//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // checkstyle: Checks Java source code for adherence to a set of rules. // Copyright (C) 2001-2017 the original author or authors. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.checks.javadoc; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import com.google.common.base.CharMatcher; import com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.api.DetailNode; import com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.api.JavadocTokenTypes; import com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.api.TokenTypes; import com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.utils.CommonUtils; /** * <p> * Checks that <a href= * "http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/documentation/index-137868.html#firstsentence"> * Javadoc summary sentence</a> does not contain phrases that are not recommended to use. * By default Check validate that first sentence is not empty:</p><br> * <pre> * <module name="SummaryJavadocCheck"/> * </pre> * * <p>To ensure that summary do not contain phrase like "This method returns", * use following config: * * <pre> * <module name="SummaryJavadocCheck"> * <property name="forbiddenSummaryFragments" * value="^This method returns.*"/> * </module> * </pre> * <p> * To specify period symbol at the end of first javadoc sentence - use following config: * </p> * <pre> * <module name="SummaryJavadocCheck"> * <property name="period" * value="period"/> * </module> * </pre> * * * @author max * @author <a href="mailto:nesterenko-aleksey@list.ru">Aleksey Nesterenko</a> */ public class SummaryJavadocCheck extends AbstractJavadocCheck { /** * A key is pointing to the warning message text in "messages.properties" * file. */ public static final String MSG_SUMMARY_FIRST_SENTENCE = "summary.first.sentence"; /** * A key is pointing to the warning message text in "messages.properties" * file. */ public static final String MSG_SUMMARY_JAVADOC = "summary.javaDoc"; /** * This regexp is used to convert multiline javadoc to single line without stars. */ private static final Pattern JAVADOC_MULTILINE_TO_SINGLELINE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\n[ ]+(\\*)|^[ ]+(\\*)"); /** Period literal. */ private static final String PERIOD = "."; /** * Stores allowed values in document for inherit doc literal. */ private static final Set<Integer> SKIP_TOKENS = new HashSet<>( Arrays.asList(JavadocTokenTypes.NEWLINE, JavadocTokenTypes.LEADING_ASTERISK, JavadocTokenTypes.EOF) ); /** * Regular expression for forbidden summary fragments. */ private Pattern forbiddenSummaryFragments = CommonUtils.createPattern("^$"); /** * Period symbol at the end of first javadoc sentence. */ private String period = PERIOD; /** * Sets custom value of regular expression for forbidden summary fragments. * @param pattern a pattern. */ public void setForbiddenSummaryFragments(Pattern pattern) { forbiddenSummaryFragments = pattern; } /** * Sets value of period symbol at the end of first javadoc sentence. * @param period period's value. */ public void setPeriod(String period) { this.period = period; } @Override public int[] getDefaultJavadocTokens() { return new int[] { JavadocTokenTypes.JAVADOC, }; } @Override public int[] getRequiredJavadocTokens() { return getAcceptableJavadocTokens(); } @Override public int[] getAcceptableTokens() { return new int[] {TokenTypes.BLOCK_COMMENT_BEGIN }; } @Override public int[] getRequiredTokens() { return getAcceptableTokens(); } @Override public void visitJavadocToken(DetailNode ast) { String firstSentence = getFirstSentence(ast); final int endOfSentence = firstSentence.lastIndexOf(period); if (endOfSentence == -1) { if (!isOnlyInheritDoc(ast)) { log(ast.getLineNumber(), MSG_SUMMARY_FIRST_SENTENCE); } } else { firstSentence = firstSentence.substring(0, endOfSentence); if (containsForbiddenFragment(firstSentence)) { log(ast.getLineNumber(), MSG_SUMMARY_JAVADOC); } } } /** * Finds if inheritDoc is placed properly in java doc. * @param ast Javadoc root node. * @return true if inheritDoc is valid or false. */ private static boolean isOnlyInheritDoc(DetailNode ast) { boolean extraTextFound = false; boolean containsInheritDoc = false; for (DetailNode child : ast.getChildren()) { if (child.getType() == JavadocTokenTypes.TEXT) { if (!CommonUtils.isBlank(child.getText())) { extraTextFound = true; } } else if (child.getType() == JavadocTokenTypes.JAVADOC_INLINE_TAG) { if (child.getChildren()[1].getType() == JavadocTokenTypes.INHERIT_DOC_LITERAL) { containsInheritDoc = true; } else { extraTextFound = true; } } else if (!SKIP_TOKENS.contains(child.getType())) { extraTextFound = true; } if (extraTextFound) { break; } } return containsInheritDoc && !extraTextFound; } /** * Finds and returns first sentence. * @param ast Javadoc root node. * @return first sentence. */ private static String getFirstSentence(DetailNode ast) { final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); final String periodSuffix = PERIOD + ' '; for (DetailNode child : ast.getChildren()) { final String text = child.getText(); if (child.getType() != JavadocTokenTypes.JAVADOC_INLINE_TAG && text.contains(periodSuffix)) { result.append(text.substring(0, text.indexOf(periodSuffix) + 1)); break; } else { result.append(text); } } return result.toString(); } /** * Tests if first sentence contains forbidden summary fragment. * @param firstSentence String with first sentence. * @return true, if first sentence contains forbidden summary fragment. */ private boolean containsForbiddenFragment(String firstSentence) { String javadocText = JAVADOC_MULTILINE_TO_SINGLELINE_PATTERN .matcher(firstSentence).replaceAll(" "); javadocText = CharMatcher.WHITESPACE.trimAndCollapseFrom(javadocText, ' '); return forbiddenSummaryFragments.matcher(javadocText).find(); } }