package ttftcuts.physis.common.file; import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.gameevent.PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedInEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.gameevent.PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedOutEvent; import; import; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import; public class ServerData { private static final String TIMETAG = "ServerTick"; public static class ServerDataHandler { @SubscribeEvent public void onWorldLoad(Load event) { if ( { reload(true); } } @SubscribeEvent public void onPlayerLogin(PlayerLoggedInEvent event) { instance(false).sendDataToPlayer(event.player); } @SubscribeEvent public void onPlayerChangedDimension(PlayerLoggedOutEvent event) { instance(false).sendDataToPlayer(event.player); } } public final boolean client; private static ServerData serverInstance; private static ServerData clientInstance; /*private File saveDir; private File saveFile; private File backupFile;*/ public long serverTick = 0; public static void reload(boolean client) { ServerData data = new ServerData(client); if (client) { clientInstance = data; } else { serverInstance = data; } } public static ServerData instance(boolean client) { return client ? clientInstance : serverInstance; } public static void tick(boolean client) { ServerData instance = ServerData.instance(client); if (instance != null) { if (client) { if (!Minecraft.getMinecraft().isGamePaused()) { instance.serverTick++; } } else { instance.serverTick++; if (PhysisWorldSavedData.instance != null) { PhysisWorldSavedData.setWorldLong(TIMETAG, instance.serverTick); } if (instance.serverTick % 600 == 0) { instance.sendDataToAll(); } } } } public static void setTime(long time, boolean client) { ServerData instance = ServerData.instance(client); if (instance != null) { instance.serverTick = time; if (!client && PhysisWorldSavedData.instance != null) { PhysisWorldSavedData.setWorldLong(TIMETAG, instance.serverTick); } } } public ServerData(boolean client) { this.client = client; this.serverTick = 0; if (!client && PhysisWorldSavedData.instance != null) { this.serverTick = PhysisWorldSavedData.getWorldLong(TIMETAG); } } /*public void load() { saveDir = new File(DimensionManager.getCurrentSaveRootDirectory(), Physis.MOD_ID); try { if (!saveDir.exists()) { saveDir.mkdirs(); } saveFile = new File(saveDir, "serverData.dat"); backupFile = new File(saveDir, "serverDataBackup.dat"); NBTTagCompound data = null; boolean saveBackup = false; if (saveFile != null && saveFile.exists()) { try { FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(saveFile); data = CompressedStreamTools.readCompressed(input); input.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (saveFile == null || !saveFile.exists() || data == null || data.hasNoTags() ) { if (backupFile != null && backupFile.exists()) { try { FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(backupFile); data = CompressedStreamTools.readCompressed(input); input.close(); saveBackup = true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } if (data != null) { this.serverTick = data.getLong("serverTick");"Loaded server tick: "+this.serverTick+ " for "+saveDir); if (saveBackup) {; } } } catch (Exception e) { Physis.logger.fatal("Failed to load world data file."); e.printStackTrace(); } }*/ /*public void save() { try { if (saveFile != null && saveFile.exists()) { try { Files.copy(saveFile, backupFile); } catch (Exception e) { Physis.logger.error("Could not save backup world data file"); e.printStackTrace(); } } try { if (saveFile != null) { NBTTagCompound data = new NBTTagCompound(); data.setLong("serverTick", serverTick); FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(saveFile); CompressedStreamTools.writeCompressed(data, output); output.close(); //"Saved server tick: "+this.serverTick+" for "+saveDir); } } catch (Exception e) { Physis.logger.error("Failed to save world data file."); e.printStackTrace(); if (saveFile.exists()) { try { saveFile.delete(); } catch (Exception e2) {} } } } catch (Exception e) { Physis.logger.fatal("Failed to save world data file."); e.printStackTrace(); } }*/ public void sendDataToPlayer(EntityPlayer player) { if (player instanceof EntityPlayerMP) { PhysisPacketHandler.bus.sendTo(PacketWorldTime.createPacket(this.serverTick-1), (EntityPlayerMP)player); } } public void sendDataToAll() { PhysisPacketHandler.bus.sendToAll(PacketWorldTime.createPacket(this.serverTick-1)); } }