package org.frameworkset.http; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import org.frameworkset.http.MimeType.SpecificityComparator; import org.frameworkset.util.Assert; import com.frameworkset.util.StringUtil; public class MimeTypeUtils { private static final byte[] BOUNDARY_CHARS = new byte[] {'-', '_', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'}; private static final Random RND = new Random(); private static Charset US_ASCII = Charset.forName("US-ASCII"); /** * Public constant mime type that includes all media ranges (i.e. "*/*"). */ public static final MimeType ALL; /** * A String equivalent of {@link MimeTypeUtils#ALL}. */ public static final String ALL_VALUE = "*/*"; /** * Public constant mime type for {@code application/atom+xml}. */ public final static MimeType APPLICATION_ATOM_XML; /** * A String equivalent of {@link MimeTypeUtils#APPLICATION_ATOM_XML}. */ public final static String APPLICATION_ATOM_XML_VALUE = "application/atom+xml"; /** * Public constant mime type for {@code application/x-www-form-urlencoded}. * */ public final static MimeType APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED; /** * A String equivalent of {@link MimeTypeUtils#APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED}. */ public final static String APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; /** * Public constant mime type for {@code application/json}. * */ public final static MimeType APPLICATION_JSON; /** * A String equivalent of {@link MimeTypeUtils#APPLICATION_JSON}. */ public final static String APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE = "application/json"; /** * Public constant mime type for {@code application/octet-stream}. * */ public final static MimeType APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM; /** * A String equivalent of {@link MimeTypeUtils#APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM}. */ public final static String APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_VALUE = "application/octet-stream"; /** * Public constant mime type for {@code application/xhtml+xml}. * */ public final static MimeType APPLICATION_XHTML_XML; /** * A String equivalent of {@link MimeTypeUtils#APPLICATION_XHTML_XML}. */ public final static String APPLICATION_XHTML_XML_VALUE = "application/xhtml+xml"; /** * Public constant mime type for {@code application/xml}. */ public final static MimeType APPLICATION_XML; /** * A String equivalent of {@link MimeTypeUtils#APPLICATION_XML}. */ public final static String APPLICATION_XML_VALUE = "application/xml"; /** * Public constant mime type for {@code image/gif}. */ public final static MimeType IMAGE_GIF; /** * A String equivalent of {@link MimeTypeUtils#IMAGE_GIF}. */ public final static String IMAGE_GIF_VALUE = "image/gif"; /** * Public constant mime type for {@code image/jpeg}. */ public final static MimeType IMAGE_JPEG; /** * A String equivalent of {@link MimeTypeUtils#IMAGE_JPEG}. */ public final static String IMAGE_JPEG_VALUE = "image/jpeg"; /** * Public constant mime type for {@code image/png}. */ public final static MimeType IMAGE_PNG; /** * A String equivalent of {@link MimeTypeUtils#IMAGE_PNG}. */ public final static String IMAGE_PNG_VALUE = "image/png"; /** * Public constant mime type for {@code multipart/form-data}. * */ public final static MimeType MULTIPART_FORM_DATA; /** * A String equivalent of {@link MimeTypeUtils#MULTIPART_FORM_DATA}. */ public final static String MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE = "multipart/form-data"; /** * Public constant mime type for {@code text/html}. * */ public final static MimeType TEXT_HTML; /** * A String equivalent of {@link MimeTypeUtils#TEXT_HTML}. */ public final static String TEXT_HTML_VALUE = "text/html"; /** * Public constant mime type for {@code text/plain}. * */ public final static MimeType TEXT_PLAIN; /** * A String equivalent of {@link MimeTypeUtils#TEXT_PLAIN}. */ public final static String TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE = "text/plain"; /** * Public constant mime type for {@code text/xml}. * */ public final static MimeType TEXT_XML; /** * A String equivalent of {@link MimeTypeUtils#TEXT_XML}. */ public final static String TEXT_XML_VALUE = "text/xml"; public final static String APPLICATION_JSONP_VALUE = "application/jsonp"; public final static MimeType APPLICATION_JSONP; static { ALL = MimeType.valueOf(ALL_VALUE); APPLICATION_ATOM_XML = MimeType.valueOf(APPLICATION_ATOM_XML_VALUE); APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED = MimeType.valueOf(APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE); APPLICATION_JSON = MimeType.valueOf(APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE); APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM = MimeType.valueOf(APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_VALUE); APPLICATION_XHTML_XML = MimeType.valueOf(APPLICATION_XHTML_XML_VALUE); APPLICATION_JSONP = new MimeType("application","jsonp"); APPLICATION_XML = MimeType.valueOf(APPLICATION_XML_VALUE); IMAGE_GIF = MimeType.valueOf(IMAGE_GIF_VALUE); IMAGE_JPEG = MimeType.valueOf(IMAGE_JPEG_VALUE); IMAGE_PNG = MimeType.valueOf(IMAGE_PNG_VALUE); MULTIPART_FORM_DATA = MimeType.valueOf(MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE); TEXT_HTML = MimeType.valueOf(TEXT_HTML_VALUE); TEXT_PLAIN = MimeType.valueOf(TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE); TEXT_XML = MimeType.valueOf(TEXT_XML_VALUE); } /** * Parse the given String into a single {@code MimeType}. * @param mimeType the string to parse * @return the mime type * @throws InvalidMimeTypeException if the string cannot be parsed */ public static MimeType parseMimeType(String mimeType) { if (!StringUtil.hasLength(mimeType)) { throw new InvalidMimeTypeException(mimeType, "'mimeType' must not be empty"); } String[] parts = StringUtil.tokenizeToStringArray(mimeType, ";"); String fullType = parts[0].trim(); // returns a *; q=.2 Accept header if (MimeType.WILDCARD_TYPE.equals(fullType)) { fullType = "*/*"; } int subIndex = fullType.indexOf('/'); if (subIndex == -1) { throw new InvalidMimeTypeException(mimeType, "does not contain '/'"); } if (subIndex == fullType.length() - 1) { throw new InvalidMimeTypeException(mimeType, "does not contain subtype after '/'"); } String type = fullType.substring(0, subIndex); String subtype = fullType.substring(subIndex + 1, fullType.length()); if (MimeType.WILDCARD_TYPE.equals(type) && !MimeType.WILDCARD_TYPE.equals(subtype)) { throw new InvalidMimeTypeException(mimeType, "wildcard type is legal only in '*/*' (all mime types)"); } Map<String, String> parameters = null; if (parts.length > 1) { parameters = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(parts.length - 1); for (int i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) { String parameter = parts[i]; int eqIndex = parameter.indexOf('='); if (eqIndex != -1) { String attribute = parameter.substring(0, eqIndex); String value = parameter.substring(eqIndex + 1, parameter.length()); parameters.put(attribute, value); } } } try { return new MimeType(type, subtype, parameters); } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException ex) { throw new InvalidMimeTypeException(mimeType, "unsupported charset '" + ex.getCharsetName() + "'"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new InvalidMimeTypeException(mimeType, ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Parse the given, comma-separated string into a list of {@code MimeType} objects. * @param mimeTypes the string to parse * @return the list of mime types * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the string cannot be parsed */ public static List<MimeType> parseMimeTypes(String mimeTypes) { if (!StringUtil.hasLength(mimeTypes)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } String[] tokens = mimeTypes.split(",\\s*"); List<MimeType> result = new ArrayList<MimeType>(tokens.length); for (String token : tokens) { result.add(parseMimeType(token)); } return result; } /** * Return a string representation of the given list of {@code MimeType} objects. * @param mimeTypes the string to parse * @return the list of mime types * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the String cannot be parsed */ public static String toString(Collection<? extends MimeType> mimeTypes) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (Iterator<? extends MimeType> iterator = mimeTypes.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { MimeType mimeType =; mimeType.appendTo(builder); if (iterator.hasNext()) { builder.append(", "); } } return builder.toString(); } /** * Sorts the given list of {@code MimeType} objects by specificity. * <p>Given two mime types: * <ol> * <li>if either mime type has a {@linkplain MimeType#isWildcardType() wildcard type}, * then the mime type without the wildcard is ordered before the other.</li> * <li>if the two mime types have different {@linkplain MimeType#getType() types}, * then they are considered equal and remain their current order.</li> * <li>if either mime type has a {@linkplain MimeType#isWildcardSubtype() wildcard subtype} * , then the mime type without the wildcard is sorted before the other.</li> * <li>if the two mime types have different {@linkplain MimeType#getSubtype() subtypes}, * then they are considered equal and remain their current order.</li> * <li>if the two mime types have a different amount of * {@linkplain MimeType#getParameter(String) parameters}, then the mime type with the most * parameters is ordered before the other.</li> * </ol> * <p>For example: <blockquote>audio/basic < audio/* < */*</blockquote> * <blockquote>audio/basic;level=1 < audio/basic</blockquote> * <blockquote>audio/basic == text/html</blockquote> <blockquote>audio/basic == * audio/wave</blockquote> * @param mimeTypes the list of mime types to be sorted * @see <a href="">HTTP 1.1: Semantics * and Content, section 5.3.2</a> */ public static void sortBySpecificity(List<MimeType> mimeTypes) { Assert.notNull(mimeTypes, "'mimeTypes' must not be null"); if (mimeTypes.size() > 1) { Collections.sort(mimeTypes, SPECIFICITY_COMPARATOR); } } /** * Generate a random MIME boundary as bytes, often used in multipart mime types. */ public static byte[] generateMultipartBoundary() { byte[] boundary = new byte[RND.nextInt(11) + 30]; for (int i = 0; i < boundary.length; i++) { boundary[i] = BOUNDARY_CHARS[RND.nextInt(BOUNDARY_CHARS.length)]; } return boundary; } /** * Generate a random MIME boundary as String, often used in multipart mime types. */ public static String generateMultipartBoundaryString() { return new String(generateMultipartBoundary(), US_ASCII); } /** * Comparator used by {@link #sortBySpecificity(List)}. */ public static final Comparator<MimeType> SPECIFICITY_COMPARATOR = new SpecificityComparator<MimeType>(); }