package org.frameworkset.web.socket.sockjs; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.frameworkset.util.ObjectUtils; import org.frameworkset.util.annotations.HttpMethod; import com.frameworkset.util.StringUtil; public class CorsConfiguration { /** * Wildcard representing <em>all</em> origins, methods, or headers. */ public static final String ALL = "*"; private List<String> allowedOrigins; private List<String> allowedMethods; private List<String> allowedHeaders; private List<String> exposedHeaders; private Boolean allowCredentials; private Long maxAge; /** * Construct a new, empty {@code CorsConfiguration} instance. */ public CorsConfiguration() { } /** * Construct a new {@code CorsConfiguration} instance by copying all * values from the supplied {@code CorsConfiguration}. */ public CorsConfiguration(CorsConfiguration other) { this.allowedOrigins = other.allowedOrigins; this.allowedMethods = other.allowedMethods; this.allowedHeaders = other.allowedHeaders; this.exposedHeaders = other.exposedHeaders; this.allowCredentials = other.allowCredentials; this.maxAge = other.maxAge; } /** * Combine the supplied {@code CorsConfiguration} with this one. * <p>Properties of this configuration are overridden by any non-null * properties of the supplied one. * @return the combined {@code CorsConfiguration} or {@code this} * configuration if the supplied configuration is {@code null} */ public CorsConfiguration combine(CorsConfiguration other) { if (other == null) { return this; } CorsConfiguration config = new CorsConfiguration(this); config.setAllowedOrigins(combine(this.getAllowedOrigins(), other.getAllowedOrigins())); config.setAllowedMethods(combine(this.getAllowedMethods(), other.getAllowedMethods())); config.setAllowedHeaders(combine(this.getAllowedHeaders(), other.getAllowedHeaders())); config.setExposedHeaders(combine(this.getExposedHeaders(), other.getExposedHeaders())); Boolean allowCredentials = other.getAllowCredentials(); if (allowCredentials != null) { config.setAllowCredentials(allowCredentials); } Long maxAge = other.getMaxAge(); if (maxAge != null) { config.setMaxAge(maxAge); } return config; } private List<String> combine(List<String> source, List<String> other) { if (other == null || other.contains(ALL)) { return source; } if (source == null || source.contains(ALL)) { return other; } List<String> combined = new ArrayList<String>(source); combined.addAll(other); return combined; } /** * Set the origins to allow, e.g. {@code ""}. * <p>The special value {@code "*"} allows all domains. * <p>By default this is not set. */ public void setAllowedOrigins(List<String> allowedOrigins) { this.allowedOrigins = (allowedOrigins != null ? new ArrayList<String>(allowedOrigins) : null); } /** * Return the configured origins to allow, possibly {@code null}. * @see #addAllowedOrigin(String) * @see #setAllowedOrigins(List) */ public List<String> getAllowedOrigins() { return this.allowedOrigins; } /** * Add an origin to allow. */ public void addAllowedOrigin(String origin) { if (this.allowedOrigins == null) { this.allowedOrigins = new ArrayList<String>(); } this.allowedOrigins.add(origin); } /** * Set the HTTP methods to allow, e.g. {@code "GET"}, {@code "POST"}, * {@code "PUT"}, etc. * <p>The special value {@code "*"} allows all methods. * <p>If not set, only {@code "GET"} is allowed. * <p>By default this is not set. */ public void setAllowedMethods(List<String> allowedMethods) { this.allowedMethods = (allowedMethods != null ? new ArrayList<String>(allowedMethods) : null); } /** * Return the allowed HTTP methods, possibly {@code null} in which case * only {@code "GET"} is allowed. * @see #addAllowedMethod(HttpMethod) * @see #addAllowedMethod(String) * @see #setAllowedMethods(List) */ public List<String> getAllowedMethods() { return this.allowedMethods; } /** * Add an HTTP method to allow. */ public void addAllowedMethod(HttpMethod method) { if (method != null) { addAllowedMethod(; } } /** * Add an HTTP method to allow. */ public void addAllowedMethod(String method) { if (StringUtil.hasText(method)) { if (this.allowedMethods == null) { this.allowedMethods = new ArrayList<String>(); } this.allowedMethods.add(method); } } /** * Set the list of headers that a pre-flight request can list as allowed * for use during an actual request. * <p>The special value {@code "*"} allows actual requests to send any * header. * <p>A header name is not required to be listed if it is one of: * {@code Cache-Control}, {@code Content-Language}, {@code Expires}, * {@code Last-Modified}, or {@code Pragma}. * <p>By default this is not set. */ public void setAllowedHeaders(List<String> allowedHeaders) { this.allowedHeaders = (allowedHeaders != null ? new ArrayList<String>(allowedHeaders) : null); } /** * Return the allowed actual request headers, possibly {@code null}. * @see #addAllowedHeader(String) * @see #setAllowedHeaders(List) */ public List<String> getAllowedHeaders() { return this.allowedHeaders; } /** * Add an actual request header to allow. */ public void addAllowedHeader(String allowedHeader) { if (this.allowedHeaders == null) { this.allowedHeaders = new ArrayList<String>(); } this.allowedHeaders.add(allowedHeader); } /** * Set the list of response headers other than simple headers (i.e. * {@code Cache-Control}, {@code Content-Language}, {@code Content-Type}, * {@code Expires}, {@code Last-Modified}, or {@code Pragma}) that an * actual response might have and can be exposed. * <p>Note that {@code "*"} is not a valid exposed header value. * <p>By default this is not set. */ public void setExposedHeaders(List<String> exposedHeaders) { if (exposedHeaders != null && exposedHeaders.contains(ALL)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'*' is not a valid exposed header value"); } this.exposedHeaders = (exposedHeaders == null ? null : new ArrayList<String>(exposedHeaders)); } /** * Return the configured response headers to expose, possibly {@code null}. * @see #addExposedHeader(String) * @see #setExposedHeaders(List) */ public List<String> getExposedHeaders() { return this.exposedHeaders; } /** * Add a response header to expose. * <p>Note that {@code "*"} is not a valid exposed header value. */ public void addExposedHeader(String exposedHeader) { if (ALL.equals(exposedHeader)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'*' is not a valid exposed header value"); } if (this.exposedHeaders == null) { this.exposedHeaders = new ArrayList<String>(); } this.exposedHeaders.add(exposedHeader); } /** * Whether user credentials are supported. * <p>By default this is not set (i.e. user credentials are not supported). */ public void setAllowCredentials(Boolean allowCredentials) { this.allowCredentials = allowCredentials; } /** * Return the configured {@code allowCredentials} flag, possibly {@code null}. * @see #setAllowCredentials(Boolean) */ public Boolean getAllowCredentials() { return this.allowCredentials; } /** * Configure how long, in seconds, the response from a pre-flight request * can be cached by clients. * <p>By default this is not set. */ public void setMaxAge(Long maxAge) { this.maxAge = maxAge; } /** * Return the configured {@code maxAge} value, possibly {@code null}. * @see #setMaxAge(Long) */ public Long getMaxAge() { return this.maxAge; } /** * Check the origin of the request against the configured allowed origins. * @param requestOrigin the origin to check * @return the origin to use for the response, possibly {@code null} which * means the request origin is not allowed */ public String checkOrigin(String requestOrigin) { if (!StringUtil.hasText(requestOrigin)) { return null; } if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(this.allowedOrigins)) { return null; } if (this.allowedOrigins.contains(ALL)) { if (this.allowCredentials != Boolean.TRUE) { return ALL; } else { return requestOrigin; } } for (String allowedOrigin : this.allowedOrigins) { if (requestOrigin.equalsIgnoreCase(allowedOrigin)) { return requestOrigin; } } return null; } /** * Check the HTTP request method (or the method from the * {@code Access-Control-Request-Method} header on a pre-flight request) * against the configured allowed methods. * @param requestMethod the HTTP request method to check * @return the list of HTTP methods to list in the response of a pre-flight * request, or {@code null} if the supplied {@code requestMethod} is not allowed */ public List<HttpMethod> checkHttpMethod(HttpMethod requestMethod) { if (requestMethod == null) { return null; } List<String> allowedMethods = (this.allowedMethods != null ? this.allowedMethods : new ArrayList<String>()); if (allowedMethods.contains(ALL)) { return Collections.singletonList(requestMethod); } if (allowedMethods.isEmpty()) { allowedMethods.add(; } List<HttpMethod> result = new ArrayList<HttpMethod>(allowedMethods.size()); boolean allowed = false; for (String method : allowedMethods) { if (requestMethod.matches(method)) { allowed = true; } HttpMethod resolved = HttpMethod.resolve(method); if (resolved != null) { result.add(resolved); } } return (allowed ? result : null); } /** * Check the supplied request headers (or the headers listed in the * {@code Access-Control-Request-Headers} of a pre-flight request) against * the configured allowed headers. * @param requestHeaders the request headers to check * @return the list of allowed headers to list in the response of a pre-flight * request, or {@code null} if none of the supplied request headers is allowed */ public List<String> checkHeaders(List<String> requestHeaders) { if (requestHeaders == null) { return null; } if (requestHeaders.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(this.allowedHeaders)) { return null; } boolean allowAnyHeader = this.allowedHeaders.contains(ALL); List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String requestHeader : requestHeaders) { if (StringUtil.hasText(requestHeader)) { requestHeader = requestHeader.trim(); for (String allowedHeader : this.allowedHeaders) { if (allowAnyHeader || requestHeader.equalsIgnoreCase(allowedHeader)) { result.add(requestHeader); break; } } } } return (result.isEmpty() ? null : result); } }