package; public class InputUnnecessaryParentheses { int f1() { int x = 0; for (int i = (0+1); ((i) < (6+6)); i += (1+0)) { x += (i + 100); (x) += (i + 100/**comment test*/); x = (x + i + 100); (x) = (x + i + 100); } for (int i = (0+1); (i) < ((6+6)); i += (1+0)) { System.identityHashCode("hi"); } return (0); } private int f2(int arg1, double arg2) { int x, a, b, c, d; String e, f; x = 0; a = 0; b = 0; c = (a + b); d = c - 1; int i = (int) arg2; i = ((int) arg2); x += (i + 100 + arg1); a = (a + b) * (c + d); b = ((((a + b) * (c + d)))); c = (((a) <= b)) ? 0 : 1; d = (a) + (b) * (600) / (int) (12.5f) + (int) (arg2); e = ("this") + ("that") + ("is" + "other"); f = ("this is a really, really long string that should be truncated."); return (x + a + b + d); } private boolean f3() { int x = f2((1), (13.5)); boolean b = (true); return (b); } public static int f4(int z, int a) { int r = (z * a); r = (a > z) ? a : z; r = ((a > z) ? a : z); r = (a > z) ? a : (z + z); return (r * r - 1); } public void f5() { int x, y; x = 0; y = 0; if (x == y) { print(x); } if ((x > y)) { print(y); } while ((x < 10)) { print(x++); } do { print((y+=100)); } while (y < (4000)); } private void f6(TypeA a) { TypeB b = (TypeB) a; TypeC c = ((TypeC) a); int r = 12345; r <<= (3); TypeParameterized<String> d = ((TypeParameterized<String>) a); } private void print(int arg) { System.identityHashCode("arg = " + arg); } static class TypeParameterized<T> {} static class TypeA extends TypeParameterized<String> {} static class TypeB extends TypeA {} static class TypeC extends TypeA {} }