//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Test case file for checkstyle. // Created: Feb-2001 // Ignore error //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.checks.design.visibilitymodifier; import java.io.*; /** * Contains simple mistakes: * - Long lines * - Tabs * - Format of variables and parameters * - Order of modifiers * @author Oliver Burn **/ final class InputVisibilityModifierSimple { /** Invalid format **/ public static final int badConstant = 2; /** Valid format **/ public static final int MAX_ROWS = 2; /** Invalid format **/ private static int badStatic = 2; /** Valid format **/ private static int sNumCreated = 0; /** Invalid format **/ private int badMember = 2; /** Valid format **/ private int mNumCreated1 = 0; /** Valid format **/ protected int mNumCreated2 = 0; /** commas are wrong **/ private int[] mInts = new int[] {1,2, 3, 4}; // // Accessor tests // /** should be private **/ public static int sTest1; /** should be private **/ protected static int sTest3; /** should be private **/ static int sTest2; /** should be private **/ int mTest1; /** should be private **/ public int mTest2; /** * @return hack * @param badFormat1 bad format * @param badFormat2 bad format * @param badFormat3 bad format * @throws java.lang.Exception abc **/ int test1(int badFormat1,int badFormat2, final int badFormat3) throws java.lang.Exception { return 0; } /** test local variables */ private void localVariables() { // normal decl int abc = 0; int ABC = 0; // final decls final int cde = 0; final int CDE = 0; // decl in for loop init statement for (int k = 0; k < 1; k++) { String innerBlockVariable = ""; } for (int I = 0; I < 1; I++) { String InnerBlockVariable = ""; } } /** test illegal constant **/ private static final int BAD__NAME = 3; } /** Test class for variable naming in for each clauses. */ class InputVisibilityModifierSimple2 { /** Some more Javadoc. */ public void doSomething() { //"O" should be named "o" for (Object O : new java.util.ArrayList()) { } } } /** Test enum for member naming check */ enum MyEnum1 { /** ABC constant */ ABC, /** XYZ constant */ XYZ; /** Should be mSomeMemeber */ private int someMember; }