } return true; } }