package org.frameworkset.schedule; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Queue; import org.frameworkset.util.Assert; public class ListenableFutureCallbackRegistry<T> { private final Queue<ListenableFutureCallback<? super T>> callbacks = new LinkedList<ListenableFutureCallback<? super T>>(); private State state = State.NEW; private Object result = null; private final Object mutex = new Object(); /** * Adds the given callback to this registry. * @param callback the callback to add */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void addCallback(ListenableFutureCallback<? super T> callback) { Assert.notNull(callback, "'callback' must not be null"); synchronized (mutex) { switch (state) { case NEW: callbacks.add(callback); break; case SUCCESS: callback.onSuccess((T)result); break; case FAILURE: callback.onFailure((Throwable) result); break; } } } /** * Triggers a {@link ListenableFutureCallback#onSuccess(Object)} call on all added * callbacks with the given result * @param result the result to trigger the callbacks with */ public void success(T result) { synchronized (mutex) { state = State.SUCCESS; this.result = result; while (!callbacks.isEmpty()) { callbacks.poll().onSuccess(result); } } } /** * Triggers a {@link ListenableFutureCallback#onFailure(Throwable)} call on all added * callbacks with the given {@code Throwable}. * @param t the exception to trigger the callbacks with */ public void failure(Throwable t) { synchronized (mutex) { state = State.FAILURE; this.result = t; while (!callbacks.isEmpty()) { callbacks.poll().onFailure(t); } } } private enum State {NEW, SUCCESS, FAILURE} }