/* Copyright (C) 2000 by Prevas AB. All rights reserved. $Log$ Revision 1.8 2005/02/22 12:47:48 heto Converting *Marker files. Created the DbAbstractMarker to handle common functionallity Revision 1.7 2005/02/21 11:55:42 heto Converting Genotypes to PostgreSQL Revision 1.6 2005/02/17 16:18:58 heto Converted DbUMarker to PostgreSQL Redesigned relations: r_uvar_var, r_umid_mid and r_uaid_aid due to errors in the design (redundant data in relations) This design change affected some views! Revision 1.5 2005/02/08 16:03:21 heto DbIndividual is now complete. Some bug tests are done. DbSamplingunit is converted. No bugtest. All transactions should now be handled in the GUI (yuck..) Revision 1.4 2005/02/04 15:58:40 heto Converting from Oracle to PostgreSQL or somewhat more SQL server independence. Revision 1.3 2004/12/14 08:57:46 heto swedish characters changed in comment. Revision 1.2 2003/05/02 07:58:45 heto Changed the package structure from se.prevas.arexis.XYZ to se.arexis.agdb.XYZ Modified configuration and source files according to package change. Revision 2002/10/16 18:14:06 heto Import of aGDB 1.5 L3 from Prevas CVS-tree. This version of aGDB is migrated to Tomcat from JServ by Tobias Hermansson Revision 1.3 2001/04/24 09:34:04 frob Moved file import classes to new package se.prevas.arexis.util.FileImport, caused updates in several files. Revision 1.2 2001/04/24 06:31:38 frob Checkin after merging frob_fileparser branch. Revision 2001/04/11 06:35:34 frob Update of constant names in FileTypeDefinition caused changes here. Revision 2001/04/10 13:11:11 frob Changed static initialiser to use constants instead of strings. Revision 2001/04/10 11:31:02 frob Added a static initilizer which registers the known file type definitions. Revision 2001/03/29 11:12:48 frob Changed calls to buildErrorString. All calls now passes the result from the dataRow2FileRow method as the row parameter. Added header and fixed indentation. Revision 2001/03/28 12:51:58 frob Changed calls to FileParser.getTitles() to FileParser.columnTitles() and FileParser.getRows() to FileParser.dataRows(). Indeted the file and added the log header. */ package se.arexis.agdb.db; import se.arexis.agdb.db.*; import se.arexis.agdb.util.*; import se.arexis.agdb.util.FileImport.*; import java.sql.*; import se.arexis.agdb.db.TableClasses.ChromosomeDO; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * This class provides methods for objects in the database * that has something to do with chromosomes. * * @author <b>Tomas Björklund, Prevas AB</b>, Copyright © 2000 * @version 1.0, 2000-11-28 */ public class DbChromosome extends DbObject { static { try { // Register known FileTypeDefinitions FileTypeDefinitionList.add(FileTypeDefinition.CHROMOSOME, FileTypeDefinition.LIST, 1); } catch (FileTypeDefinitionException e) { System.err.println("Construction of new FileTypeDefinition " + "failed: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } } /** * Deletes a chromosome. If an error * occurs, an exception is thrown. * * @param conn a valid connection to the database * @param cid the chromosome id to be deleted */ public void DeleteChromosome(Connection conn, int cid) throws DbException { Errors.logDebug("DeleteChromosome"); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; String sql = ""; String sql_l_markers = ""; String sql_u_markers = ""; String sql_markers = ""; try { // Delete_Chromosome //sql += "select * from gdbadm.l_markers where cid=1001"; // Delete_L_Marker lmid sql_l_markers = "select lmid from gdbadm.l_markers where cid="+cid; sql += "delete from l_alleles where lmid in ("+sql_l_markers+");"; sql += "delete from l_markers where lmid in ("+sql_l_markers+");"; // Delete_U_Marker umid sql_u_markers = "select umid from gdbadm.u_markers where cid="+cid; sql += "delete from gdbadm.u_alleles_log where uaid in (select uaid from u_alleles where umid in ("+sql_u_markers+"));"; sql += "delete from gdbadm.u_alleles where umid in ("+sql_u_markers+");"; sql += "delete from gdbadm.u_markers where umid in ("+sql_u_markers+");"; // Delete_Marker mid sql_markers = "select mid from gdbadm.markers where cid="+cid; sql += "delete from gdbadm.alleles_log where aid in (select aid from alleles where mid in ("+sql_markers+"));"; sql += "delete from gdbadm.alleles where mid in ("+sql_markers+");"; sql += "delete from gdbadm.genotypes_log where mid in ("+sql_markers+");"; sql += "delete from gdbadm.genotypes where mid in ("+sql_markers+");"; sql += "delete from gdbadm.markers where cid="+cid+";"; sql += "delete from chromosomes where cid="+cid+";"; pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); //pstmt.addBatch(sql); //pstmt.execute(); pstmt.execute(); Errors.logDebug("Affected rows = "+pstmt.getUpdateCount()); //System.err.println(sql); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("SQL="+sql); buildErrorString("Server error: "+e.getMessage()); Errors.logError(e.toString()); throw new DbException("Unable to delete chromosome and dependent information"); } finally { try { if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ignored) {} } } /** * Updates a chromosome. * * @param conn a valid connection to the database * @param cid chromosome id to be updated * @param new_name the new name of the chromosome * @param new_comm the new comment of the chromosome * @parame id the user id */ public void UpdateChromosome(Connection conn, int cid, String new_name, String new_comm) throws DbException { Statement stmt = null; String sql = ""; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); checkValues(new_name, new_comm); sql = "update Chromosomes set name = '"+new_name+"', comm = '"+new_comm+"' where cid = "+cid; } catch (DbException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Errors.logError("Error: "+sql); throw new DbException("Error updating Chromosome ["+cid+"]"); } finally { try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {} } } /** * Creates a new chromosome. * * @param conn a valid connection to the database * @param name the name of the created chromosome * @param comm the new comment of the chromosome * @param sid the species id * @parame id the user id */ public void CreateChromosome(Connection conn, String name, String comm, int sid) throws DbException { Statement stmt = null; String sql = ""; try { checkValues(name,comm); stmt = conn.createStatement(); sql = "insert into Chromosomes Values ((nextval('Chromosomes_Seq')) , '"+name+"', '"+comm+"', '"+sid+"')"; stmt.execute(sql); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Errors.logError("SQL="+sql); try { Errors.logWarn("Setting Sequence at current max value"); stmt.execute("SELECT setval('Chromosomes_Seq', max(cid)) FROM Chromosomes"); } catch (Exception seq) { seq.printStackTrace(); Errors.logError("Setting sequence failed: "+seq.getMessage()); } throw new DbException("Error storing data to the database"); } finally { try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {} } } /** * Creates a batch of chromosomes * * @param fp a FileParser object that has been initialized * with the file containing the chromosomes. That is the method * <code>parse</code> has alredy been called. * @param conn a valid connection to the database * @param cid chromosome id to be updated * @parame id the user id */ public void CreateChromosomes(FileParser fp, Connection conn, int sid) throws DbException { try { String name, comm; String titles[]; titles = fp.columnTitles(); int rows = fp.dataRows(); // Check file format if (titles.length != 2) { throw new DbException("Unknown file format. The title row must be in the form " + "[CHROMOSOME (delimeter) COMMENT]"); } else if (!titles[0].equals("CHROMOSOME") || !titles[1].equals("COMMENT")) { throw new DbException("Unknown file format. The title row must be in the form " + "[CHROMOSOME (delimeter) COMMENT]"); } for (int i = 0; i < rows ; i++) { name = fp.getValue("CHROMOSOME", i); comm = fp.getValue("COMMENT", i); checkValues(name, comm, fp.dataRow2FileRow(i) + 1); CreateChromosome(conn,name,comm,sid); } } catch (DbException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DbException("Error creating chromosomes. Please contact the system administrator"); } } /************************************************************** * This method checks the parameters 'name' and 'comm' before * the callable statement is executed. If the method detects * an error it builds up the message attribute and returns * false. */ private void checkValues(String name, String comm) throws DbException { //boolean ret = true; if (name == null || name.trim().equals("")) { throw new DbException("Unable to read the chromosome name"); } else if (name.length() > 2) { throw new DbException("Name [" + name + "] exceeds 2 character"); } else if (comm == null) { throw new DbException("Unable to read the comment"); } else if (comm.length() > 256) { throw new DbException("The comment [" + comm.substring(0, 16) + "...] " + "exceeds 255 characters"); } } /************************************************************** * This method checks the parameters 'name' and 'comm' before * the callable statement is executed. If the method detects * an error it builds up the message attribute and returns * false. */ private void checkValues(String name, String comm, int row) throws DbException { if (name == null || name.trim().equals("")) { throw new DbException("Unable to read the name at row " + row); } else if (name.length() > 2) { throw new DbException("Name [" + name + "] exceeds 2 character at row " + row); } else if (comm == null) { throw new DbException("Unable to read the comment at row " + row); } else if (comm.length() > 256) { throw new DbException("The comment [" + comm.substring(0, 16) + "...] exceeds 256 characters at row " + row); } } public int getCID(Connection conn, String name, int sid) throws DbException { Statement stmt = null; String sql = ""; int cid = 0; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); sql = "select cid from chromosomes where name="+sqlString(name)+ " and sid="+sid; ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); if (rs.next()) { cid = rs.getInt("cid"); } if (cid == 0) { throw new DbException("Unable to find chromosome."); } } catch (DbException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Errors.logError("SQL="+sql); } return cid; } /** * Get all chromosomes for a species * @param conn The database connection * @param speciesid The species id of interest. * @return Returns an array of ChromosomeDO objects. */ public ChromosomeDO getChromosome(Connection conn, int cid) { ChromosomeDO out = null; try { Statement sqlStatement = null; ResultSet rs = null; sqlStatement = conn.createStatement(); rs = sqlStatement.executeQuery("SELECT cid, NAME, comment, sid " + "FROM gdbadm.Chromosomes WHERE cid=" + cid); while (rs.next()) { out = new ChromosomeDO(rs.getInt("cid"), rs.getString("NAME"), rs.getString("comment"), rs.getInt("sid")); } rs.close(); sqlStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return out; } /** * Get all chromosomes for a species * @param conn The database connection * @param speciesid The species id of interest. * @return Returns an array of ChromosomeDO objects. */ static public ChromosomeDO[] getChromosomes(Connection conn, int speciesid) { ArrayList out = null; try { out = new ArrayList(); Statement sqlStatement = null; ResultSet rs = null; sqlStatement = conn.createStatement(); rs = sqlStatement.executeQuery("SELECT cid, NAME, comment, sid " + "FROM gdbadm.Chromosomes WHERE sid=" + speciesid + " order by NAME"); while (rs.next()) { out.add(new ChromosomeDO(rs.getInt("cid"), rs.getString("NAME"), rs.getString("comment"), rs.getInt("sid"))); } rs.close(); sqlStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return (ChromosomeDO[])out.toArray(); } }