/* * Copyright 2008 biaoping.yin * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.frameworkset.util; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable; import java.lang.reflect.WildcardType; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; /** * <p>Title: GenericCollectionTypeResolver.java</p> * <p>Description: </p> * <p>bboss workgroup</p> * <p>Copyright (c) 2008</p> * @Date 2010-10-24 * @author biaoping.yin * @version 1.0 */ public abstract class GenericCollectionTypeResolver { /** * Determine the generic element type of the given Collection class * (if it declares one through a generic superclass or generic interface). * @param collectionClass the collection class to introspect * @return the generic type, or <code>null</code> if none */ public static Class getCollectionType(Class collectionClass) { return extractTypeFromClass(collectionClass, Collection.class, 0); } /** * Determine the generic key type of the given Map class * (if it declares one through a generic superclass or generic interface). * @param mapClass the map class to introspect * @return the generic type, or <code>null</code> if none */ public static Class getMapKeyType(Class mapClass) { return extractTypeFromClass(mapClass, Map.class, 0); } /** * Determine the generic value type of the given Map class * (if it declares one through a generic superclass or generic interface). * @param mapClass the map class to introspect * @return the generic type, or <code>null</code> if none */ public static Class getMapValueType(Class mapClass) { return extractTypeFromClass(mapClass, Map.class, 1); } /** * Determine the generic element type of the given Collection field. * @param collectionField the collection field to introspect * @return the generic type, or <code>null</code> if none */ public static Class getCollectionFieldType(Field collectionField) { return getGenericFieldType(collectionField, Collection.class, 0, 1); } /** * Determine the generic element type of the given Collection field. * @param collectionField the collection field to introspect * @param nestingLevel the nesting level of the target type * (typically 1; e.g. in case of a List of Lists, 1 would indicate the * nested List, whereas 2 would indicate the element of the nested List) * @return the generic type, or <code>null</code> if none */ public static Class getCollectionFieldType(Field collectionField, int nestingLevel) { return getGenericFieldType(collectionField, Collection.class, 0, nestingLevel); } /** * Determine the generic key type of the given Map field. * @param mapField the map field to introspect * @return the generic type, or <code>null</code> if none */ public static Class getMapKeyFieldType(Field mapField) { return getGenericFieldType(mapField, Map.class, 0, 1); } /** * Determine the generic key type of the given Map field. * @param mapField the map field to introspect * @param nestingLevel the nesting level of the target type * (typically 1; e.g. in case of a List of Lists, 1 would indicate the * nested List, whereas 2 would indicate the element of the nested List) * @return the generic type, or <code>null</code> if none */ public static Class getMapKeyFieldType(Field mapField, int nestingLevel) { return getGenericFieldType(mapField, Map.class, 0, nestingLevel); } /** * Determine the generic value type of the given Map field. * @param mapField the map field to introspect * @return the generic type, or <code>null</code> if none */ public static Class getMapValueFieldType(Field mapField) { return getGenericFieldType(mapField, Map.class, 1, 1); } /** * Determine the generic value type of the given Map field. * @param mapField the map field to introspect * @param nestingLevel the nesting level of the target type * (typically 1; e.g. in case of a List of Lists, 1 would indicate the * nested List, whereas 2 would indicate the element of the nested List) * @return the generic type, or <code>null</code> if none */ public static Class getMapValueFieldType(Field mapField, int nestingLevel) { return getGenericFieldType(mapField, Map.class, 1, nestingLevel); } /** * Determine the generic element type of the given Collection parameter. * @param methodParam the method parameter specification * @return the generic type, or <code>null</code> if none */ public static Class getCollectionParameterType(MethodParameter methodParam) { return getGenericParameterType(methodParam, Collection.class, 0); } /** * Determine the generic key type of the given Map parameter. * @param methodParam the method parameter specification * @return the generic type, or <code>null</code> if none */ public static Class getMapKeyParameterType(MethodParameter methodParam) { return getGenericParameterType(methodParam, Map.class, 0); } /** * Determine the generic value type of the given Map parameter. * @param methodParam the method parameter specification * @return the generic type, or <code>null</code> if none */ public static Class getMapValueParameterType(MethodParameter methodParam) { return getGenericParameterType(methodParam, Map.class, 1); } /** * Determine the generic element type of the given Collection return type. * @param method the method to check the return type for * @return the generic type, or <code>null</code> if none */ public static Class getCollectionReturnType(Method method) { return getGenericReturnType(method, Collection.class, 0, 1); } /** * Determine the generic element type of the given Collection return type. * <p>If the specified nesting level is higher than 1, the element type of * a nested Collection/Map will be analyzed. * @param method the method to check the return type for * @param nestingLevel the nesting level of the target type * (typically 1; e.g. in case of a List of Lists, 1 would indicate the * nested List, whereas 2 would indicate the element of the nested List) * @return the generic type, or <code>null</code> if none */ public static Class getCollectionReturnType(Method method, int nestingLevel) { return getGenericReturnType(method, Collection.class, 0, nestingLevel); } /** * Determine the generic key type of the given Map return type. * @param method the method to check the return type for * @return the generic type, or <code>null</code> if none */ public static Class getMapKeyReturnType(Method method) { return getGenericReturnType(method, Map.class, 0, 1); } /** * Determine the generic key type of the given Map return type. * @param method the method to check the return type for * @param nestingLevel the nesting level of the target type * (typically 1; e.g. in case of a List of Lists, 1 would indicate the * nested List, whereas 2 would indicate the element of the nested List) * @return the generic type, or <code>null</code> if none */ public static Class getMapKeyReturnType(Method method, int nestingLevel) { return getGenericReturnType(method, Map.class, 0, nestingLevel); } /** * Determine the generic value type of the given Map return type. * @param method the method to check the return type for * @return the generic type, or <code>null</code> if none */ public static Class getMapValueReturnType(Method method) { return getGenericReturnType(method, Map.class, 1, 1); } /** * Determine the generic value type of the given Map return type. * @param method the method to check the return type for * @param nestingLevel the nesting level of the target type * (typically 1; e.g. in case of a List of Lists, 1 would indicate the * nested List, whereas 2 would indicate the element of the nested List) * @return the generic type, or <code>null</code> if none */ public static Class getMapValueReturnType(Method method, int nestingLevel) { return getGenericReturnType(method, Map.class, 1, nestingLevel); } /** * Extract the generic parameter type from the given method or constructor. * @param methodParam the method parameter specification * @param source the source class/interface defining the generic parameter types * @param typeIndex the index of the type (e.g. 0 for Collections, * 0 for Map keys, 1 for Map values) * @return the generic type, or <code>null</code> if none */ private static Class getGenericParameterType(MethodParameter methodParam, Class source, int typeIndex) { return extractType(methodParam, GenericTypeResolver.getTargetType(methodParam), source, typeIndex, methodParam.getNestingLevel(), 1); } /** * Extract the generic type from the given field. * @param field the field to check the type for * @param source the source class/interface defining the generic parameter types * @param typeIndex the index of the type (e.g. 0 for Collections, * 0 for Map keys, 1 for Map values) * @param nestingLevel the nesting level of the target type * @return the generic type, or <code>null</code> if none */ private static Class getGenericFieldType(Field field, Class source, int typeIndex, int nestingLevel) { return extractType(null, field.getGenericType(), source, typeIndex, nestingLevel, 1); } /** * Extract the generic return type from the given method. * @param method the method to check the return type for * @param source the source class/interface defining the generic parameter types * @param typeIndex the index of the type (e.g. 0 for Collections, * 0 for Map keys, 1 for Map values) * @param nestingLevel the nesting level of the target type * @return the generic type, or <code>null</code> if none */ private static Class getGenericReturnType(Method method, Class source, int typeIndex, int nestingLevel) { return extractType(null, method.getGenericReturnType(), source, typeIndex, nestingLevel, 1); } /** * Extract the generic type from the given Type object. * @param methodParam the method parameter specification * @param type the Type to check * @param source the source collection/map Class that we check * @param typeIndex the index of the actual type argument * @param nestingLevel the nesting level of the target type * @param currentLevel the current nested level * @return the generic type as Class, or <code>null</code> if none */ private static Class extractType( MethodParameter methodParam, Type type, Class source, int typeIndex, int nestingLevel, int currentLevel) { Type resolvedType = type; if (type instanceof TypeVariable && methodParam != null && methodParam.getTypeVariableMap() != null) { Type mappedType = (Type) methodParam.getTypeVariableMap().get(type); if (mappedType != null) { resolvedType = mappedType; } } if (resolvedType instanceof ParameterizedType) { return extractTypeFromParameterizedType( methodParam, (ParameterizedType) resolvedType, source, typeIndex, nestingLevel, currentLevel); } else if (resolvedType instanceof Class) { return extractTypeFromClass(methodParam, (Class) resolvedType, source, typeIndex, nestingLevel, currentLevel); } else { return null; } } /** * Extract the generic type from the given ParameterizedType object. * @param methodParam the method parameter specification * @param ptype the ParameterizedType to check * @param source the expected raw source type (can be <code>null</code>) * @param typeIndex the index of the actual type argument * @param nestingLevel the nesting level of the target type * @param currentLevel the current nested level * @return the generic type as Class, or <code>null</code> if none */ private static Class extractTypeFromParameterizedType(MethodParameter methodParam, ParameterizedType ptype, Class source, int typeIndex, int nestingLevel, int currentLevel) { if (!(ptype.getRawType() instanceof Class)) { return null; } Class rawType = (Class) ptype.getRawType(); Type[] paramTypes = ptype.getActualTypeArguments(); if (nestingLevel - currentLevel > 0) { int nextLevel = currentLevel + 1; Integer currentTypeIndex = (methodParam != null ? methodParam.getTypeIndexForLevel(nextLevel) : null); // Default is last parameter type: Collection element or Map value. int indexToUse = (currentTypeIndex != null ? currentTypeIndex.intValue() : paramTypes.length - 1); Type paramType = paramTypes[indexToUse]; return extractType(methodParam, paramType, source, typeIndex, nestingLevel, nextLevel); } if (source != null && !source.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) { return null; } Class fromSuperclassOrInterface = extractTypeFromClass(methodParam, rawType, source, typeIndex, nestingLevel, currentLevel); if (fromSuperclassOrInterface != null) { return fromSuperclassOrInterface; } if (paramTypes == null || typeIndex >= paramTypes.length) { return null; } Type paramType = paramTypes[typeIndex]; if (paramType instanceof TypeVariable && methodParam != null && methodParam.getTypeVariableMap() != null) { Type mappedType = (Type) methodParam.getTypeVariableMap().get(paramType); if (mappedType != null) { paramType = mappedType; } } if (paramType instanceof WildcardType) { Type[] lowerBounds = ((WildcardType) paramType).getLowerBounds(); if (lowerBounds != null && lowerBounds.length > 0) { paramType = lowerBounds[0]; } } if (paramType instanceof ParameterizedType) { paramType = ((ParameterizedType) paramType).getRawType(); } if (paramType instanceof GenericArrayType) { // A generic array type... Let's turn it into a straight array type if possible. Type compType = ((GenericArrayType) paramType).getGenericComponentType(); if (compType instanceof Class) { return Array.newInstance((Class) compType, 0).getClass(); } } else if (paramType instanceof Class) { // We finally got a straight Class... return (Class) paramType; } return null; } /** * Extract the generic type from the given Class object. * @param clazz the Class to check * @param source the expected raw source type (can be <code>null</code>) * @param typeIndex the index of the actual type argument * @return the generic type as Class, or <code>null</code> if none */ private static Class extractTypeFromClass(Class clazz, Class source, int typeIndex) { return extractTypeFromClass(null, clazz, source, typeIndex, 1, 1); } /** * Extract the generic type from the given Class object. * @param methodParam the method parameter specification * @param clazz the Class to check * @param source the expected raw source type (can be <code>null</code>) * @param typeIndex the index of the actual type argument * @param nestingLevel the nesting level of the target type * @param currentLevel the current nested level * @return the generic type as Class, or <code>null</code> if none */ private static Class extractTypeFromClass( MethodParameter methodParam, Class clazz, Class source, int typeIndex, int nestingLevel, int currentLevel) { if (clazz.getName().startsWith("java.util.")) { return null; } if (clazz.getSuperclass() != null && isIntrospectionCandidate(clazz.getSuperclass())) { return extractType(methodParam, clazz.getGenericSuperclass(), source, typeIndex, nestingLevel, currentLevel); } Type[] ifcs = clazz.getGenericInterfaces(); if (ifcs != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ifcs.length; i++) { Type ifc = ifcs[i]; Type rawType = ifc; if (ifc instanceof ParameterizedType) { rawType = ((ParameterizedType) ifc).getRawType(); } if (rawType instanceof Class && isIntrospectionCandidate((Class) rawType)) { return extractType(methodParam, ifc, source, typeIndex, nestingLevel, currentLevel); } } } return null; } /** * Determine whether the given class is a potential candidate * that defines generic collection or map types. * @param clazz the class to check * @return whether the given class is assignable to Collection or Map */ private static boolean isIntrospectionCandidate(Class clazz) { return (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz) || Map.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)); } }