/* * Created on 2004-7-12 * * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates */ package com.frameworkset.common.bean; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * 功能描述:存放组合查询的条件 * @author biaoping.yin * 2004-7-12 */ public abstract class QueryVO implements Serializable { private Map conditions = new HashMap(); private boolean builded = false; protected String queryString = ""; public static final int EQUAL = 0; public static final int BIGTHAN = 1; public static final int SMALLTHAN= 2; public static final int LIKE = 3; public void clear() { if(!conditions.isEmpty()) conditions.clear(); } public void setCondition(String key,String value,int operation) throws QueryVOException { if(key == null) throw new QueryVOException("setCondition Exception:key is null"); conditions.put(key,value); } public String getCondition(String key) throws QueryVOException { if(key == null) throw new QueryVOException("getCondition Exception:key is null"); return (String)conditions.get(key); } /** * 构造查询串的抽象方法 */ protected abstract String buildQuery() throws QueryVOException; /** * 获取查询串 */ public String getQueryString() throws QueryVOException { if(!builded) { try { queryString = buildQuery(); builded = true; } catch(QueryVOException e) { throw new QueryVOException("build query string Exception:" + e.getMessage()); } } return queryString; } }