/* * Copyright 2008 biaoping.yin * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" bboss persistent, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.frameworkset.common.poolman.management; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.frameworkset.common.poolman.DBUtil; import com.frameworkset.common.poolman.sql.ColumnMetaData; import com.frameworkset.common.poolman.sql.PrimaryKey; import com.frameworkset.common.poolman.sql.PrimaryKeyCache; import com.frameworkset.common.poolman.sql.PrimaryKeyCacheManager; import com.frameworkset.common.poolman.util.SQLManager; import com.frameworkset.orm.adapter.DB; import com.frameworkset.orm.transaction.JDBCTransaction; import com.frameworkset.orm.transaction.TransactionManager; /** * @author biaoping.yin created on 2005-3-30 TODO To change the template for * this generated type comment go to Window - Preferences - Java - Code * Style - Code Templates */ public abstract class BaseTableManager { // static PrimaryKeyCacheManager manager = PrimaryKeyCacheManager.getInstance(); private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(BaseTableManager.class); // 查询表的信息sql public static final String queryTableInfoSql = "select * from tableinfo"; public static final String queryTableInfoSqlBytableName = "select * from tableinfo where table_name=?"; // 获取表的主键值sql public static final String queryPrimaryKey = "select max(?) from ?"; // 更新tableinfo中表的最新主键值sql public static final String updateTableInfoSql = "update tableinfo set table_id_value=? where upper(table_name)=?"; private static final Object token = new Object(); public static PrimaryKeyCache getPoolTableInfos(String poolName) throws Exception { Connection con = null; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs1 = null; Statement q_pstmt = null; PreparedStatement u_pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; Map trace = new HashMap(); try { PrimaryKeyCache keyCache = new PrimaryKeyCache(poolName); con = SQLManager.getInstance().requestConnection(poolName); log.info("load pool[" + poolName + "] tables information......."); stmt = con.createStatement(); try { rs = stmt.executeQuery(queryTableInfoSql); } catch (Exception e1) { log.info("Ignore load table infomation !Check table [tableinfo] in your database! "); return null; } DB dbAdapter = SQLManager.getInstance().getDBAdapter(poolName); q_pstmt = con.createStatement(); u_pstmt = con.prepareStatement(updateTableInfoSql); // 创建数据库链接池的主键缓冲池 while (rs.next()) { String table_name = rs.getString("table_name").trim(); if(trace.containsKey(table_name.toLowerCase())) { log.info("警告:tableinfo表中存在多条【" + table_name + "】的主键信息,只能保持一条记录,否则会影响与该表相关的业务的处理.") ; } else { trace.put(table_name.toLowerCase(), token); } log.info(" load table[" + table_name + "] information......."); // System.out.println(" load table[" + table_name // + "] information......."); String table_id_name = rs.getString("table_id_name").trim(); int table_id_increment = rs.getInt("table_id_increment"); long table_id_value = rs.getLong("table_id_value"); String type = rs.getString("TABLE_ID_TYPE"); String metaType = "int"; if(type == null || type.equals("")) { type = "int"; } if(type .equals("sequence") ) { ColumnMetaData cd = DBUtil.getColumnMetaData(table_name,table_id_name,con); if(cd != null) { int type_ = cd.getDataType(); metaType = PrimaryKey.getJavaType(type_); } else { metaType = "int"; } } else if(type .equals("uuid") ) { ColumnMetaData cd = DBUtil.getColumnMetaData(table_name,table_id_name,con); if(cd != null) { int type_ = cd.getDataType(); metaType = PrimaryKey.getJavaType(type_); } else { metaType = "string"; } } else { metaType = type; } String prefix = rs.getString("table_id_prefix"); String TABLE_ID_GENERATOR = rs.getString("TABLE_ID_GENERATOR"); if (prefix == null) prefix = ""; // Connection con1 = // SQLManager.getInstance().requestConnection(poolName); try { // to_number(logoff_time-logon_time); // SUBSTR('Message',1,4); /** * SUBSTR(table_id_name,LENGTH(table_id_prefix)) */ // System.out.println("table_name:" + table_name); String maxSql = dbAdapter.getIDMAXSql(table_name, table_id_name, prefix, metaType); if(!type .equals("uuid") && !type .equals("sequence") ) { rs1 = q_pstmt.executeQuery(maxSql); long new_table_id_value = 0l; if (rs1.next()) { new_table_id_value = rs1.getLong(1);// PrimaryKey.parserSequence(rs1.getString(1),prefix,type,table_name); } // 如果tableinfo表中表主键值与表的实际主键值不相符时,更新tableinfo中表的主键值 if (new_table_id_value > table_id_value || new_table_id_value < table_id_value) { u_pstmt.setString(2, table_name.toUpperCase()); u_pstmt.setLong(1, new_table_id_value); u_pstmt.execute(); table_id_value = new_table_id_value; } } PrimaryKey primaryKey = new PrimaryKey(poolName, table_name .toLowerCase(), table_id_name.toLowerCase(), table_id_increment, table_id_value, type, prefix,maxSql,TABLE_ID_GENERATOR,con); keyCache.addIDTable(primaryKey); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // 获取表的主键信息失败时自动跳过本表主键信息初始化 log.error(" load table[" + table_name + "] failed!\r\nerror message:\r\n" + e.getMessage(),e); continue; } } return keyCache; } catch (Exception e) { log.info("Load table infomation failed! " + e.getMessage() + ". Please check table [tableinfo] in your database! "); return null; } finally { trace.clear(); try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ; } try { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ; } try { if (rs1 != null) rs1.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ; } try { if (q_pstmt != null) q_pstmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ; } try { if (u_pstmt != null) u_pstmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ; } try { if (con != null) { con.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { ; } } } /** * 如果表的主键信息不存在时通过本方法从数据库中实时加载表的主键信息 * * @param poolName * @param tableName * @return * @throws Exception */ public static PrimaryKey getPoolTableInfo(String poolName, String tableName) throws Exception { return getPoolTableInfo( poolName,null, tableName); } /** * 如果表的主键信息不存在时通过本方法从数据库中实时加载表的主键信息 * * @param poolName * @param Connection con 外部传入的系统链接 * @param tableName * @return * @throws Exception * added by biaoping.yin on 2008.05.29 */ public static PrimaryKey getPoolTableInfo(String poolName,Connection con, String tableName) throws Exception { // Connection con = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs1 = null; Statement q_pstmt = null; PreparedStatement u_pstmt = null; //区分是否使用外部链接标识,方法参数con为空时,需要改变outcon的值为false boolean outcon = true; ResultSet rs = null; JDBCTransaction tx = null; log.debug("load pool[" + poolName + "] tables information......."); try { if(con == null) { tx = TransactionManager.getTransaction(); //判断当前的操作是否在事务环境中,如果在使用事务环境的链接 if(tx != null) { con = tx.getConnection(poolName); } else { con = SQLManager.getInstance().requestConnection(poolName); } outcon = false; } q_pstmt = con.createStatement(); u_pstmt = con.prepareStatement(updateTableInfoSql); stmt = con.prepareStatement(queryTableInfoSqlBytableName); stmt.setString(1, tableName); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); DB dbAdapter = SQLManager.getInstance().getDBAdapter(poolName); // 创建数据库链接池的主键缓冲池 if (rs.next()) { String table_name = rs.getString("table_name").trim(); log.info(" load table[" + table_name + "] information......."); String table_id_name = rs.getString("table_id_name").trim(); int table_id_increment = rs.getInt("table_id_increment"); long table_id_value = rs.getLong("table_id_value"); String type = rs.getString("table_id_type"); String prefix = rs.getString("table_id_prefix"); String TABLE_ID_GENERATOR = rs.getString("TABLE_ID_GENERATOR"); String metaType = "int"; if(type == null || type.equals("")) { type = "int"; } if(type.equals("sequence")) { ColumnMetaData cd = DBUtil.getColumnMetaData(table_name,table_id_name,con); if(cd != null) { int type_ = cd.getDataType(); metaType = PrimaryKey.getJavaType(type_); }else { metaType = "int"; } } else if(type.equals("uuid")) { ColumnMetaData cd = DBUtil.getColumnMetaData(table_name,table_id_name,con); if(cd != null) { int type_ = cd.getDataType(); metaType = PrimaryKey.getJavaType(type_); }else { metaType = "string"; } } else { metaType = type; } // if(!type.equals("sequence")) { // Connection con1 = // SQLManager.getInstance().requestConnection(poolName); String maxSql = dbAdapter.getIDMAXSql(table_name, table_id_name, prefix, metaType); try { if(!type .equals("uuid") && !type .equals("sequence") ) { rs1 = q_pstmt.executeQuery(maxSql); long new_table_id_value = 0; if (rs1.next()) { new_table_id_value = rs1.getLong(1);// PrimaryKey.parserSequence(rs1.getString(1),prefix,type,table_name); } // 如果tableinfo表中表主键值与表的实际主键值不相符时,更新tableinfo中表的主键值 if (new_table_id_value > table_id_value || new_table_id_value < table_id_value) { u_pstmt.setString(2, table_name.toUpperCase()); u_pstmt.setLong(1, new_table_id_value); u_pstmt.execute(); table_id_value = new_table_id_value; } } PrimaryKey primaryKey = new PrimaryKey(poolName, table_name .toLowerCase(), table_id_name.toLowerCase(), table_id_increment, table_id_value, type, prefix,maxSql,TABLE_ID_GENERATOR,con); return primaryKey; } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // 获取表的主键信息失败时自动跳过本表主键信息初始化 log.error(" load table[" + table_name + "] failed:" + e.getMessage(),e); } } // else // { // PrimaryKey primaryKey = new PrimaryKey(poolName, table_name // .toLowerCase(), table_id_name.toLowerCase(), // table_id_increment, table_id_value, type, // prefix,"select " + TABLE_ID_GENERATOR + ".nextval from dual"); // return primaryKey; // } } } catch (Exception e) { // throw e; } finally { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ; } try { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ; } try { if (rs1 != null) rs1.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ; } try { if (q_pstmt != null) q_pstmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ; } try { if (u_pstmt != null) u_pstmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ; } try { if (con != null ) { if(tx == null && !outcon) { con.close(); } } } catch (Exception e) { ; } con = null; } return null; } public void initTableInfo() throws Exception { log.debug("initial tableinfo start......."); // 获取所有的数据库链接池的名称 java.util.List<String> poolNames = SQLManager.getInstance() .getAllPoolNamesIfExist(); // 同步数据库表与该表在tableinfo中的相应的信息(主键值) // 同步开始 for(int i = 0; i < poolNames.size(); i ++) { String poolName = poolNames.get(i); // PrimaryKeyCache keyCache = new PrimaryKeyCache(poolName); try { String _poolname = SQLManager.getRealDBNameFromExternalDBName(poolName); if(PrimaryKeyCacheManager.getInstance().getPrimaryKeyCache(_poolname) == null) { PrimaryKeyCache keyCache = getPoolTableInfos(_poolname); if(keyCache != null) PrimaryKeyCacheManager.getInstance().addPrimaryKeyCache(keyCache); } } catch (Exception e) { // 获取表的主键信息失败时自动跳过本表主键信息初始化 log.info("load pool[" + poolName + "] tables information failed!\r\nerror message:\r\n" ,e); // e.printStackTrace(); // continue; // throw e; } } log.debug("initial tableinfo complete!"); } public static void initTableInfo(String poolName) throws Exception { log.debug("initial tableinfo start for ["+poolName+"]......."); // 同步数据库表与该表在tableinfo中的相应的信息(主键值) // 同步开始 try { String _poolname = SQLManager.getRealDBNameFromExternalDBNameIfExist(poolName); if(PrimaryKeyCacheManager.getInstance().getPrimaryKeyCache(_poolname) == null) { PrimaryKeyCache keyCache = getPoolTableInfos(_poolname); if(keyCache != null) PrimaryKeyCacheManager.getInstance().addPrimaryKeyCache(keyCache); } } catch (Exception e) { // 获取表的主键信息失败时自动跳过本表主键信息初始化 log.error("load pool[" + poolName + "] tables information failed!\r\nerror message:\r\n" + e.getMessage(),e); // e.printStackTrace(); // continue; // throw e; } log.debug("initial tableinfo complete!"); } public static void removePrimaryKeyCache(String poolname) { if(PrimaryKeyCacheManager.getInstance() != null) { // String poolname_ = SQLManager.getRealDBNameFromExternalDBName(poolname); PrimaryKeyCacheManager.getInstance().removePrimaryKeyCache(poolname); } } // 更新缓冲区信息到数据库中 public static void updateTableInfo() { } }