package; import java.util.List; import; public class InputNoWhitespaceAfterArrayDeclarations2 { public class A { public int[][] create(int i, int j) { return new int[3] [3];//incorrect, 12:30 } } public class B { public int create(int i, int j) [][] {//incorrect, 17:40 return new int [3][i + j] ;//incorrect,18:27 } } public class C { public int[][] create(int i, int j) { return new int[i + j][i + j];//correct } } public class D { public int[][] [] create(int i, int j) {//incorrect, 29:23 return new int [ i + j ] [ i + j ] [ 0 ] ;//incorrect 30:27,38,51 } } public class E { public int create(int i, int j, int [][] k)[] [][] {//incorrect, 35:44,56 int e [][] [] = new int[i + j] [2][i + j];//incorrect, 36:18,23,43 e [0] [1][2] = 0; e[1][1][1] = 0;//incorrect, 37:14,18 return e; } } public static class F { public static Integer [][][] create(int i, int j) {//incorrect, 42:23 int[][] [] f= new int[ 0][1 ][ 2 ] ; return new Integer[i + j][i + j][0]; } } public class G { public List<String> [] [] [] create(int i, int j) {//incorrect, 48:28,31,34 //cannot build with this check - generic array creation error, but whitespaces still catched //List<String> g[][] [] = new List<String> [0][1][2];//incorrect 49:33,55 //return new List<String>[i + j][i + j][0];//correct int g[][][] = new int [0][1][2]; g[ 0][0 ][ 0 ]=0; g [0][0][0]=0;//incorrect 54:14 g[0] [0][0]=0;//incorrect 55:17 g [0] [0] [0] =0;//incorrect 56:14,18,22 return null; } } public class H { public List<Integer> create(int i, int j) [] [][] {//incorrect, 62:46,53 return null; } } Object someStuff4 = boolean [].class;//incorrect, 67:32 String[][] someStuff5 = new String[4][9]; String[][] someStuff6 = (java.lang.String [] []) someStuff5;//incorrect, 69:46,50 String[][] someStuff7 = (String [][]) someStuff5;//incorrect, 70:36 //this is legal until allowLineBreaks is set to false int someStuff8 []; //this is legal until allowLineBreaks is set to false int[] someStuff81; //incorrect 81:40 Integer someStuff9[][][] = (Integer [][][]) InputNoWhitespaceAfterArrayDeclarations2.F.create(1,2); //type arguments List<char[]> someStuff10;//correct List<char [][]> someStuff11;//incorrect 85:14 List<InputNoWhitespaceAfterArrayDeclarations2.A []> someStuff12;//incorrect 86:52 public void foo(java.util.List<? extends String[]> bar, Comparable<? super Object []> baz) { }//incorrect 87:86 Integer someStuff13 = F.create(1,1)[0][0][0]; Integer someStuff131 = F.create(1,1) [0][0] [0];//incorrect 90:41,49 Object[] someStuff14 = (Object[]) null; Object[] someStuff15 = (Object [] ) null;//incorrect 92:35 byte someStuff16 = ((byte[]) someStuff4) [0];//incorrect 94:45 public void bar() { if(someStuff15 instanceof Object []) {//incorrect 97:41 } if(someStuff15 instanceof Object[] []) {//incorrect 100:43 } if(someStuff15 instanceof Object[][]) { } } }