//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // checkstyle: Checks Java source code for adherence to a set of rules. // Copyright (C) 2001-2017 the original author or authors. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.checks.indentation; import static com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.checks.indentation.CommentsIndentationCheck.MSG_KEY_BLOCK; import static com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.checks.indentation.CommentsIndentationCheck.MSG_KEY_SINGLE; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.BaseCheckTestSupport; import com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.DefaultConfiguration; import com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.api.DetailAST; import com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.api.TokenTypes; import com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.utils.CommonUtils; /** * * @author <a href="mailto:nesterenko-aleksey@list.ru">Aleksey Nesterenko</a> * @author <a href="mailto:andreyselkin@gmail.com">Andrei Selkin</a> * */ public class CommentsIndentationCheckTest extends BaseCheckTestSupport { @Override protected String getPath(String filename) throws IOException { return super.getPath("checks" + File.separator + "indentation" + File.separator + filename); } @Test public void testCommentIsAtTheEndOfBlock() throws Exception { final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig = createCheckConfig(CommentsIndentationCheck.class); final String[] expected = { "18: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 17, 25, 8), "33: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 35, 5, 4), "37: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 36, 0, 8), "47: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 46, 15, 12), "49: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 45, 10, 8), "54: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 53, 13, 8), "74: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 70, 18, 8), "88: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 85, 31, 8), "100: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 98, 21, 8), "115: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 116, 29, 12), "138: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 131, 26, 8), "164: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 161, 33, 8), "174: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 173, 21, 8), "186: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 184, 34, 8), "208: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 206, 26, 8), "214: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 213, 0, 8), "228: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 225, 12, 8), "234: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 233, 0, 8), "248: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 245, 12, 8), "255: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 252, 0, 8), "265: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 264, 14, 8), "271: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 269, 9, 8), "277: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 276, 9, 8), "316: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 315, 9, 8), "322: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 323, 0, 4), "336: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 333, 0, 8), "355: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 352, 9, 8), "380: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 381, 12, 8), "393: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 392, 12, 8), "400: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 401, 8, 10), "457: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 455, 0, 8), "473: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 469, 10, 8), "483: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 477, 10, 8), "491: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 487, 10, 8), "499: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 495, 10, 8), "507: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 503, 10, 8), "518: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 511, 10, 8), "525: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 522, 0, 8), "532: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 529, 0, 8), "538: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 536, 0, 8), "546: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 542, 4, 8), "551: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 550, 12, 8), "557: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 555, 0, 8), "562: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 561, 0, 8), }; final String testInputFile = "InputCommentsIndentationCommentIsAtTheEndOfBlock.java"; verify(checkConfig, getPath(testInputFile), expected); } @Test public void testCommentIsInsideSwitchBlock() throws Exception { final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig = createCheckConfig(CommentsIndentationCheck.class); final String[] expected = { "19: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 20, 12, 16), "25: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "24, 26", 19, "16, 12"), "31: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "30, 32", 19, "16, 12"), "48: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 49, 6, 16), "55: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 56, 8, 12), "59: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 58, 22, 16), "68: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "65, 69", 14, "12, 16"), "88: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 89, 24, 20), "113: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "112, 114", 15, "17, 12"), "125: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 126, 8, 12), "138: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 139, 4, 8), "157: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "156, 158", 18, "16, 12"), "200: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "199, 201", 4, "12, 12"), "203: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "202, 206", 22, "16, 12"), "204: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "202, 206", 20, "16, 12"), "205: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "202, 206", 17, "16, 12"), "229: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "228, 230", 6, "12, 12"), "276: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, "275, 279", 11, "16, 12"), "281: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "280, 282", 11, "16, 12"), }; final String testInputFile = "InputCommentsIndentationInSwitchBlock.java"; verify(checkConfig, getPath(testInputFile), expected); } @Test public void testCommentIsInsideEmptyBlock() throws Exception { final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig = createCheckConfig(CommentsIndentationCheck.class); final String[] expected = { "9: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 12, 19, 31), "10: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 12, 23, 31), "33: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 34, 0, 8), "57: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 58, 0, 8), "71: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 72, 0, 8), "103: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 104, 0, 8), "107: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 108, 0, 8), }; final String testInputFile = "InputCommentsIndentationInEmptyBlock.java"; verify(checkConfig, getPath(testInputFile), expected); } @Test public void testSurroundingCode() throws Exception { final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig = createCheckConfig(CommentsIndentationCheck.class); final String[] expected = { "13: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 14, 14, 12), "23: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 24, 16, 12), "25: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 27, 16, 12), "28: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 31, 16, 12), "50: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 53, 27, 36), "51: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 53, 23, 36), "90: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 91, 14, 8), "98: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 100, 13, 8), "108: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 109, 33, 8), "130: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 131, 12, 8), "135: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 136, 4, 8), "141: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 140, 4, 8), }; final String testInputFile = "InputCommentsIndentationSurroundingCode.java"; verify(checkConfig, getPath(testInputFile), expected); } @Test public void testNoNpeWhenBlockCommentEndsClassFile() throws Exception { final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig = createCheckConfig(CommentsIndentationCheck.class); final String[] expected = CommonUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; final String testInputFile = "InputCommentsIndentationNoNpe.java"; verify(checkConfig, getPath(testInputFile), expected); } @Test public void testCheckOnlySingleLineComments() throws Exception { final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig = createCheckConfig(CommentsIndentationCheck.class); checkConfig.addAttribute("tokens", "SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT"); final String[] expected = { "13: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 14, 14, 12), "50: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 53, 27, 36), "90: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 91, 14, 8), "98: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 100, 13, 8), "108: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 109, 33, 8), }; final String testInputFile = "InputCommentsIndentationSurroundingCode.java"; verify(checkConfig, getPath(testInputFile), expected); } @Test public void testCheckOnlyBlockComments() throws Exception { final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig = createCheckConfig(CommentsIndentationCheck.class); checkConfig.addAttribute("tokens", "BLOCK_COMMENT_BEGIN"); final String[] expected = { "23: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 24, 16, 12), "25: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 27, 16, 12), "28: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 31, 16, 12), "51: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 53, 23, 36), "130: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 131, 12, 8), "135: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 136, 4, 8), "141: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 140, 4, 8), }; final String testInputFile = "InputCommentsIndentationSurroundingCode.java"; verify(checkConfig, getPath(testInputFile), expected); } @Test public void testVisitToken() { final CommentsIndentationCheck check = new CommentsIndentationCheck(); final DetailAST methodDef = new DetailAST(); methodDef.setType(TokenTypes.METHOD_DEF); methodDef.setText("methodStub"); try { check.visitToken(methodDef); Assert.fail("IllegalArgumentException should have been thrown!"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { final String msg = ex.getMessage(); Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected token type: methodStub", msg); } } @Test public void testJavadoc() throws Exception { final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig = createCheckConfig(CommentsIndentationCheck.class); final String[] expected = { "3: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 6, 2, 0), "8: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 9, 0, 4), "11: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 14, 8, 4), "17: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_BLOCK, 18, 10, 8), }; final String testInputFile = "InputCommentsIndentationJavadoc.java"; verify(checkConfig, getPath(testInputFile), expected); } @Test public void testMultiblockStructures() throws Exception { final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig = createCheckConfig(CommentsIndentationCheck.class); final String[] expected = { "12: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 11, 8, 12), "18: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "17, 19", 16, "12, 8"), "23: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "22, 24", 0, "12, 8"), "33: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 32, 8, 12), "39: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "38, 40", 0, "12, 8"), "44: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "43, 45", 16, "12, 8"), "54: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 53, 8, 12), "60: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "59, 61", 0, "12, 8"), "65: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "64, 66", 16, "12, 8"), "75: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 74, 8, 12), "81: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "80, 82", 0, "12, 8"), "86: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "85, 87", 16, "12, 8"), "96: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 95, 8, 12), "102: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "101, 103", 0, "12, 8"), "107: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "106, 108", 16, "12, 8"), "117: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 116, 8, 12), "123: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "122, 124", 16, "12, 8"), "128: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, "127, 129", 0, "12, 8"), }; final String testInputFile = "InputCommentsIndentationInMultiblockStructures.java"; verify(checkConfig, getPath(testInputFile), expected); } @Test public void testCommentsAfterAnnotation() throws Exception { final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig = createCheckConfig(CommentsIndentationCheck.class); final String[] expected = { "14: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 15, 4, 0), "18: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 19, 8, 4), "36: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 37, 4, 0), "41: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 42, 8, 4), "50: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_KEY_SINGLE, 51, 2, 4), }; final String testInputFile = "InputCommentsIndentationAfterAnnotation.java"; verify(checkConfig, getPath(testInputFile), expected); } }