package; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Test case file for checkstyle. // Created: 2002 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Test case for hidden fields * @author Rick Giles **/ class InputHiddenField { private int hidden = 0; public InputHiddenField() { int hidden = 0; //shadows field } public InputHiddenField(int hidden) //parameter shadows field { } public void shadow() { int hidden = 0; //shadows field } public void shadowFor() { for (int hidden = 0; hidden < 1; hidden++) { //shadows field } } public void shadowParam(int hidden) //parameter shadows field { } public class Inner { private int innerHidden = 0; public Inner() { int innerHidden = 0; //shadows field } public Inner(int innerHidden) //shadows field { } private void innerShadow() { int innerHidden = 0; //shadows inner field int hidden = 0; //shadows outer field } private void innerShadowFor() { for (int innerHidden = 0; innerHidden < 1; innerHidden++) { } //shadows outer field for (int hidden = 0; hidden < 1; hidden++) { } } private void shadowParam( int innerHidden, //parameter shadows inner field int hidden //parameter shadows outer field ) { } { int innerHidden = 0;//shadows inner field int hidden = 0; //shadows outer field } } { int hidden = 0;//shadows field } } interface NothingHidden { public static int notHidden = 0; // not an error public void noShadow(int notHidden); } /** tests ignoring the parameter of a property setter method */ class PropertySetter { private int prop; /** setter */ public void setProp(int prop) { this.prop = prop; } /** error - incorrect method name */ public void setprop(int prop) { this.prop = prop; } /** error - more than one parameter */ public void setProp(int prop, int extra) { this.prop = prop; } } /** tests a non-void method */ class PropertySetter2 { private int prop; /** error - not a void method */ public int setProp(int prop) { this.prop = prop; return 0; } } /** tests for static fields */ class StaticFields { private static int hidden; public static void staticMethod() { int hidden; } public void method() { int hidden; } static { int hidden; } { int hidden; } } /** tests static methods & initializers */ class StaticMethods { private int notHidden; public static void method() { // local variables of static methods don't hide instance fields. int notHidden; } static { // local variables of static initializers don't hide instance fields. int notHidden; } private int x; private static int y; static class Inner { void useX(int x) { x++; } void useY(int y) { y++; } } } enum HiddenEnum { A(129), B(283), C(1212) { /** * Should not be flagged as error as we don't check * hidden class level fields */ int hidden; public void doSomething() { //Should be flagged as hiding enum constant member int hidden = 0; } }; int hidden; static int hiddenStatic; /** * ctor parameter hides member */ HiddenEnum(int hidden) { } public void doSomething() { //Should be flagged as hiding static member int hidden = 0; } public static void doSomethingStatic() { //Should be flagged as hiding static member int hiddenStatic = 0; } } // we should ignore this if user wants (ignoreAbstractMethods is true) abstract class InputHiddenFieldBug1084512 { String x; public abstract void methodA(String x); } class Bug3370946 { private int xAxis; public void setxAxis(int xAxis) { this.xAxis = xAxis; } } /** tests chain-setter */ class PropertySetter3 { private int prop; /** * if setterCanReturnItsClass == false then * error - not a void method * * if setterCanReturnItsClass == true then * success as it is then considered to be a setter */ public PropertySetter3 setProp(int prop) { this.prop = prop; return this; } } /** tests setters (both regular and the chain one) on the enum */ enum PropertySetter4 { INSTANCE; private int prop; private int prop2; public void setProp(int prop) { this.prop = prop; } /** * if setterCanReturnItsClass == false then * error - not a void method * * if setterCanReturnItsClass == true then * success as it is then considered to be a setter */ public PropertySetter4 setProp2(int prop2) { this.prop2 = prop2; return this; } } /** Tests setter for one letter field (issue #730). */ class OneLetterField { int i; void setI(int i) { this.i = i; } }