//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Test case file for checkstyle. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.filters; /** * Test input for using comments to suppress errors. * @author Rick Giles **/ class InputSuppressionCommentFilter { private int I; /* CHECKSTYLE:OFF */ private int J; /* CHECKSTYLE:ON */ private int K; //CSOFF: MemberNameCheck|ConstantNameCheck private int L; private static final int m = 0; /* * CSON: MemberNameCheck */ private int M2; private static final int n = 0; //CSON: ConstantNameCheck //CS_OFF private int P; //CS_ON private int Q; //CS_OFF: ConstantNameCheck private int R; private static final int s = 0; //CS_ON //CHECKSTYLE:OFF private int T; //CHECKSTYLE:ON //UNUSED OFF: aInt public static void doit1(int aInt) { } //UNUSED ON: aInt public static void doit2(int aInt) { } public void doit3() { try { // lots of code omitted for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // more code omitted while(true) { try { //CHECKSTYLE:OFF } catch(Exception e) { //CHECKSTYLE:ON } } // code omitted } //CHECKSTYLE:OFF } catch(Exception ex) { //CHECKSTYLE:ON } try{ //IllegalCatchCheck OFF: Exception } catch(RuntimeException ex){ } catch(Exception ex){ //IllegalCatchCheck ON: Exception } } public void doit4() { try { /* CHECKSTYLE:OFF */} catch(Exception e) {/* CHECKSTYLE:ON */ } } }