package; import; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class InputTypeAnnotations extends MyClass { // Simple type definitions with type annotations private @TypeAnnotation String hello = "Hello, World!"; private @TypeAnnotation final String jdk = "JDK8"; @TypeAnnotation private String projectName = "Checkstyle"; // We can use type Annotations with generic type arguments private Map.@TypeAnnotation Entry entry; // Type annotations can also be applied to nested types private List<@TypeAnnotation String> strings; // Constructors with type annotations { new @TypeAnnotation Object(); } static { new @TypeAnnotation Object(); } public void foo1() { new @TypeAnnotation Object(); } // Type annotations work with nested (non static) class constructors too public void foo2() { InputTypeAnnotations myObject = new InputTypeAnnotations(); @TypeAnnotation Nested(); } // Type casts public void foo3() { String myString = (@TypeAnnotation String) new Object(); } // Type annotations with method arguments private void foo4(final @TypeAnnotation String parameterName) { } // Inheritance class MySerializableClass<T> implements @TypeAnnotation Serializable { } // Nested type annotations Map<@TypeAnnotation String, @TypeAnnotation List<@TypeAnnotation String>> documents; // Apply type annotations to intersection types public <E extends @TypeAnnotation Comparator<E> & @TypeAnnotation Comparable> void foo5() { } // Including parameter bounds and wildcard bounds class Folder<F extends @TypeAnnotation File> { } Collection<? super @TypeAnnotation File> c; List<@TypeAnnotation ? extends Comparable<T>> unchangeable; // Throwing exceptions void foo6() throws @TypeAnnotation IOException { } // Type annotations in instanceof statements public void foo7() { boolean isNonNull = "string" instanceof @TypeAnnotation String; } class Nested { } class T { } // Type annotation on method return type @Override public @TypeAnnotation String toString() { return ""; } @Override @TypeAnnotation public int hashCode() { return 1; } public @TypeAnnotation int foo8() { return 1; } public @TypeAnnotation boolean equals(Object obj) { return super.equals(obj); } // @TypeAnnotation void foo9() { } <-- Compiletime error: void type cannot be annotated with type annotation @Override void foo10() { super.foo10(); } } class MyClass { // It is annotation on method, but not on type! @MethodAnnotation void foo10() {} private @MethodAnnotation void foo11() {} public @TypeAnnotation MyClass() {} @ConstructorAnnotation public MyClass(String name) {} } enum MyEnum { @TypeAnnotation A; } interface IInterfacable { default @TypeAnnotation String foo() { return null; } } @Target({ ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.LOCAL_VARIABLE, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.TYPE_PARAMETER, ElementType.TYPE_USE}) @interface TypeAnnotation { } @interface MethodAnnotation {} @interface ConstructorAnnotation {}