package; /** * Describe class InputMagicNumber * @author Rick Giles * @version 6-May-2003 */ public class InputMagicNumber { public void magicMethod() { //constants, ignore final int INT_CONST = 101_000; final long LONG_CONST1 = 100_000L; final long LONG_CONST2 = 100l; final float FLOAT_CONST1 = 1.500_0F; final float FLOAT_CONST2 = 1.5f; final double DOUBLE_CONST1 = 1.500_0D; final double DOUBLE_CONST2 = 1.5d; final double DOUBLE_CONST3 = 1.5; //ignore by default int int_var1 = 1; int int_var2 = (2); long long_var1 = 0L; long long_var2 = 0l; double double_var1 = 0D; double double_var2 = 0d; int[] int_array = new int[2]; int_var1 = 1 + 2; int_var1 += 1; double_var1 = 1.0 + 2.0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++); if (1 < 2); if (1.0 < 2.0); //magic numbers int int_magic1 = 3_000; double double_magic1 = 1.5_0; int int_magic2 = (3 + 4); int_array = new int[3]; int_magic1 += 3; double_magic1 *= 1.5; for (int j = 3; j < 5; j += 3) { int_magic1++; } if (int_magic1 < 3) { int_magic1 = int_magic1 + 3; } //octal int octalVar0 = 00; int octalVar8 = 010; int octalVar9 = 011; long longOctalVar8 = 0_10L; long longOctalVar9 = 011l; //hex int hexVar0 = 0x0; int hexVar16 = 0x10; int hexVar17 = 0X011; long longHexVar0 = 0x0L; long longHexVar16 = 0x10L; long longHexVar17 = 0X11l; } } interface Blah2 { int LOW = 5; int HIGH = 78; } class ArrayMagicTest { private static final int[] NONMAGIC = {3}; private int[] magic = {3}; private static final int[][] NONMAGIC2 = {{1}, {2}, {3}}; } /** test long hex */ class LongHex { long l = 0xffffffffL; } /** test signed values */ class Signed { public static final int CONST_PLUS_THREE = +3; public static final int CONST_MINUS_TWO = -2; private int mPlusThree = +3; private int mMinusTwo = -2; private double mPlusDecimal = +3.5; private double mMinusDecimal = -2.5; } /** test octal and hex negative values */ class NegativeOctalHex { private int hexIntMinusOne = 0xffffffff; private long hexLongMinusOne = 0xffffffffffffffffL; private long hexIntMinValue = 0x80000000; private long hexLongMinValue = 0x8000000000000000L; private int octalIntMinusOne = 037777777777; private long octalLongMinusOne = 01777777777777777777777L; private long octalIntMinValue = 020000000000; private long octalLongMinValue = 01000000000000000000000L; } class Cast { public static final int TESTINTVAL = (byte) 0x80; } class ComplexAndFlagged { public static final java.util.List MYLIST = new java.util.ArrayList() { public int size() { // should be flagged although technically inside const definition return 378; } }; } class ComplexButNotFlagged { // according to user feedback this is typical code that should not be flagged public final double SpecialSum = 2 + 1e10, SpecialDifference = 4 - java.lang.Math.PI; public final Integer DefaultInit = new Integer(27); public final int SpecsPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60, SpecialRatio = 4 / 3; public final javax.swing.border.Border StdBorder = javax.swing.BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(3, 3, 3, 3); } enum MyEnum2 { A(3), B(54); private MyEnum2(int value) { } } class TestHashCodeMethod { // valid hash code method public int hashCode() { return 31; } // invalid hash code method: has parameters public int hashCode(int val) { return 42; } // invalid hash code method: misspelled public int hashcode() { return 13; } static { int x=21; } { int y=37; } public TestHashCodeMethod() { int z=101; } @InputMagicNumberIntMethodAnnotation(42) public void another() { } @InputMagicNumberIntMethodAnnotation(value=43) public void another2() { } @InputMagicNumberIntMethodAnnotation(-44) public void anotherNegative() { } @InputMagicNumberIntMethodAnnotation(value=-45) public void anotherNegative2() { } } class TestMethodCall { public TestMethodCall(int x){ } public void method2() { final TestMethodCall dummyObject = new TestMethodCall(62); } }