/* * * Title: The ERP System of kelamayi Downhole Company [PMIP] * * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004 * * Company: westerasoft Co., Ltd * * All right reserved. * * Created on 2004-11-8 * * JDK version used :1.4.1 * * Modification history: * */ package com.frameworkset.common.tag.pager.tags; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.List; import com.frameworkset.common.tag.BaseTag; /** * 功能:根据提供的list进行循环,显示每一个list的数据 * 该标签需要在PagerDataSet及派生标签内部使用 * @author zhiguo.wang * @version 1.0 */ public class LoopList extends BaseTag { /** * 需要循环的list名称 */ private String listname=null; private int loopID=0; private List objList=null; public void setListname(String name){ listname = name; } public String getListname(){ return listname; } public int getLoopID(){ return loopID; } public List getObjList(){ return objList; } public int doStartTag(){ if(getListname()==null){ return SKIP_BODY; } PagerDataSet dataSet = (PagerDataSet) findAncestorWithClass(this, PagerDataSet.class); Object newObj = dataSet.getValue(dataSet.getRowid(),getListname()); if(newObj!=null&&(newObj instanceof List)){ objList = (List)newObj; if(objList.size()>0) return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE; } return SKIP_BODY; } public int doAfterBody(){ if(loopID < objList.size() - 1) { loopID ++; return EVAL_BODY_AGAIN; } return SKIP_BODY; } /** * Description: * @return String * @see com.frameworkset.common.tag.BaseTag#generateContent() */ public String generateContent() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } /** * Description: * @param output * @see com.frameworkset.common.tag.BaseTag#write(java.io.OutputStream) */ public void write(OutputStream output) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }